The AfterParty (Chapter 5)

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You'll be see different POV's from last Chapter this time. I think it'll be mostly from others POV's. Hope the double upload is nice because I'm really having issues with some of my future chapters for this story are turning out to be shit so you might have to wait a little longer. Chapter 6 could be going a lot better, might have to rewrite it.
Well I'll probably mention some more at the bottom but for now I'll shut up, hope y'all enjoy.

The After Party
Day 1
Pup tags beeped throughout the lookout early in the morning. Most of the pups lazily walked in knowing there wasn't an emergency. Rocky brought up the fact that there was a pattern in calls. When Ryder says "Paw patrol to the lookout!" There's a mission but when it's anything else it's usually a small task or something irrelevant.
They lined up all in the wrong order and woke themselves up. "So, I'll be disappearing these next few days. Few I mean 3. It's come to my attention that a bonding time is needed for all of you. Mayor Goodway selected me to go to the district meeting for the cities since I'm smart, well known and basically everything. Carlos and Jake will be coming with me." Ryder said waiting for any questions. He expected everything the pups could shoot at him.
Rocky raised his paw. "You aren't technically leaving us since you usually leave the security cameras on." He smirked.
Ryder smirked back. "I 100% expected you to say that. You're becoming predictable Rocky. Big brain, no sense of mixing it up." Ryder said.
The pups looked around to see the camera completely powered down and hanging low. The pups wanted to see if Ryder had everything planned out.
Skye raises her paw to see if she could outsmart Ryder. "So...if I really wanted to I could leave for 3 days?" She asks.
Ryder let out a long sigh and paused for a bit. "Nope, nobody comes in or goes out.. I put censors around the perimeter of the lookout. They're clearly visible." Ryder said. He knows every pup straight from the back of his head. He studies them, their actions, and their emotions. He even made some files for every single one at base A including Everest and Tracker. He still has to finish up somethings with Tracker though. Then he wants them to do video entry saying basically everything. The they'll be locked up for good in a safe until everyone agrees on opening them up.
Jake wanted to be apart of the conversation as well. "You better enjoy it because once we get back me and Everest are heading straight up to the mountains again." He informed. Most of the pups "awwed" and whined upon hearing Everest's departure in 3 days. Chase and Rocky stood silent. "Do you think it'll be cold?" Rocky questioned.
"I thought snow was hot...." Chase blankly replied. He wondered why Rocky would even think to ask if going to the mountains wouldn't be cold.
Rocky was going to reply to his sarcastic comment but something came to his mind. "You know how Ryder said you can't work on that syndicate idea? You should ask if he's taking a break because of you and your little mess you two have." Rocky suggested with an evil grin. Chase shrugged still butthurt about that situation. The urge to work on it nags at him 24/7.
Chase didn't raise his paw. "Are you leaving because of me?" Chase asked.
Ryder was internally fuming. Of all thing Chase could've asked, he decided to ask this. "Partiality, I still have to go to the board meeting but time he-
-Heals everything I know I've heard that millions of times." Chase said finishing the sentence for Ryder. Ryder let out a sigh. "Is that all?" He said in a significantly sadder tone.
Everyone nodded and all had the same thought. Ryder, Jake and Carlos walk out of the lookout and everyone but Rocky angrily looks toward Chase. "What was that for?" Skye asked speaking out first.
Chase cocked his head back. "What do you mean? I do everything he asks and the one time I really want to do something he tells me to drop it." Chase replied back.
"Yeah because he cares for you! Did you see yourself when you fiwst heard about the Syndicate thing?" Zuma objected.
Luna's ears perked and her body slightly stiffened. She decided to listen in on the conversation.
"They awen't even a thing anymore! Thewe's nothing to even worry about." Zuma added.
She relaxed even more knowing they don't know everything. Last thing she wanted was them messing with something they couldn't understand.
Chase was going to rebut with his thoughts on it but he kept quiet. "Fine...I'll apologize when Ryder gets back. I won't like it though." Chase mumbled as he turned away from the pups.
"Good" most of the pups replied and walked away from Chase. Chase sighed and looked at Rocky who gave him the idea. Rocky was slowly inching backwards away from Chase as well.
"Hey hey hey, you gave me the idea. We're going to sink in the same boat." Chase replied.
Rocky sighed knowing he was just as in much trouble as Chase. He was just glad nobody knew he gave Chase the idea.
Zuma's POV
I decided to head my own way after Chase's stupid question. It's infuriating that he treats Ryder like that because of one little bump. Anyways I was in the kitchen with the twins. They seemed to be making some food for us.
Should I go or should I stay? "Screw it" I mumbled knowing today will only get more boring.
"Hey Zuma." Ella happily greets as she looks at the back of a box.
"What should we eat?" Tuck asks.
I thought about. Really anything they make will taste good. They are both amazing chefs on their own and together they make some of the greatest stuff you could even eat. "Not suwe, so many options." I reply.
Ella and Tuck nodded started to think.
Tucks eyes lit up. "Since nobody is here to regulate anything, we could technically make anything happen right?" Tuck asked.
Zuma and Ella nodded. "Well then! Let's have a barbecue like all day. Play games, watch movies, hang out, and relax. Ryder left us here for a reason so let's not waste it." Tuck said trying to convince us. I on board with any sort of party. "I'll go wound up evewyone!" I exclaimed.
What games can we play? We aren't being watched by Ryder so...perfect. My first thought to start with Rocky since he usually hangs out at the top of the lookout.
As I get to the top I can hear two voices and one of them is definitely Chase. I quietly sneak up the stairs to hear what was going on. "What should I say? Sorry for being a jerk?" Chase says.
I can make out the second voice to be Rocky.
"Well yeah, you were trying to make a point and you completely messed that one really messed it up." Rocky replied.
I listen for a little bit longer to try and get some context but all I could get from it was that Chase was going to apologize for how's he been acting these last couple of days. That great to hear.
"How else could I make a point then?" Chase asked.
I smiled as all this waiting has finally paid off. I didn't realize I was leaning in too much because they both stopped talking. I wanted to peak my head over but I wanted to hear. Suddenly they mentioned my name.
Rocky coughed. "What are your thoughts on the other pups? Do you find any annoying?" He asked.
I smiled even brighter now knowing what we they said next was juicy.
"Well...there is one that gets on my nerves and bug me." Chase replied.
I anxiously waited almost ready the jump. "Who?"
My excitement died down into confusion. Am I annoying? Tons of questions race through my head and I started to hyperventilate. What if Ella finds me annoying!?? And Ryder and Marshall and Rocky and-"Zuma! We're messing with you!" Rocky exclaimed.
My breathing starts to regulate and I calm down. "None of that was true?" I ask. My voice was so shaky and raspy.
I tried coughing but it only got rid of the raspiness.
"Yeah man! We would never say something like that and mean it." Rocky replied. I look to Chase and he nodded.
I felt relieved none of that was true. Yeah I may be slightly hyper when it comes to parties and events but at the lookout I'm as cool as...popsicle? I sat with the them. "Maybe don't eavesdrop because you might hear something you don't want to hear." Chase suggested. I gave him a nod.
I'm still gonna eavesdrop on people. It's fun. "Okay okay, move. Me and Rocky need to apologize." Chase said pushing out of the frame of camera view.
What did Rocky have to do with this? "Wocky?"
He gave me a nervous chuckle that didn't seem promising at all. "Okay... well I kinda gave Chase the idea to say that. Big oopsie on my part." He explained. I rolled my eyes and stood to the side. Rocky is going to be the downfall of Chase.
Not even 2 seconds of ringing the phone was answered. "Chase?" Ryder questions with some uncertainty in his tone.
Chase took a deep breath. "I wanted to say sorry for how I acted this morning." He started. Ryder's face softened as he listened.
"I'm sorry too, I'm the one to told Chase to say that. I was just curious and that's bad on me." Rocky said jumping in while he could.
Ryder lifted an eyebrow to Rocky's apology. "I had a thought that it was you...I accept your apologies though. I have something to apologize for as well. Sorry for not allowed you to work on that Syndicate thing but you seemed really worked up on it and-
-it's fine sir. I promise to try and leave it alone." Chase said cutting him off so he didn't need to talk anymore. Ryder nodded.
I guess hearing Chase call him "sir" was all he needed. Although this was very heartwarming I had a job to do.
Once they hung up I capitalized on it not giving them a chance to talk. "We need you guys down stairs. We've decided to have a bawbecue since we can't leave." I informed. They both nodded and followed me downstairs.
At the bottom Ella had already retrieved Skye, Rubble, Marshall, Ash, Arrby and Cath. "Took you long enough." Skye retorted as we got down. "Well they did some apologizing. Chase has a vulnerable side to him." I joked. I could hear the Shepherd release a loud huff.
"We're missing Everest and Tracker." Rubble informed.
Just then they both walked in with very tired eyes. "You guys wake up late." Chase said.
"Ha." Everest unenthusiastically laughed. She seemed to tired to be in her usual playful mood.
I decide to go over to Rubble since he's always the most fun to talk to. Sometimes Rocky but he finds a way to get me to help him with some science things.
"Heyy Wubble! Weady to Pawty and eat food?" I ask.
On the mention of food he curiously looks at me. "What kind of food?" He asks.
Im honestly not sure what kind of food Tuck and Ella are going to make. "The kind you eat." I smirked. Just then Tracker joined us.
I slowly fell out of the conversation since they were talking about superheroes and stuff. Yeah I liked superheroes but I only watched the movies. Rubble was really into it. Comics, shows, movies and literally anything that had Batman or SpiderMan included he knew about. I think he's growing out of it though since a package came in a couple days ago. I got a little curious and opened it and it was all 11 Star Wars movies. Ryder got it for him since he asked for them. I agreed to watch them with Rubble since they were movies and I like movies. Everyone does. Maybe not Luna. She wasn't a fan of anything to be fair.
30 minutes later
Ella's POV
Is it exciting to be with all the pups? Definitely, Zuma definitely adds the fun to parties. I strive to be as crazy as him but I don't get how he's comfortable with just letting go with all sense of common thinking. Maybe because he's a guy and doesn't have to worry about some unmentioned things...*cough* girl kidnappings *cough* I doubt that could happen since I'm constantly around my friends.
I don't remember the last time we all hung out for more than 10 minutes. Zuma is a big help since he knows how to have a party. I don't really consider this a party though. Who cares. "What are we making?" Tuck asks as he grabs a pan.
I didn't wanna try anything to far fetched. "Let's go with steak, it's simple and tastes amazing." I reply.
Then a second issue came up. We can't reach the top of the grill that well. I guess Rocky over heard us when he was talking to Zuma. "I might have a solution. Me and Ryder have been working on a prototype..." he sheepishly said.
Tuck tilted his head. "For how long?" He asked.
"7 months." Chase said helping out Rocky.
I was confused. "What's this prototype?" I ask.
Rocky coughed. "Well...Rubble said it would be cool to have a Robotic dog, like a butler. Ryder thought it was a good idea so he asked me to help him build one." Rocky explained. He looked nervous and like he was about to fall over.
"For 7 months you have been making a robot? And you two kept quiet?" Tuck asks in an angered tone.
"I actually wasn't supposed to know. I walked in on them working on it." Chase jumped in.
Tuck looked over to Rocky. "How many more secrets are you hiding from us?" He angrily asks as he slowly moves towards him.
"Robo dog!" Rocky exclaimed.
Everyone in the room stopped. We were joined by the other members of the team. I look around waiting for something to happen but it was pretty anticlimactic.
A secret door opened up and out walked a robot dog. One impressive thing was that I didn't even know there was a door there. "This is Robo dog." Rocky said standing next to the robot.
It was the same height as Zuma. "How will that help us cook? He can barely reach the grill as well?" I asked.
Rocky gulped. "Try not to mess with him, he only responds to orders. He can't carry a conversation...yet." Rocky informs. We all nod patiently waiting for something cool to happen.
He continued. "Robo dog! Active self assistance."
As Rocky said that, the visor turned grey and two cute robot eyes turned on. "He doesn't have a voice box yet." Rocky nervously chuckled. I guess Rocky didn't feel safe with robo dog around us. "Robo dog! Set commands to Rocky. Tuck. Ella." Rocky said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Rubble questioned.
Rocky smirked. "Means you guys can't give him commands." He replied.
Everyone but me and Tuck let out a groan. "Whyyyyy?" Zuma questioned.
"Because I don't want you guys ruining it. This is simply a test run for him" Rocky explained.
I could tell that they wanted to object but Rocky was mostly right. They could find a way to break him within minutes.
Tuck grabbed at least 18 steaks. "Robo dog! Follow?" Tuck said with uncertainty. Robo dog followed Tuck really closely. "Can't he space out a little more?" Tuck asked.
"Nope, I'll have to note that down." Rocky replied. Tuck rolled his eyes and headed outside with Robo dog right behind him. I stood around to see everyone slowly start talking. I would assume they are talking about the robot.
After about a minute Tuck walks back inside. "What are you doing in here?" I ask. He should be manning the grill.
He has a surprised facial expression. "Hello?" I add.
"The robot can cook! Can you believe that?" He finally exclaims. "It can cook?" I repeated but towards Rocky.
He couldn't help but smile. "It can do so many more things, I just don't want to over load his processor aka We're trying to improve." Rocky explained. I was thoroughly expressed with Rocky and Ryder's work. The stuff they did is cool, like the air patroller. That's a marvel right there. Non of us have seen the inside besides Tracker and Carlos.
I walk over to Zuma to thank him for getting Chase and Rocky. "No pwoblem." He weirdly smiles before I even say anything. "Are you okay? I ask.
"Yeah yeah yeah I'm cool." He quickly replies. I take his word and walk outside with Tuck to assist the robotic dog.
Normal POV (not sure what else to call it)
Arrby stood next to the heavily panting chocolate lab as Ella walked away. He took deep inhales and exhales every couple of seconds. "What happened?" Zuma asked.
Arrby laughed for a bit before suddenly stopping. "You my not so great friend, you are catching feelings for Ella." He whispered.
Zuma froze. "N-n-no I'm not. Whewe did you get that crazy idea from?" Zuma said trying to push him away from that idea.
Zuma was in complete panic mode. Not once in his lifetime has he ever done that with a girl. Sure he was good with girls because he has the ego the size of Mount Everest but this was way more nerve racking.
Arrby looked around the room to make sure nobody was close enough to hear their conversation. "I'm going to be honest and straightforward here Zuma, I lost my shit when I first met Catherine. I couldn't walk, talk or even act like me for a solid week. Luckily she new what was going on and we fell in love perfectly." Arrby explained.
Zuma was surprised and confused at the same time. He had never heard Arrby talk so nice to him before. He was also confused on what the point of all that was. "Mhm, point was?" Zuma asked.
Arrby rolled his eyes. "It'll only get harder to talk to her. Reason you talk well with other girls is because you don't respect them. You treat em like one night stands. This is a whole nother ball game Zuma. One I don't think you're ready for." Arrby explained.
Zuma took it to heart. "I'm ready for it. I can bet a weeks wowth or tweats on it." Zuma challenged.
Arrby scoffed. "I don't even know what we're betting on." He replied.
"That you wewre like...10% wong, I'm ready fow this new ballgame." Zuma replied.
Arrby rolled his eyes. "There's that ego flaring up again. Zuma she's going to find out." Arrby responded with a sigh.
"Come on let's bet on it. Nobody will find out." Zuma challenged again.
Arrby unwillingly nodded his head. He honestly didn't want to eat Zuma's treats for a week. He didn't need em and he felt bad for taking them. Zuma is as arrogant and dumb as he is fun. That's what makes him Zuma.
They shook their paws out. "I'll give it a week before someone finds out." Arrby added.
"Deal." Zuma cockily replied.
Arrby pulled him close. "If you tell anyone about this talk I'll personally egg you every night for the next 3 months." He threatened. Zuma quickly nodded.
He found eggs gross and disgusting, it was basically eating chicken fetus's which he found gross.
After abut 45 long minutes every steak was cooked and ready to be eaten. Zuma had a pretty good thought. "Does Wobo dog have a built in lie detector?" He asked.
Rocky raised an eyebrow. "You serious?" He rhetorically asked
Zuma nervously chuckled. He realized his question was a little bizarre. "Okay, it was quite a dumb question to as-
-of course he has one! He's Robo dog!" Rocky exclaimed.
The PAW Patrol overall liked the idea of Robo dog as a butler. They continued to slowly chew their steaks for awhile.

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