.⠀۟⠀。 rain; chapter 10.⠀۟⠀。

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          i hope his shoes are clean too, you wandered off. not even noticing someone from behind, your eyes too fixed to your shoes.

          "[y/n]-san is it okay to walk with you?" a voice from behind ringed into your ears, startling you, making you jump a little bit. with the sun already set, the surroundings only took a bit of light, you would be wary on who's around. "is your hobby scaring people?" you jokingly asked. however, your tone was sarcastic, it didn't really mean much. he responded with a giggle, shrugging at you.

         [y/n]'s eyes focused to him, looking at him in front of her—his white hair caressed by the wind softly. his black earphones hanged through his neck, the wire connected somewhere in his jacket. as smile formed his lips, as soon as he does--butterflies flutter in the insides of her abdomen, welcoming different emotions as the silent atmosphere lets her hear the melodies of her own heartbeat, it was loudly beating to the female's chest. although, there was a gap between both of them, providing each other space while looking at each others figure. she could see him properly, head to toe.

        moths had already been flying on the lampposts, eerie sounds as the night almost begins, the sun steadily moving downwards over the horizon whilst branches shook by the wind—resulting some of its leaves to fly away, passing cars and people's footsteps could be heard, but the question was one of the things she wanted to hear right now. 

         with such little thing, it made her feel fluffy inside, her smile widened when she heard his words. the sounds had already grew familiar to her ever since. hoping even from the other side, he'd know she was here listening to the sound of his voice. 
         "sure, i don't mind." she looked back at front, examining the streets as he proceeded next to her. 

         her gaze fixed above the sky, the blue sky had already turned into grey. clouds moving slowly, while early stars twinkle through the grey skies as the world eventually turns. she wonders how it turns to a pace whereas the axis spins it turning the morning to night. how does this planet moves in a circular way through the orbit, showing living things different seasons? 

         seasons; summer, winter, spring, and fall. there would be logical reasons on how it changes the ambience. holding it on a specific place and eventually something changes when it meets the sun's temperature. just like morning and night, on how it switches and takes turns. how the night shows us the darkness and sol brought by the universe, and how the morning provides us sunlight and warmth, surrounding us so we would be able to see clearly.

         speaking of morning, a memory hours ago suddenly loomed through your mind. with you betting on racing down stairs, then losing to your own challenge. you didn't want to trick him and just make it pass by, you had to! 

          you grinned, finding a good thing to treat him. "can we visit the convenience store?" you requested him to accompany you. he tilted his head to you, "do you need something there?" you nodded. moreover, you bit your lip, trying to avoid smiling. he completely forgot.

          along with ukyo, you skipped through the open doors of a convenience store near by. you were now approaching a freezer filled with ice creams.

          happily informing the assigned staff who was sitting on the counter looking at the tv. now noticing people entered, her green eyes scanned the customers. now approving, she gave you a smile and agreed as long as you won't snitch on her. you then opened the heavens of popsicles and freezing dessert towards you. 

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