.⠀۟⠀。 fall; chapter 13 .⠀۟⠀。

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      the fresh season of autumn, caressed your hair as orange and yellow leaves fall off trees. mostly people call this season 'harvest-time' which is incredible, families and tourist enjoys the beauty of japan, taking pictures of the vivid colored trees, having picnics under them as petals tickles their skin. other than spring, autumn is also amusing. 

       it amazes [y/n] while she walks at the school grounds. students were sitting at benches, others were also passing by her, some were rushing and some just calmly made their ways through the doors. 

       walking towards her clubroom, she then finds a person standing at the front of the door. her expression beams up to see who it was. you were excited that maybe both of you could get along, he did seem pretty nice for the pass few weeks. "are you going to open the door?" his eyes that were straight fixed to the knobs were now looking at you.

      "after you." he gestured, having you open it first. happily nodding, you exclaimed once you entered the clubroom. the members were respectful and polite, no issues were really made throughout the month. they treated you kindly, and would always be delighted every time you entered the room.

    cheerful smiles were exchanged as you walked to a desk, it wasn't unusual for them anymore-- it had been straight 2 months. a friendly aura would always be given out once you appeared.

      "[y/n]-senpai as cheerful as ever." hyoga remarked as he settles in his chair, you then rest your back and leaned farther. "you should try to be cheerful too, hyoga-kun." paintbrushes tapped to the table, arranging them by size and placing it back to a holder. on the other hand, he didn't respond, facing back to a piece of wood that hasn't been carved. 

     you were taking glances back and forth to both hyoga and the wood, you needed to say something, yet you couldn't find proper words to say. "what is it senpai?" he asked, glancing over to you. "stop calling me senpai already, use 'san' like yuzuriha does." you explained while pointing out.

     now realizing that yuzuriha or nikki wasn't there, you'd have to spend the whole vacant afternoon with your snob junior--hyoga. after debating with himself if he should touch the wood or not, eventually he got tired. he stood up and walked out the door. "great." you mumble to yourself, now alone at your desk. 

     after a while, the door again creaked open. the huge figure of hyoga walked back to his chair, hands to it while it made a sharp sound, making you scrunch your eyebrows. "please do not make any further noise." you shot him a glare, unclogging your ears because of the sharp squeak. 

      hyoga sighed, pushing a juice box to you. the serious face that you had on beamed up, realizing it's the flavor you wanted. however, you tried to grab it, he suddenly took it back, sneering at you as your face turns to disbelief, lips formed to a thin line.

      "die." you rolled your eyes, facing your head to the other side. still sulking as the chilly sensation of a plastic cardboard pressed to your face, "you're so cringe." he says before settling back to his seat. you pierced the straw to the juice pouch, grinning as you exclaimed a "thank you!" to him. the boy only responded you with a wave, also adding a joking about you paying it.

      more club members started appear, silently signing up the attendance as you welcomed them. afterwards they would either continue their unfinished projects or just walk away. today was the same as usual, nothing really that much of excitement nor exhaustment.  

       some time later, yuzuriha and nikki came rushing in towards the clubroom. their enthusiasm plastered unbearable to their faces.

      "kaseki-sensei, agreed to the form!" with nikki's one hand raised to the air, yuzuriha squealed with excitement. it had seem the president handed out a new form to them--which was their responsibility to take care of as a part of the club. you were just staring with an puzzled smile, "so, what's that?" shaking your head as you questioned their sudden appearance. 

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