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*Mia's P.O.V*

Esme keeps a tight hold on me, letting me lay against her as I bury my face into the teddy bear. I huff slightly, feeling her hand comb through my hair as best as it can since my hair's a tangled mess still.

"Do you want me to brush your hair little one?" Esme whispers, her voice soft and quiet in the room. I was overwhelmed with the fact that I could hear the rain, the people downstairs, the sound of lighting and thunder in the air. I whine, burying my face into her arm when she turns my head towards her.

"I'll take that as a no for now," Esme muses, taking a deep breath which startled me since I didn't think most vampires did that. I occasionally did, slipping back into my habits from before I was turned.

"You breathe?" I ask, my senses fading slightly as I focus on the way her chest rises and falls. Esme rubs my back, letting me rest my head on her chest as I feel my chest rising slightly to copy her breathing pattern.

"Yes, I am breathing. Can you keep copying me?" Esme asks, making me nod my head hesitantly as I try to keep copying her breathing. It's kind of hard to do, every time I think that I am close to copying her pattern, it seems to change. My teddy bear kind of falls out of my hand at one point, landing on the floor next to me. I sniffle slightly, getting more comfortable as I cuddle into Esme.

"You're doing so good angel, so very good," Esme praises me, making me freeze. I smile slightly, my brows furrowing at the sudden praise.

"Angel, I like that," I whisper, earning a smile from Esme. Her canine teeth form slight fangs, ones that make mine look like nothing at all. Mine were practically butter knives and hers were like daggers, so she was much better at hunting than me. I pouted my lips slightly, not liking how sharp hers were since mine did nothing at all.

"Yeah, you like being my angel?" Esme asks, making me nod my head slightly. She picks up the teddy bear that I had dropped, giving it back to me. I happily take it, holding it close to my chest.

"Do you like your teddy bear?" Esme asks. I nod my head much faster at that, wanting her to know how much I liked the teddy bear so she wouldn't take it away.

"Bears are cool," I whisper to Esme, earning a small hum from Esme as she touches my teddy bear's nose, booping it. I giggle when she turns my head towards her, doing the same thing to me. My nose wrinkles up slightly, a squeal escaping me when Esme does it again.

"You are just so cute, so very cute," Esme says, making me shake my head.

"No? You think that you're not cute? I disagree, you're a very cute little bear," Esme says. I huff slightly at her words, showing my fangs as a small growl escapes me. Esme raises an eyebrow, seeming almost amused as she rubs my back. I whine slightly, upset that she didn't think my bear was super scary.

"Can I brush your hair, scary little bear?" Esme asks, making me nod my head hesitantly after a moment. Esme carefully gets up, letting me go for a moment. My eyes follow her, looking at her with wide eyes. I wait impatiently, ready for her to come back. Esme is actually pretty quick, coming back after a few seconds with a hairbrush.

Esme sits down beside me, having me lean back against her. I do so reluctantly, playing with the teddy bear that she had given me. I make growling sounds, moving the bear along my legs. Esme hums softly, carefully working her hairbrush through my hair. I have quite a few tangles but Esme is very careful when working the brush through my hair.

"You are such a scary little bear, aren't you darling? So very scary and vicious," Esme whispers, making me nod my head. The hairbrush catches one of the tangles when I do that, making me whine slightly as I turn to face Esme.

"Sorry darling, I didn't expect you to move your head so suddenly," Esme says, patting my leg gently. I pout slightly, turning my attention back to the teddy bear that is laying on my legs. I look up when the door opens, freezing for a moment before I realize it's Carlisle. Carlisle smiles slightly, crossing the room to be near me and Esme.

"What are you girls doing?" Carlisle asks, crouching down in front of me. I showed him the teddy bear, my words eluding me since Esme could talk better than me.

"I am brushing the little bear's hair and she is having much fun with her teddy bear," Esme says, her voice soft. I smile at being called little bear, a small growl escaping me at her words. Something about how she treats me just makes me feel so tiny, like it was the only way that I deserved to be treated. It also makes me feel all warm and happy.

"What's your bear's name?" Carlisle asks, reaching his hand out. I draw my teddy bear away, giving him a suspicious look as I hold my teddy bear close to my chest. I love my teddy bear, quite a lot in fact. He couldn't hold the teddy bear or even touch him.

"Night," I say, tucking the teddy bear under my chin as I wrap my arms around him as best as I can.

"Oh...that's a cute name. I can't say I'm surprised you don't want to share him, he seems very special to you," Carlisle says, making me nod my head. This was the first teddy bear I had ever had in my memories, I wasn't keen on sharing him with anyone. Even if it's for a second just to let Carlisle see him.

"Of course it's special, it's her teddy bear. Silly man, doesn't understand how special teddy bears are to our Mia," Esme says, making me practically vibrate in her arms at her words. Our Mia. I liked that a lot, I decided as I hid my face in my teddy bear.

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