Short Lived Reunion Chapter 15

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This device is being tracked by another pup tag. Please do not move and let Rocky, Chase and Marshall find your location.
"It's lying right? They're dead and have been dead." A voice said to a smaller group of dogs.
They were obviously confused on why dead friends would be tracking them. "I think we should keep this in between us. No one else has to know. Let's just ambush them and probably kill them and this can all be bridge under the water." Another said.
One of them snickered. "It's watew undew the bwidge."
None of them laughed besides two golden retrievers. They stopped and focused back up.
They looked around and all agreed on the plan. "They might be bounty huntews. Main town is filled with those and we'wre the biggest wival to them. Maybe they know of ouw past." The jokester said.
"Using them to get us off guard...that's messed up." Another added.
One reached to grab it bit their paw was swatted away almost instantly. "Don't touch it, who knows what it'll tell the hunters. Just sit and wait for them. We'll say we were on a long scouting route."
They all nodded and got into trees and bushes ready to ambush the hunters.

The trio walked without question. Their stomachs twisting and turning at the thought of seeing their old friends. Marshall couldn't stand the suspense. "Sigh what should we say when we see them again?" Marshall spat out.
Chase and Rocky didn't answer. They truly didn't know. "I mean...will they even remember us?" Rocky said with a long sigh.
"Hey Robo much longer till we get there? It's been 3 hours of walking on the freeway." Rocky asked as he kicked a rock. He continued to kick it.
"15 more minutes from the safest route." Robo dog calmly replied.
"And if we took a more dangerous route?" Rocky asked.
"7 minutes" Robo dog quickly replied.
Rocky looked to Chase and Marshall were already onboard with the plan. From the look he got they all were ready. "We'll take the faster path." Rocky said.
"Okay! Please walk into the woods on your right." Robo dog said.
They looked into the dark forest. "Good thing we have goggles and a flash light. Our eyes would definitely get poked out." Marshall commented as he jumped over a concrete barrier. They walked through the thick brush. The flashlight provided little help as it was always getting blocked by leaves but the goggles were pretty useful for protecting their eyes.
They came across a large river. "Guess we'll have to get wet." Chase said. He was about to lower his feet into the water. "WAIT!" Rocky called out.
Chase looked to Rocky who was kneeling down unraveling something. "Back up!" He called out.
Chase and Marshall did as told while Rocky swatted nothing. Seconds later a log fell and landed where Chase and Marshall were standing.
Chase and Marshall froze in their place. "No comment." Marshall mumbled as Rocky caught up and patted his back. "Let's go." He said taking the lead.

Rocky and Chase could heard the faint beeping noise the tags were giving off. They entered a big area without much tree or bushes. In the middle of it all were the tags.
Chase sniffed the area and his back hairs stood up. "We aren't alone." He mumbled as he looked around for any other visible dogs.
Rocky gave sniffing around a chance and he too smelt the scent of other dogs. Marshall stood in between the two anxiously waiting for the next move but it came to him, Marshall saw a leaf fall on the ground. He glared at the bush that dropped it as it dropped another. He slowly inched closer to it under the Chase and Rocky's radar.
Suddenly a paw quickly reached out of the bush and started to pull on his pup tag.
Marshall retaliated and bit down on the dirty white paw. It yelped and drew Chase and Rocky's attention. Marshall heard a loud thud, he turns to see Chase and Rocky wrestling with 5 others dogs.
Marshall slid across the ground from being blind sided by 2 other dog.
Marshall was easily captured, the attackers left one dog to keep Marshall contained while the other assisted in pinning Chase and Rocky.
Marshall couldn't help but watch Chase and Rocky get over run by quick shoves and nips to their fur.

They rounded the three up as two Huskies looked at the three. "Where'd you get those?" The female husky asked.
They looked at each other. "Where did you get those?" Rocky asked looking at the collection of pup tags.
The husky rolled her eyes. "You aren't in the right position to be asking questions. Now, the creator of those tags only made one of each. Where did you get those or the Dalmatian looses an ear." The husky threatened as she pulled out a knife. Marshall squirmed but he was completely pinned. "Fine!" Rocky called out.
The husky back up and raised an eyebrow. "Not sure if you heard but we as in US three were in a team called the paw patrol a-
The pair of huskies bursted out laughing. "Yeah right, we were in the paw patrol!" She laughed as she patted Marshall's head. "Good try, tell me the truth or his ear is coming off." She asked again in a much meaner voice and put the knife right next to his ear. "Let me finish! We were supposed to go to a place called barkingburg, plane crashed because our teammates sabotaged it and they planned on killing us. We're just trying to find our teammates." Rocky spat out as she slowly rubbed the knife back and forth on Marshall's ear.
The husky backed up and looked to the others who were pinning the trio down. Chase started to rub his snout and eyes on the floor. "If you know anyone that goes by these names, you can uh tell us where they are and we'll leave. Let's see who's still good...Mhm Tracker is one, oh Tuck and Ella. Husky named Everest who sorta looks like you, Zuma. Huge party animal, and Rub-Nope hes bad." Rocky finished.
"Don't forget Ash, she didn't kill us either." Marshall added. Rocky nodded. "And her."
They looked to Chase who was still rubbing his face on the floor. Marshall looked at his captors who stood like stones.
"Do you need help?" Rocky whispered.
Chase looked at Rocky and nodded. He surrendered his snout over as Rocky inches the muzzle piece off. Once that is off he worked off the goggles. "That was a lot of work. Look! You know what I look like now. Does that help you trust us any better?" Chase asked as he took some deep breathes and laid his head flat on the floor.
Marshall sighed in defeat. "I think our run is over. Germany, Belgium, France, the bridge, barkingburg and our demise is foggy bottom." Marshall mumbled. Suddenly the husky slapped Chase across the face. "You don't dare try to take the identity of one of our beloved friends." She said in a demon like voice.
Rocky and Marshall inched away and kept their gear on. "Guess she won't like what we look like." Rocky chuckled accepting their demise. Marshall gave him a weak smile as the husky took off their gear as well.
They heard some of them gasp at Rocky and Marshall real faces.
"Why are you guys so worked up? Not like your the paw patrol." Rocky asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone.
"Oh you can't be serious! You're the one pretending to be dead people!" The husky exclaimed as she face palmed her face.
Rocky smirked. "Nope, you're the one saying that I'm a dead person. I'm clearly standing right in front of you. I said green means go, he said Chase is on the case and the other said he's fired up." Rocky said as the husky looked like she was about to explode. Marshall rolled his eyes and hit his head on the floor. "We're doomed."
The husky turned back around. "No, he's not Chase, you're not Rocky, and he's not Marshall"
Rocky turned to at all the other members of the group and noticed they all looked familiar. He stopped pissing off the husky and turned to them. "I'm getting the feeling that you guys are the paw patrol." Rocky said with a smirk. Marshall noticed Rocky's cocky and annoying attitude was slowly coming back.
"YES!" The husky replied.
Chase and Marshall lifted their heads. "My face still hurts from that slap." Chase said looked at the dirty, skinny, and war torn Everest. "What happened to y'all?" Chase said as the others had the same body features. Rocky noticed the others with confused faces.
"Don't try to play all nice guy no-
-Everest can you please shut up. It's evident that the others have mixed feelings. You're the only one acting like a dickhead." Rocky said getting tired of the talking.
"I fe-
"Shut up Ma...Ma..Makalu?" Rocky said said feeling his hatred sky rocket up. Makalu scooted behind Everest as the trio squirm to break free.
Everest looked at Makalu who just shrugged. They quickly gave up. "Okay! Can you let us go now? This is really uncomfortable." Rocky asked trying to cover their laughable attempt at breaking free.
"How am I supposed to know you three aren't lying?" Everest said suspiciously.
Rocky huffed. "Jeez Everest I don't know. You showed up like 3 times! You and Chase had a thing for eachother. So did Skye and Tracker, Zuma and Ella, Marshall and Ash, young dumb love." Rocky sighed as he pictured the paw patrol in couples.
"Hey you liked sweetie!" Zuma suddenly spoke up. He shut up but Rocky already capitalized on it. "YES! Zuma knows!" Rocky exclaimed, he excitement quickly died down.
Everest wasn't impressed. "Anyone could've put that together." Everest replied.
Chase shook his head. "Remember the cave? The second chance! The two riddles! Does any of that jog your mind?" Chase asked in a desperate last attempt for freedom.
Everest stood still and relived those moments. "It is you..." she huffed.
The others still kept a tight grip on Chase and Rocky for Makalu's sake. "Where...where are the others? The ones that did this to us?" Marshall asked getting up.
"What do you mean 'the ones that did this'" Ella asked as she stood close to Zuma.
The trio stared at Makalu. "The plane crash wasn't an accident. It was a setup." Chase replied.
Makalu gulped. "We already got Rubble. Everyone on that plane was ready to kill us. Me and Marshall were already in horrible condition while Makalu beat the crap out of Chase while Luna held him down." Rocky explained.
The group stood silent, thinking if they should believe their old friends.
Everest turned around to look at Makalu, she had a betrayed and watery face.
Rocky's eyes blew up wide. "You said the reset right? What is we just do that!" Rocky excitedly whispered.
Chase quickly turned his head to Rocky. "You're onto something." He whispered back.

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