.⠀۟⠀。 science club; chapter 7.⠀۟⠀。

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          two of you set foot at the gates, watching as other students pass before you could. a car stopped right infront, flinching with how it just popped out of nowhere. you smiled just to see who it was, of course—the rich girl who had connections because of her father, would get an extravagant entrance. 

         "ah! [y/n]-chan!" she took off her shades, her excitement was soon to be interrupted looking behind who was with you, "...and ukyo-kun" her smile turned to a smirk, making your face be flushed early in the morning. shaking your head to her 'not now'. "luna, inside the gates now." you pushed her to the gates, she yelped, and tried stopping you. 

        moreover, kohaku and chrome was already there waiting. after noticing everyone, chrome gave a huge wave, signaling everyone where they were. chrome had a huge grin on his face, it seemed like he was thrilled to announce something to everyone. his face was illustrated with much excitement, blush formed his cheeks and you could see steams from his nose--looking more fired up.

       finally reaching them, chrome raised his index finger up front. "i proudly say..." two of his fingers were placed now in his forehead, "...i impressed everyone at science club." he looked back at everyone with a proud expression.

       luna raised one of her eyebrows at him, "how'd you do that?" she asked, one hand on her hip. chrome wiped off a invisible dust on his shoulders, scoffing at luna's statement. 


        everyone looked at him with disbelief, "this kid..." everyone's reaction was priceless. kohaku could only chuckle at his words, her arms crossed along her chest. "well, that's chrome for you." furthermore, all of you headed towards the building, talking about random things that might come to mind. 

        suddenly, two people walking across the building door caught your eye, you look their way—hoping they were the exact persons you expected. a smile overtook your face, watching both of them—in this life fulfill both of their words. "maybe if we met 3,700 years ago. if we had met before this planet turned to stone, you might just have been my very first friend."  along the pathways was the so-called "the strongest high school primate" and the smartest radish head in this school, together walking and talking.

         currently with your state right now, melted and touched, wiping your tears at the moment. ukyo for the 2nd time of the day, scared the heck out of you. making you groan out of annoyance, you pushed him to the 2nd floor—to where the classroom is. "you keep giving me heart attacks, saionji ukyo-kun." 

         the white haired boy who was spying at the girl minutes ago, was pushed from behind towards the stairs. "let's go, we're going to be late." the girl in the back stated, still hands on his back pushing him step by step. ukyo couldn't help but laugh at her childish actions, he purposely made his weigh a little heavy for her to push. "i know what you're doing, don't look behind." 

       now reaching the floor you wanted to be, she still hasn't stop pushing him to the room. the girl kept saying phases like "don't look behind.", "eyes up front." the young man stopped his tracks, her head hit his back—unsteady footing, which made her fall to the ground.

        ukyo faced back at her, only to see her flushed face—that she was obviously hiding from him, she wouldn't want him to see her shedding tears about tsukasa and senku—dramatically remembering the show she used to watch. he'd call the nickname again. "tomato-chan, stand up." he kneeled to where he could see her face, flicking her head before offering her a hand. 

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