.⠀۟⠀。 home; chapter 11.⠀۟⠀。

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     "where are you spending your weekends?" luna asked, sipping on her vanilla latte—holding it on her right hand. right now, both of you are in a small coffee shop chatting and planning out for the weekends. luna was really picky about restaurants and shops, that's why now you're sitting in a parsons chair by the window in a luxurious pastry shop, swirling the whipped cream on a strawberry frappuccino. now thinking about her question, not really knowing where to spend the weekends.

     "i have to go home there's still stuff i forgot to bring." you remembered on the first day—on the phone call, your mom mentioned about the things you left. kind of nervous if the house would be larger than what you expect it to be. what would be the things that changed?

      luna nodded, taking another sip at her drink before looking back to you. "say hi to your sister for me." 


       currently reaching the address you were supposed to be, you looked to the house plate which was hanged right though the gate. "[l/n]"

       the house was painted mist and beige, it was captivating to look at. supposedly it was black and white. but now it had two light colors. it was also quite larger than the original one, extra windows had flower pots decorated in front of them.

        you entered the gate only to be greeted by a female younger than you, she's wearing dotted pajamas and a plain white t-shirt, her hair was in a tight bun. her face looked the same as yours, not really accurately but she took some features. 

        "you're my sister?" you asked confusedly, still observing her face. shocked that she really looked too related to you, you can't believe it whether she's a lost sister or such. you only remember your mother giving birth to 3 children, now 4? it might have been one of those impossible things in thid world.

         she frowned, "yes, i'm your sister. give me a hug." she then opened her arms, hugging you tightly. your arms were crushed between, so you couldn't embrace her back.

        your lips were shaped into a thin line, awkwardly patting her on the side as she still doesn't let go. "i had a sister?" you placed a hand to your mouth to avoid your jaw from dropping. "ugh, you're always so mean to me, i'm telling mom." she sulked, walking away and entering the house before you. you stood straight in front of the door, dumbfounded on what just happened.

         finally opening the door, noise and crying's welcomed you as a sharp blast of air conditioner blew to your face. 

         two little boys were fighting over a toy robot, one tugging through the head and the other one pulling its shoes. watching them was irritating, you then walked to the living room—where they were, trying to handle the situation. placing your bag to the ground as it gives a thud sound.

         "hi." you greeted, you gave out a small wave, hoping that they would heed their attention to their sister. after noticing your presence, they faced you, faces suddenly lightened up. they suddenly jumped making you fall, giggles of two toddlers were now heard instead of cries. 

        a man entered the living room, embracing and joining everyone. even more giggles were heard, you looked up to see who it was. now sitting down as confusion hit you. "you're here?" you asked him, while blinking roughly. you now remembered, it was a different dimension. a dimension where it went right.

       looking down, you felt kind of sad. "why can't i have a life like this in my own world?" 

      "dinner is already at the table!" your mom shouted from the kitchen. everyone gathered to the table directly. mostly the whole meal was filled with laughter and conversations about school.

        "[y/n] literally asked me of i was her sister. like... who am i? a house keeper?" your sister complained, hitting the table with her utensils. with the shake it gave other's plates also clicked.

         your mom gave her a glare for her attitude, "yeah, yeah sorry. geez." she apologized, standing up to get some water.

         your lips curled into a smile, it was fun to have a sister almost the same age as yours. both of you could get along just as quickly. "sorry, i just thought you were." you joked and giggled, watching her re-enter the kitchen table. she then rolls her eyes at you, "you think you're funny?"

         "i AM funny."

         a threatening aura was felt through your body, you stood up quick. starting to move aside as she glares, observing you step by step. she then tensed her hands to one of the chairs, you held one hand to a chair as she starts hesitating—more like tricking you where she would go.

          with a mark of RUN!—that slammed through your brain, your legs then moved swiftly as they could. running around the house, while she was behind chasing you.

          "you're adopted!" your mouth ran although you were out of breath. she growls at you from behind, making you chuckle as you look left and right through a cabinet. her head tilted towards every movement, not letting you out of her sight. "shut up!"

           your mom could only sigh, she was used to all the fightings in the house. all the trouble and play fights, it was almost everyday.

         it was almost halfway through midnight, you guessed your parents and little brothers would be asleep, but you knew one person would also be awake at this hour.

        you made your way to her room, carefully stepping to the floor avoiding creaks. finally knocking to her door, you heard footsteps coming closer. her door suddenly opened, revealing a face with an annoyed look. you grinned when you saw her face.

        she left the door be, letting you in. also gesturing that you would have to be the one to close it. 

         "do you think i'm a good sister, tsui?" you asked, you had to ask her her name before, but it really made her sulk. you plopped through her mattress and looked through the strip led colored lights, it was changing colors every now and then. on the other hand, she was too focused at her phone, tapping through it with both hands. "uhuh, you are but you also aren't." she snorted out. you rolled your eyes and moved your head the other way. a small smile plastered to your face. hopes that you could maintain your relationship with her, even though you clearly don't know her that much.

          "i hope i am."

         "don't gooo" "whyyy?" whines were heard from the inside of the house, arms were gripping down your feet down below, you were dragging along the person as you tried to reach the door knobs. "it's still sundaaaay, you only stayed for like a day." tsui paused, while you move your head out of annoyance. 

          "aw, c'mon!" you finally reached the door knob, her hands were still gripping your feet—still getting dragged. "i will bring you mochi all day after school just staaay!" she kept whining, she was still of course in middle school her annoyance was understandable for you. 

          you gave up, sighing at the moment. she beamed up, standing back up and wiping her clothes. in that split second, you then ran outside. "BYE!" "UNFAIR!" another series of chasing were to be played. 

         tsui was the one who gave up in the end, hugging you and hesitating again and again. eventually she let you go, bidding you goodbye and wiping the corners of her eyes. 

         "bring a boyfriend in you next visit." she laughed, "i will." you joked—unless- 

          you entered the train, taking small breaths, still out of stamina. still joyful that you visited, although it was just for a little while. 

         "that was home, huh?"


hello!!!! i am back from all the stress and i might as well finish this book. thank you so much for the support ily all<33

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