The Second Chance (Chapter 16)

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Sorry for the long wait. I've had a very long 2 weeks, plus I HATED how this chapter turned out, this isn't much better than the first one but I need to get something out. I will say that chapter 17 will probably be another wait. I have thought of a lot of stories though. Besides that hope you enjoy.

Chase nervously followed the gang of dog towards the front gate of the safe area. He was fully equipped with his gear making him basically unnoticeable.
The walk was silent with little talking.

They approach the guard. "Who's he?" The man asks.
The short man had a wooden baseball bat with nails hammered to the end. Chase looked to Everest who seemed cooler than ice. "He's a recruit, picked him up on our walk." She replied nonchalantly.
The guard nodded and stared at Chase the entire way inside. Chase quickly looked away from the man and looks to Everest and Makalu who seem to be talking in a tone similar to how she used to talk to Chase.
Chase sped up his pace. "'s theeee apocalypse life?" Chase asked as he jumps in between the two.
Everest and Makalu looked at each. They both nervously smiled. "Well..." Makalu started as they walked up to a boarded up house. They walked up the stairs and look at the door. "Made some new life." Makalu says and pushes the door open revealing 3 little husky puppies.
Chase stood still with his mouth agape and paw halfway raised. "I...I didn't see this coming." Chase spat out.
He slowly tilted his head to Makalu and patted his shoulder. "Congratulations?" Chase said not knowing what to say.
Everest led them inside and the puppies noticed Chase. "Wolf!" One yelled as they all scrambled under a couch.
Chase was taken away by this. He looked down at himself. "I look nothing like a wolf!" He said still examining his fur which was still pretty clean.

"Nah they like using their imagination." Everest nervously chuckled. She snapped her head towards the couch and tried to calmly walk over.
Chase backed up to Makalu. "I thought she'd be a fun mom." Chase commented noticing her fed up look and aggressive steps.
Makalu nodded as he watched the common sight to him.
Everest looked under the couch. "Come out, he's here to help us." Everest cooed. After some more negotiation she had gotten nowhere.
Chase and Makalu watched completely entertained. She let out a grunt and started to push the couch.
She managed to grab 2 out.

"If you don't come out I'm feeding them to the wolf!" Everest threatened.

Chase rolls his eyes as Makalu chuckles. The last pup willingly walked out with a tough looking expression.
They all stared at Chase. "Wanna relax for a bit?" Makalu offered as he pulls out a small flask.
"Sure, but I don't drink." Chase replied pushing away his paw. Makalu shrugged and took a gulp of the liquid.
Chase scrunched his snout to the smell of the vodka. It burned his sinuses. He aggressively blew air out of his nose to try and attempt to fix it but nothing was useful.

Rocky and Marshall sat in the helicopter looking for a hole in the ground. "There's nothing." Marshall exclaimed and sat backwards in defeat.
Rocky has been mesmerizing the layout of the place.
He looked down the fallen gondola's. The snow was filled with trash, clothes and snow boards, and some dumped bodies. "Crazy how these people will be alive once we find this

magic cave." Marshall huffed.

Rocky just nodded and focused on the snow.
"Can you head to the peak of the mountain!" Rocky yelled trying to retrace Chase's instructions.
The helicopter approached the top of the mountain. "Can you land over there? Just hover above please!" Rocky called out again.
The pilots looked to each other. They pressed some buttons, two nets and harnesses shot out from a launcher up on the roof.
Rocky and Marshall smiled to eachother. "Cooool!" They both said as they hooked themselves up. They gave a thumbs up.

They lowered to the floor and looked for a shed. Rocky walked around to the outside where a shed could most likely be found. Marshall instead went inside the gift shop. "Ooh" Marshall cooed as he lifted a picture of himself that sat on the wall.

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