Time Flies (Chapter 1)

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SURPRISE FELLAS! CHAPTER 1 TIME FLIES! No more chapters every 3 days type of thing since this isn't a rewrite and these chapters will be much longer and consistent with the 3k and 4K words per chapter. Maybe 5k who knows . I'd say a chapter every week or two. I'm stoked for this story. Ima shut up now. Hope you enjoy!

Time flies
The entire town of Adventure Bay sat in a crowd at Farmer Umi's field. Even the police department, fire fighters and EMT's came. The common people and most of their children were wearing PAW Patrol styled clothing. Mayor Goodway took to the stage with a cup of water. "Our beloved PAW Patrol has yet again saved the lives of many last Saturday. When an incoming ship unexpectedly caught on fire....it seemed like there was no hope but Ryder wouldn't let that get in the way. Marshall courageously walked in and brought out 6 people. It would've been almost useless without the assistance of Skye and Zuma to escort them off the boat. Let's give a round of applause to these three!" The Mayor said moving out the way for Skye, Zuma and Marshall to walk onto the stage. The crowd cheered and clapped for the three. "Can't forget the man behind the operations!" The Mayor added queuing Ryder to head onto the stage. The four stood and waved like usual. It was their 12th ceremony in the past year and the town only got more excited. "It's crazy to think that one and a half years ago an eighteen year old kid walked up to me and said 'I need funding for a new project.' I didn't have much hope for it and didn't really want to do anything but when I heard he was the prodigy son of Haily and Officer Josh I was invested in it. I accepted it and now here we are. Saving lives and keeping this town safe." The mayor said repeating that story for the 12th time. The crowd was silent and patiently waiting for something to happen.

Behind the stage were the other 3 members of the PAW Patrol. Chase, Rocky and Rubble.
"It's incredibly interesting to see how the crowd hasn't got bored of the us. Our 12th time doing this and it's a repeat of the last one." Rocky chuckled at their stupidity.
"Don't be mad that you've only been up there 4 times and Skye has been up there like 8 times. Your time will come..... next year." Rubble joked as he ate some treats. Rocky rolled his eyes. He's been up there the least out of the Paw Patrol while Skye has been up there the most.
Rocky decided to fire up another topic. "We've been friends for what? Almost 2 years now. Do you think there will be any more of us?" Rocky asked seeing if there could be anymore roles to fit in.
"More members on the team?" Chase asked. "6 of us seems like a lot already" he added. Rocky nodded in.
Rubble's facial expression looked like a lightbulb just got turned on. "I once told Ryder that we should get a specialized snow team. Wouldn't that be cool!" Rubble exclaimed revealing his genius idea.
Rocky shook his head and almost chuckled at the craziness of the idea. "That would be horrible. It doesn't even snow in Adventure Bay." Rocky replied.
Chase decided to share his thought on it. "I for one think it's a great idea. Maybe not a whole team but who says they have to live here." Chase said defending Rubble's idea.
Rocky's mind changed...somewhat "Hmm I guess if they were stationed in the snow where they should be then yeah but in adventure bay...that's an easy no."
"Imagine throwing a husky in the desert." Rubble said on the topic of snow. "It would have a heat stroke in seconds." Rocky joked. Chase decided to keep himself out of this. He tried to listen to as Rocky started to make hypothetical ideas with Rubble.

Ryder sat as the mayor finished her speech on how useful the PAW Patrol has been the past year and a half. The crowd started to cheer before Ryder hushed them "I don't think anyone has thought of this but hey! I'll be glad to be the first one to suggest  it. When most of you hear the PAW Patrol you'll probably think... 'oh...just the small town team.' Adventure Bay isn't really that small I'm not sure why I said that but the point I'm trying to make is that I'm not stopping here!" Ryder said feeling the excitement course through his blood. The crowd was mostly confused. "Everybody starts somewhere and the Paw Patrol starts here in the city of Adventure bay! It went from a small idea to this. Now it's time make it international! Imagine what we could do if we could operate all around the U.S? Even the World?" Ryder rhetorically asked the crowd. "My dream was my father's dream. To help people in need. He died trying to do that...." Ryder quickly paused to make sure he didn't start tearing up. "I want to make it true. That is why I've already started make a second base in San Francisco California. One of our neighboring cities. I plan on recruiting more members. I believe any dog has what it takes. That is why when we accept new members it won't be purely based off of skill, it'll be off of character and truthfulness. My pups aren't the best at what they do, I sure wouldn't have said that last year. But their hearts and purpose is what makes them great! Raw talent can only go so far. The PAW Patrol is going to be better than ever!" Ryder yells as the crowed cheered and clapped while some of them even got teary eyed.
The pups were very concerned and how many more Ryder was planning on bringing.
That...that was 2 years ago...

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