To The Queen (Chapter 13)

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Chapter 13! I'm working on other stories at the moment! There are quite a few tbh. Anyways hope you enjoy.
Over the past two weeks Chase has been watching over Marshall like a hawk while Rocky worked with the castles brightest minds to make a close replica of Ryder's engine that took Rocky's fuel. He kept the formula to himself for many different reasons. Although he might slip up for tell one pup.

Marshall hasn't made a speedy recovery. To be honest it's been very slow but the end of it is near. Marshall sat up and took a sip of water. "Thanks for watching over me." He said as he looked at Chase's new fur look.
Chase noticed Marshall scanning his body. "You're next, once you're good enough to walk and not fall over you'll be looking whiter than the clouds." Chase chuckled.
Marshall gave a weak laugh bad before laying back down and falling asleep once more.
Chase sat back. "3...years. Rocky was saying 3 months." He mumbled.

The princess stood at the top of the castle with high tech equipment. She looked down at the control panel that sent and received messages and exhaled.

She backed away and rubbed the back of her head. "What's the worst that can happen..." she mumbled.
She pressed a button that closely resembled a lookout tower. A camera popped out and small red light flashed three times before staying lit.
The princess closed her eyes and sighed. "Okay...I'm not sure if the lookout is still able to receive this message but Chase, Marshall, and Rocky are okay...Marshall is very sick but Chase is watching over him. Rocky is helping Sweetie work on an engine and Rubble...he's...he's gone bad." The princess said.
A spark popped out of the control panel. "Not now!" She mumbled as she quickly finished. "I don't have much time to finish this good but they are still alive!" She finished. She instantly pressed a green button as the machinery really started popping. "Shoot! I need Sweetie." She mumbled as she backed away from the burnt control panels.
She hoped the message got sent. She made her way down stairs and passed Marshall's room waving to Chase as she walked by and headed outside.
Rocky and Sweetie were the ones leading the operation...Rocky just drew out the schematics for and then let them build it.
Rocky went into a shed where everything he needed was. No one was to enter until they knocked and got permission from Rocky himself.
Sweeties hadn't made an attempt to see but she felt curious today.

From a far the queen watched her daughter like pup knock on the door. From what the queen knew about Rocky...she didn't think she was getting in.
"Who is it?!?" Rocky called out.
Sweeties paused for a bit. "It''s Sweetie. You probably don't wa-
"Come in!" Rocky quickly called out with a hint of excitement.
She opened the door to see glowing green powder. "Is this....the fuel?" She asked.
Rocky hummed. "Almost. I still have some more processing to do but yes this is the beginning part. Leaving my knowledge about this and keeping it a secret is a waste of knowledge. It's more eco friendly and a million times longer than gasoline." Rocky quickly says.
Sweetie had many questions on why it was glowing but Rocky seemed to have prepped for everything. "A drop of my original starter fluid for this went very bad for me and Chase. Turned our fur green. After a week of testing things out! I've found it. Not to weak but not crazy strong. When it's green it means it's help me out real quick."
Sweetie watched the scientist go to work on the fuel. "So what have you been doing in here the past two weeks?" Sweetie asked as the process of producing seemed pretty fast.
Rocky burped and sighed. "Excuse me. I've been reading and waiting for you. You're the only person I can think of to make this kind of stuff...Ryder as well but that's sorta down the drain." Rocky light heartedly joked.
Sweetie nodded as Rocky poured it into a bowl of unknown liquid. The powder went from bright green to a murky water green fluid. Sweetie was in utter confusion. "And boom! This should be enough to get us to adventure bay and back. There's obviously another method but I can't do it. Ryder's solar panels are a gift from the gods. He made them while drunk as was because he turned 21 and it was his first and last time drinking." Rocky nervously chuckled. He was going to try and add more to Ryder's name but he noticed Sweetie wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying.
Sweetie sat and stared at the small bowl of fluid. She was rethinking how smart she actually was compared to Rocky. "I have so much to learn." She mumbled.
"Oh! Me too! I've seen your building skills. Add some science and we'll probably be able to solve world hunger. For now let's start from scratch." Rocky smiled.
Sweetie didn't hesitate to agree and see how this miracle is crafted.
Adventure Bay....
Post Apocalypse
The town of Adventure Bay is nothing more than an abandoned city like the thousands of abandoned cities.
Everything has been ransacked and taken away. The lookout was nowhere near its glory but it still stood tall.
Suddenly the top of the lookout opened up and two giant megaphones rose up and turned in circles releasing a loud noise that sounded like a whale. It stretched for miles scaring off birds, cows, setting off car alarms, and causing a commotion.
In a camp a group of thugs sat around a fire. Their ransacked collar tags beeped loudly and wouldn't stop. They tried the hardest they could to turn it off but nothing happened. "Fuck this." One said.
They dumped out 6 pup tags and walked away.
Hours later a searching party for a nearby settlement walked upon it. "I wonder how these got here..." one said as they turned off the alarm with ease.
"What is that?" Another voice said.
"It doesn't matter." The voice quickly replied and put it back on the floor.
A third dog stood in front of them. "It was a it. Ow I will, twy at least."
The leader of the bunch rolled their eyes and turned the collar back on which caused the other to do the same. The only rung for a few seconds before they played a message.
Okay...I'm not sure if the ——out is still able to recei— this message but Chase, Mar—, and Rocky are —-...Marshall is very sick but —ase is watching over him. Rocky is help—- sweetie work on an engine and Rubble...—...he's gone ba—." The message started as some words broke off.
Some members searching party stood in shock of what they were hearing. They heard some popping and struggling noises.
I don't have much time to finish this good but they are still alive!
The message said in a crystal clear voice. The team waited for the leaders answer. "It's probably some...some kids or something trying to mess with us. That can't be real." The leader spoke.
Another member happily spoke up. "Probably is and nothing to worry about. Well said Ev. Let's head back to feed the kids."
The other members followed in confusion and others in disbelief. They silently spoke to each other about the topic.
Back at the Castle
Sweetie and Rocky walked out laughing as they carried a gas container filled with Rocky's fuel out to the helicopter. The princess was relieved to see the two getting along.
"How's the engine?" Sweeties asked.
The workers stood up and wiped off their sweat. "This hard work is paying off Ma'am! By tomorrow it'll be done. Very complex piece of machinery you designed here Rocky." The worker complimented.
"I didn't make it, I'll make sure to let him know once we meet him again." Rocky assured with a nod.
He put down the fuel and followed Sweetie inside. "So...what happened to the loyal followers of the queen?" Rocky asked.
Sweetie raised a brow to the weird question. "We are working on getting them safe by setting up a huge area under the queens rule. Once we take back all of London from scavengers....we'll stay here for good." She said.
Rocky nodded. "Good plan." He said impressed with how simple it is.
He walked into the room where Chase and Marshall were. "How's he holding up?" Rocky asked.
Chase shook his head. "He's been asleep for awhile now." Chase replied.
Rocky noted that down.
Two days later
Marshall woke up feeling hungry. He got up and saw Chase and Rocky watching him with a confused look. "Everything okay?" He questioned like nothing happened.
Chases jaw dropped. "Do you not remember these past couple of months? You were asleep for two days after being sick." Chase explained.
Marshall shook his head. "I remember falling asleep in the wagon. I feel fine now....where are we?" He said as he stood up.
The food reminded itself of its presence from the sudden strong scent. Marshall followed it.
After downing 3 bowls of kibble Chase and Rocky recapped everything to the dally. The first place he wanted to go was Rubble's cell.
They head down to the dungeon where torture devices lined the walls. They found the bulldog huddled in a corner. "Rubble?" Marshall called out.
Rubble got up and turned to him. "Come here to shame me as well?" He growled.
Marshall blankly looked at the bulldog. "Yes." He quickly replied.
After Marshall scolded him for his stupid actions they went outside to where the pilots awaited the green light to drop off the trio. "I missed A LOT!" Marshall chuckled as he looked at the helicopter.
Chase and Rocky nodded. "Definitely did." Rocky said as he admired what he helped build.
The queen and Sweetie walked up to them. A butler carried their gear up high and handed it to them. "I took the time to restock everything from first aid kit, medical supplies, to tools and lighters." Sweetie smiled.
"Thank you." They all said.
The helicopter started up its engines. "I can't thank you enough for your hospitality. Saving Marshall and giving Rocky the time to finally do something he loved. Plus the amazing food and beds."
The queen scoffed and tossed her hand. "Anything for you three. Especially since you missed your last visit. Good luck with your journey on finding them. If you need anything just contact best as you can!" The queen yelled as the helicopter got louder. She pulled out a small remote with a red button and extendable antennas.
They all jumped on the queen and hugged her as tight as they could. She was the much needed break for the three which led them to tear up a bit. She even let out some tears of her own.
They got up and walked into the helicopter. "I'm going to miss them." Chase sniffled.
Rocky patted his back. "We all are."
Marshall put his paw in. Chase and Rocky followed. Instead of a cheer they went in for a hug and said. "To the queen."
Marshall looked over the destruction of the no government as they passed destroyed city one after another. "We're in the final stretch. Whatever we find out...there's no going back." Marshall mumbled.
Chase and Rocky both nodded knowing they 100% wanted to go through with this. "Do you think they'll be the same people we knew?" Chase suddenly asked.
Rocky couldn't help but shake his head. "They definitely changed." Rocky replied.
Chase nodded.
They slowly fell asleep on each other for every good reason possible. Love, warmth, comfortability, assurance, protection, and trust.
56 hours later
The helicopter suddenly hiccuped waking up the sleeping dogs. "We're in the city of Adventure Bay! Good luck you three!" The pilot said as he quickly took off to avoid getting attacked by scavengers.
Chase, Rocky, and Marshall stood on a hill overlooking the entire city.
They looked over it as the sun slowly crept up from behind the lookout. "The most beautiful part in the destroyed city is still the lookout in it's messed up crooked glory." Marshall mumbled as Chase took the first steps into the old farmland that belonged to Farmer Al.

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