Adventure Bay Chapter 14

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Chapter 14! Probably 7 more to go! There might be a pause with chapters in the future because I don't like how 3 chapters ends up because im lazy. Im also retracting last chapter state about working on more stories because I scratched them and decided to plan them a little more than just blindly write them. On top of that, I probably only have about maybe 3 weeks before school starts so I will be getting a a lot slower which could lead to some other things and okay whatever. Hope you enjoy.
The trio huffed and carefully walked down the hill and into farmer Al's farmland where Chase would compete in the herding events and competitions. They even held a festival there. "This...this is weird." Rocky mumbled as he felt the grass.
They walked into the barn and heard a low noise come from a dark corner. Rocky quickly turned on his head lamp and saw a familiar looking cow.
Rocky and Chase jumped back and got ready to flee but Marshall stayed where he was. He noticed a locked gate restricting the cow from exiting.
He slowly crept forward clicking his tongue and going "shhhhh shh sh"
She didn't get up but just laid down, shot air out of her snout and shook her head to ward him off. Marshall looked for the opening. He saw that she was low on food. "B....Bettina?" Marshall said.
Chase and Rocky were ready to run in and pull Marshall out.
The cow suddenly jumped up and inched towards the fence. Marshall opened the gate and the cow hesitantly got closer. It sniffed Marshall and got on its hind legs. Chase and Rocky held their breaths.
Marshall almost saw his end but when she dropped she started licking him. "Farmer Al names his cows?" Rocky mumbled.
"I guess so..." Chase replied with a shrug.
Chase and Rocky exhaled and laughed it off. Marshall led her outside where she instantly took off into the woods with no hesitation. "Okay....let's keep going." Marshall hummed.
Chase and Rocky followed him on the long dirt road that lead into the city. They past many familiar buildings but what really shocked them was the signs saying "The Bay's Hero's!" And a picture of the paw patrol.
Marshall wanted to explore some buildings before moving to the lookout.
The first place they noticed was Mr.Porters restaurant which was in horrible condition. The kind where it was black and charcoaled. The roof had caved in from the giant cup and the side wall was tagged up completely. Chase felt tempted to go clean it off like old times. He shook his head and focused up.
Chase stood tall listening for any sort of noise that could be a sign of danger. Marshall and Rocky took in the sight. "Who knew adventure bay could look like this." Marshall said in awe of the wasteland.
On the way to the lookout they found Katie's Pet Parlor in almost mint condition minus the broken windows and everything looted.
They walked in and heard something fall. "Whose there!" Chase called out. No response. "We're not afraid to shoot!" He added in a deeper and angrier tone.
Marshall raised his eyebrow to his statement. "We have a-
"I know that." Chase quickly shushed.
Marshall shrugged and Rocky took this time to analyze the room. There's were pictures of the trio in every single frame and photo. Along with a silver statue of each one behind a tub.
"Okay! Okay! I'm going to show myself and my cat!" A feminine voice said as she surrendered. It came from behind a pink cash register. She put up a familiar looking Cat. "Callie?" Rocky said in confusion. "So much weight...gone!" Marshall added.
"Who are you three?!?" The feminine voice asked in a shaky voice.
Chase felt his nose itch. "Uh oh....ACHOO!"
Rocky clicked his tongue and put his paw out for Callie to sniff.
She meowed and jumped onto his back. "Rocky! Get it-ACHOO!-get it away!" Chase ordered as his vision got slightly blurred.
The voice jumped up from behind the counter. "KATIE!" Chase yelled. He sneezed a couple more times and wiped his eyes.
Katie couldn't believe what she looked at. It was like seeing a ghost. "H-how." She spat out. Her knees wobbled and her breathing was shaky.
They all softly smiled to ease her mind...hopefully. "Welp...we never died, we were just lost across the ocean." Rocky smiled.
Marshall stomped his paw. "And now we're looking for revenge." He angrily replied.
Chase and Rocky nodded. "Revenge is a-
"A fools game." Chase finished. "I know but what have we got to loose. Everyone we know is missing...why aren't you with them?" Chase asked as he looked around the empty shop.
"Because I couldn't go...Luna and some others threatened that if I go with them I'll get killed along with Ryder....Ryder is gone. He went off the grid and the rest of the team is with Luna....before you ask I have no idea where they are." Katie explained.
The trio's eyes lit up. "They're still alive?" Chase asked in an unamused tone. Rocky and Marshall saw no issue but Katie definitely did.
She put her hands on her hip. "I thought you'd be more excited to see them?" She questioned.
The all looked at each other for an answer. "I-I don't know. What if they might be completely different people? We'd barely be friends." Marshall replied.
Katie nodded. "I understand. I think they might be alive. I haven't seen them since the fall of adventure bay. And the world probably." Katie replied.
Chase, Rocky, and Marshall nodded. "Let's head to the lookout." Rocky said wanting to see the lookout. "Wanna come?" Rocky offered.
Katie shook her head but walked over to them. "I have people to watch for." Katie replied as she touched their faces. She felt their soft fur. "Do you groom yourselves?" She asked noticing the clean cuts and the cloud like feeling.
"Nope! We met with the queen of barkingburg and she helped us A LOT!" Marshall replied wishing he was still there. The others thought the same thing as well.
They tipped their hats and walked out and headed to the withered lookout. From the bridge they could actually see that it was leaning a little bit.
They took a deep breath and easily pushed open the glass doors. On the wall wee three clean cowboy hats in the color of their uniforms. Rocky didn't hesitate to reach for it.
He swapped his old one for the new one. "How do I look?" Rocky asked as he turned around.
Chase didn't really like it. "Hey Rocky, do you think all that experimental gear is still in the basement?" Chase asked.
Rocky instantly got the same idea as Chase. They lead Marshall down stairs where they found Rocky's old stuff untouched from the last time it was used. "It's exactly the same!" Rocky said in a sudden loud tone. He easily navigated through the boxes.
Chase and Marshall watched Rocky look through boxes of stuff. Rocky pulled out a large box and opened it. His eyes lit up and he smiled. "It's the apocalypse so might as well dress for it!" Rocky said as he grabbed a black bandana, custom black mask that went on their muzzle, black dog goggles, and black dog shoes. He grabbed two more of each item and handed it over to Chase and Marshall and they quickly put it on.
Marshall didn't have high hope because of the mismatching colors but he was taught otherwise. "We don't look that bad!" Marshall said.
Rocky scoffed. "We look bad ass! The hat and Bandana really sell the look." Rocky said as he analyzed them.
Chase gave a nod of approval and headed up. "I'll check down here and you two go upstairs." Chase ordered with his goggles raised above his eyes.
They nodded and went upstairs. "Wanna watch our videos?" Rocky asked as they walked up. Marshall nodded and wanted to see what they said about him.
Chase went to the kitchen to see if anything worked.
About an hour in Chase huffed and sat near the kitchen wall. A low creaking noise could be heard from behind.
He turned around to see a very beat up Robo dog. "Robo dog!" Chase yelled as he put a paw on his chest. "Scared me there." Chase chucked.
Robo dog had a cable plugged into him and was missing a leg. His visor is cracked but his voice box was still okay. "Operator Scan." He said as it recognized Chase's face.
"Access granted. There are unseen videos before the escape." Robo dog said in his blank tone.
"What escape?" Chase asked.
Robo dog played a video recording on the wall as the lights went dim. The video started off with Ryder. "Things aren't looking to good. It seems like someone ratted us out and now we must leave huge Anne frank moment. The lookout won't last that long even with its defenses. Atleast 2 hours to get ready before we leave. Plus Robo dog to fight back. If he does make it and kill the attackers he'll plug himself back in with whatever he has left. Then he'll charge long enough for any of the pups to access this message. They have a message of their own.
The video cut to a video of Ash. Chase felt that it was unfair to Marshall watch it without them since he undoubtedly had the best relationship with her before the crash. "Marshall!" Chase called out.
Loud stomping could be heard from the stairs. "Emergency!?!" Rocky called out.
"No, here's the last things the pups said before leaving for safety....I think Marshall should get his privacy with Ash's video." Chase replied in a solemn tone.
Marshall gulped as he looked at Chase. "Is it bad?" He asked
Chase shrugged. Marshall rolled his eyes. "Why do you seem so sad then?!" Marshall yelled.
Chase fixed up his attitude. "Right, just tell him to pause or unpause. Let us in after you're done." Chase ordered. Marshall nodded as they walked out and closed the door.
Marshall sat down and gulped. From the paused image he could already tell she has had a bad time. "R-Robo dog.....un..unpause." He mumbled.
Ryder asked if I wanted to make a going away video and I was like sure. I'm never coming back here but...this honestly sucks! Marshall dies and I can't even REMEMBER how many weeks it's been but now the world is fucked! All of the leader like figures are gone! Besides Luna who seems really relaxed for some reason! Sniff sniff.
Marshall watched her wipe some tears off and take some deep breaths.
A-I-uh- I don't even know! Everything I LOVED is gone! My parents! The team! THE COUNTRY! But the worst of all was Marshall! He was my life jacket when I'm sinking! He had a way with words.
She glanced to a door and huffed.
This is Ash signing out for the last time...
She quietly spoke as the camera cut to Ella. "R-Robo dog pause!" Marshall spat out and he thought on the video. He shook his head. "She's still out there...somewhere." He mumbled. He rubbed his chin for a bit looking at Ella. "She's probably a wreck." Marshall mumbled a sighed.
"Come in!" Marshall yelled.
Chase and Rocky sat next to the dally and patted his back. Rocky was the first to speak. "Robo dog! Play!"
Is this situation shitty? Definitely 100% We have people trying to kill us outside our home and they are getting through the thick metal and everyone seems off. Look there's no jokes to be made but someone has to keep high spirits so me and Tuck decided to do it. Ash, Everest, and Skye are going through it. Haven't seen em smile since the crash. Zuma is doing...less than okay with morality. Ryder is planning our escape which seems simple. I've got to go help the others. Tuck is probably dying to go next.
The trio sat watched as Tuck took his stand. "I never thought I'd say this but they are being responsible for once..." Chase stated. The other two nodded and listened to Tuck.
Tuck sighed
I'm pretty sure Ella explained everything soooo...there not much for me to say besides whoever sees got this! Whatever you're goal is I believe in ya. It has to be someone in the lookout since nobody else has access to Robo dog. It would be pretty weird if Chase, Marshall or Rocky saw this...I have a lot of questions if they did. It's a short message but other people have to talk....that Makalu dog is pretty creepy though. Like scarily creepy. Okay okay tuck signing off.
"Makalu?" Rocky asked as he looked to Chase. Chase froze knowing exactly why he's there. "He got mad at me for winning over Everest in like a week...that dick head." Chase said as the next pup sat down.
Welp...this weally best friends...gone. In one night evewything tuwns south! WHY COULDN'T I BE ON THAT PLANE?!? These last weeks have been hell on eawth. The only pewson I've talked to was Ella and she's busy helping everyone else! If I was with them I could've been right with them! Plus Wubble stayed at Bawking buwg... I just wanted to be included but my stupid age got in the way!
The trio watched nervous as Zuma took deep and heavy breaths with a furious face. L
The video instantly cut off to Everest. "Pause" Marshall shouted out loud.
Rocky got up along with Marshall and left it to Chase. "We'll be outside talking about Zuma's message." Rocky informed.
Chase nodded as they left the room. "Play." Chase said as he yawned.
I don't know what I'm doing here...I just felt the need to say something. If Chase were here I'd feel as safe as I did when we fought those mountain lions. Rocky and Marshall as well...the three pups that held us together are gone. Makalu has been nice to me for once. Maybe it's because...I won't go there but we're leaving soon. If anyone manages to see this then I'm sorry for crying like this. I probably look like a mess but it's fine.
The video stopped and the last part was Ryder. "Marshall! Rocky!" Chase out very unimpressed with Everest's video. He was convinced that she was nothing like her past self.
They sat close together and watched Ryder's video.
That was everyone who for the important things. I made sure each tag has a tracker. There shouldn't be anyone but the pups or me viewing this video. Robo dog will activate a tracker to the other pup tags. It should give you directions. To whichever pup is looking for the others....good luck and don't die. I don't want that happening. Ryder out
He finished with a heavy nod. "That's a lot more convenient." Rocky said.
They nodded and looked to Robo dog. "Give us a map of the biggest clump of Pup tags." Rocky asked.
A map appeared over the video with the symbols. It was Ash, Tuck, Ella, skye, Zuma, and Everest's tag. "Track Ash!" Rocky ordered knowing she was the most attached to it.
Robo dog flashed before their pup tags flashed as well. He looked at each of their pup tags. "Who will be tracking the pup tag?" He asked.
Chase and Marshall backed up to let Rocky to the talking. "Rocky, Chase, and Marshall but send the directions to Rocky's pup tag." Rocky ordered.
Rocky's tag blinked in synchronization with Robo dogs visor before coming to a halt. "I will be in there giving directions. As for my real body...leave it. Once I'm done showing you I'll head into a deep sleep finding out how to repair my real body.
Rocky nearly bursted. "YES! It actually works!" He gleefully said.
Chase and Rocky didn't question it. "Alright. Let's find the others!" Chase exclaimed trying to pump them up for disappointment.
They shook their bodies and got ready. Goggles were on and muzzle protection covered their faces and the bandanna was purely for looks. They were completely unidentifiable from the face.
They stepped outside and lifted their heads. "Goodbye homeland." Rocky mumbled as he took another last look of the amazing ocean view they had. He felt a paw touch his shoulder.
It was Marshall with a warm smile across his face. The pup tag beeped.
Walk across the bridge

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