To Belguim We Go (Chapter 11)

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So I'm back with yet another shorter chapter. Most of the chapters from now on will be 2-3k because there's not much for me to say besides little problems until we hit the interesting stuff. So chapters will be coming out much faster to compensate and get the ball rolling. If you want to know more you can uh easily check the discord ya know. I'm always there. Anyways hope ye enjoy.
Marshall, Chase and Rocky laughed as they drank soup with the other dogs on the sled team. Their 1 day stay has turned into a 3 day stay. "Alright! No more messing around let's go!" The man said
The dogs quickly got to their spots and put their harnesses on.
Chase, Rocky and Marshall join him on the sled. "Chase right?" The man asks.
Chase nodded. "You look better than these two. Put yourself in a harness. If you fall you won't get run over because of the harness." The man said.
Chase reluctantly agreed. He saw the village members watch as they got ready to leave. "danke für Ihre Gastfreundschaft" Chase said.
The men and women slowly nodded and waved. "YAH YAH YAH" the man yelled.
The dogs started to bark out loud as they pull the sled. Marshall was confused on how they even were moving since there was no snow. "So what is our plan? Isn't there the English Channel we need to get across?" Marshall said trying to recall as much of his geographical knowledge.
Rocky sighed. "The surviving people must've at least set up a small safe city near along the water. It's common sense. Water, food, nice weather, and only one spot to get attacked from. The boats are probably scavenged so I was thinking we build our own or if it comes to it we have to steal someone else's." Rocky explained.
Marshall raised an eyebrow. "This is off all guesses. What if there is no city and we could just take a boat."
Rocky shrugged. "That's what you think. If there is a small town then we'll have to start from the bottom. Who knows how long it'll take." He sighed and looked into the sun.
Marshall looked to see how Chase was doing. He was keeping up with the other dogs which was surprising to Marshall. He looked back at his wound. "What are the odds of it getting infected?" Marshall asked a sleepy Rocky.
"Depends on what you do. If it does I'll give you some stuff and stitch it. Stitches are valuable you know. I doubt everyone knows how to do em let alone know what they are made of." Rocky replied.
Marshall laid next to the mix breed and closed his eyes.
When they woke up it was mid day and they were in a completely new surrounding. "What? I thought it would be night?" Rocky asked as he looked at the fancy buildings of Germany.
"You slept through two days. We're about half way and we need to walk it." Chase said.
Marshall and Rocky felt their stomachs growl for food. "Didn't think you guys were that hungry." Chase laughed.
He motioned them to follow him to a small fire they have going. The chattering from the dogs stop. "Good mornin sunshine." A Black German wirehaired pointer greets. There were abandoned cars and trash everywhere. The team sat in the middle of the street cooking food.
Chase leaned into Marshall and Rocky. "He's gay don't mind him."
"Hello." Rocky greeted back.
The three sat down next to the man and Balto. They took turns telling stories and backstories. "Hey, what's the big deal about you three? You walk around with weird stuff and stick together like glue." A bulldog says.
Chase and Rocky stayed quiet and let Marshall do the talking. Marshall loved telling stories that have to do with the paw patrol. "We are in a team called the paw patrol. We're from California and we basically save people. I'm a firefighter, Chase is a Cop and Detective, and Rocky is the brains, knows anything about everything. We were supposed to head to barkingburg because we got two new members but our plane crashed and now we're here."
They all stood still frozen in place.
Suddenly they bursted out laughing. "So you're some superhero!" One shouted out still laughing his tail off.
Neither of the three were amused at all as they made rude comments and made fun of them. "Alright alright!" Balto shouted out and calming down the sled team.
The human walked over and dropped fish in front of Marshall and Rocky to eat. "Chase?"
"I already ate."
Balto stood up. "What they said is true. Whether you like it or not. Now hurry up, we still have day li-
Battle cries could be heard from behind the team. Rocky and Marshall swallow their fish and hide behind an abandoned car.
Soon a pack of 16 or so dogs surround them. "Free meal boys." One said.
A loud bang could be heard. Chase turned around to see the human holding his gun pointed at a lifeless dog. "You want a bullet next? You can't dodge a bullet but you can leave." The human offered.
The dogs quickly scattered away leaving behind their companion. "They'll be back, we have to get moving." The man ordered.
Everyone quickly obeyed as for he just saved their lives. Rocky and Marshall join up with Chase and walked along. "That was scary." Rocky nervously chuckled.
"Thank god we have this guy with us." Marshall added.
They walked endlessly for the next 6 hours not stopping once. Every little noise they turned around to make sure they weren't being followed. "How many bullets do you have?" Chase asked.
"Enough to kill anything that gets in my way." He simply replied.
Night fell and things were getting darker. Surprisingly the street lights turned on. In the distance smoke could be seen.
They walk another 30 more minutes before finding a small settlement between part of the fallen government and the people. "Welcome to one fourth town!" A guard said as he opened a large metal gate.
The group of dog walked in to see guards posted up everywhere. Not one spot on the perimeter being unchecked. They could see people sleeping on the floor in bags and blankets.
Chase, Marshall and Rocky hesitantly grouped together. The sled team basically jumped on top of the leader. "Reminds me if us and Ryder..." Chase mumbled.
Rocky and Marshall looked away and didn't answer. Chase couldn't take his eyes off of them. The settlement quickly fell asleep for everyone else's sake.
Loud bangs rung through the air as people yelled and ran for cover. Chase, Marshall and Rocky jump up and look for the sled team.
"Come on!" Balto yells.
The trio scurry over to a huge pile of trash where everyone hid. Chase felt like gagging at the smell. Marshall felt a hand touch him. As they wedged themselves through the trash they fell into a whole. "Huh?" Rocky mumbled as he rubbed his head and got up. They look around. Marshall puts his paw on the dirt wall and looks down the long narrow tunnel. "There's an e-exit right? Heh heh." Chase anxiously asks as he tries to keep calm.
Marshall and Rocky are too amazed to pay attention. "Shall we get going?" A tall black man says as he crawls on fours.
Even Balto had to slightly crouch. Every other dog walked through it fine. "Nice time to be a dog." Rocky joked. Behind them more people fled into the tunnel. "Don't get to hasty because this for another 150 or so yards." The black man said.
Rocky nodded and assumed he was the leader or a tour guide. He looked back and could people endlessly pushing to get in from the entrance.
156 yards later.
Everyone slowly trickled out. The sled leader patted his clothes releasing a dust cloud causing some of the dogs to sneeze. "You can choose to leave, I'm staying back to direct people." The tour guide said.
They shook hands and parted ways. Chase, Marshall and Rocky were confused on what was going on. "Do you think they're under attack?" Marshall asked as he walked along with the group of dogs.
Chase and Rocky shrugged. "Do you know where we're going?" Chase asked as the man looked from street to street.
He hesitated for a bit. "For the most part. I grew up here and Belgium." The man said as they continued past some looted vehicles.
Rocky opened mouth but stopped for a bit. He thought of a new question. "What is your name?"
"It's Grant. Ever since the world went to shit I can't do my job. I deliver news from the wilderness to the city and vice versa."
Marshall exhaled. "Tell me about it. We got backstabbed but our friends....they were friends." He said. He started to wonder if Ash had anything to do with the Syndicate.
Chase walked in silence. He hadn't thought of Everest this whole time. His #1 priority was Rocky and Marshall but they seemed to be in a vacant area. He let his guard down and thought of Everest. He didn't think anything bad could've happened to her... then Makalu popped into his head.
Marshall slapped Chase across his face. "Ow! What was that for!" Chase yells as he rubs his face.
"You weren't answering. Are you okay?" Marshall asked.
Chase quickly nodded. "Just zoned out." He smiled.
They continued their walk for another 4 hours. "This is gonna take awhile.

After another week of walking they found a sign that said welcome to Aachen Belgium . "Were we that close?" Chase asked with a huff and sat down.
Everyone took a seat as some went to grab fire wood for the night. Others went to see if there were any rodents lying around."You guys were in Nordrhein. It's not that far off of the Germany Belgium border. It's about a 4 day straight walk to get where we're headed. Split that up it'll take about 8 days. It been quite awhile since we left. Like....a Month." The man said as he gazes into the sunset. Chase, Marshall and Rocky sat in a circle.
Chase looked at Rocky's head. "How is your head feeling? Still sore?"
Rocky hesitantly tapped it and nodded. Chase looked to Marshall who had recovered much better than Rocky. "Do you think everyone else is okay? Besides the Syndicate members." Rocky asked trying to start a conversation. Their journey has been awfully quiet because of the situation they're in.
Marshall played with some debris. "I hope so. They still have Ryder and Robo dog." Marshall quickly replied.
Chase didn't like to think about it. As much as he hoped they were okay his head always dragged him towards bad situations.
Rocky felt the warm fire light up. They inch closer to it and listen to the others talk like usual. Although something was off. A lot of the dogs could smell something mean. They all stood up and looked around.
A low growl could be heard from nearby cars. Suddenly a bear stood up on its hind legs and roared at them. "SPLIT!" Grant yelled. Chase grabbed Rocky and Marshall and ran towards an apartment complex. They ran as silently as possible which kept them pretty slow. They rushed to put on headlights.
Rocky turned around and saw the bear closing in on them. "AHHHHH GO GO GO FASTER!" He yelled as he sprinted past Chase and Marshall.
He squeezed through the metal gate of the apartment. Chase and Marshall slowed down and tried to squeeze through but to their dismay they couldn't. Rocky ran down the fence and saw a gate. "Help me open it!" He yelled.
Rocky started to pull as Marshall and Chase pushed. The bear was closing in fast. Marshall looked at the gate and pushed. Chase looked over and did the same. They sent Rocky back a couple of feet and closed the gate. Marshall moved a metal bar over and backed up.
The bear slammed into the gate and growled. It paced back and forth huffing and grunting. The trio got up and walked around in the darkness.
"It's crazy dark..." Rocky mumbled.
Marshall was bewildered by Rocky's cool. "How are you not panicking? We almost got MAULED BY A BEAR!" Marshall exclaimed. He paid more attention to the light and saw that Rocky was very right. "But yes it's dark." He huffed.
The only visible things were the things the flashlights shun on. "Let's try to head to the roof." Chase said.
In the center was a tree. Around it were benches, flowers, and other park like items. "We aren't gonna get to the top. This is basically a maze." Rocky replied.
They all snapped their heads around as a loud creaking noise could be heard. They slowly make their way over to see the bear squeezing itself through the gate. They sprinted as far as they possibly could to be stopped at a pink wall. "Where are we?!?" Rocky yelled as he couldn't make anything out.
Marshall shrieked as he opened a door to one of the apartments to see a handful of dead bodies. Rocky had an idea. "Come on!" He said as he stepped through the blood, bones, and flesh of the deceased. Marshall gagged as he felt something really squishy touch his paw. They reached the end of the room and saw a window.
Chase and Rocky push it open and almost fall out with how easy it was. Marshall was the first to get out. He inhaled the fresh air. Chase and Rocky followed suit and ran away from the building.
After 30 minutes of getting away they stopped to take a breather. "Where are we?" Marshall asked.
"Yeah because we know exactly where we are." Rocky replied.
Marshall cocked his head. "Sorry for being curious. I found the room that got us out alive."
"And it was my idea to head to the window." Rocky replied.
Chase stepped in between the two. "At dawn we'll head east. Whatever body of water we can get to."
They both nodded and looked for some shelter. A nearby truck was the decided spot to sleep.
The next morning they started their journey without Grant or Balto.
Rocky shook his thick fur all the way down to his bloody paws. "That was a scare. Now I got blood on my paws." He sighed.
Chase led them into an abandoned city. "Not our first run in with corpses. Hopefully everyone else is fine. Guess our new mission is too-
-let's just take the euro tunnel. It's an underground tunnel that connects France and England. Just popped up in my head right now." Rocky informed.
Marshall groaned. "So we have to walk to France now?"
Rocky clicked his tongue. "People walked across America and it took them 6 months. We can do it in probably 2 or 3. Belgium is pretty small compared to other countries. Plus we have to find the tunnel." Rocky said as he pats Marshall's back. Marshall brought his head up and continued to walk this horrible walk.
There's chapter 11 for ya. Expect chapter 12 very soon because it will come soon. Besides that hope y'all enjoyed.

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