Chapter 1

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This is based off of a Southern, Cinderella style story book I read in school called Moss Gown and since Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss have some mild shout outs to the South like Alastor having a Cajun background, Millie talking in a Southern accent, and Lucifer looking very much like a stereotypical Southern rich man (At least from my point of view) I decided to write this.

BTW I am well aware of the characters sexual preferences and relationship statuses and I respect them but I have my own preferred shipping so I pray that you will respect my opinion and understand that these characters are fictional so there's no need for anyone to take this personally or get offended. Well most of them are fictional, I'm Christian so technically Lucifer is real to me but you get the idea.

If you don't like this fic that's fine. You don't have to read it but do not insult me or be rude. Just keep your negative opinions to yourself. Thank you.

Long ago in the old South, sometime after the civil war there lived a man called Lucifer Magne who owned a great apple orchard that had been passed down from generation to generation. Having ownership of this magnificent orchard made Lucifer a very rich man with many luxuries. He lived in a great white house pillared with eight marble columns on each side. Blue shutters that surrounded the crystal windows while gold curtains draped over them, ten rooms the made up the entire house, and at the center of the house just across from the fireplace mantle there was a grand piano which Lucifer delighted in listening to so very much.

Now with Lucifer having such vast wealth it was only natural that he spoiled his very elegant wife Lilith and their charming young daughter Charlotte. He showered both of them with countless and extravagant gifts that were worthy even of royalty itself. Dresses spun from silk and satin for his wife and the best crafted toys for his daughter. Lilith and Charlotte wanted for nothing but what made the two most happy wasn't the gifts and the luxuries. No what brought them the most joy was when Lucifer would take time off from work to go walking with them in the family apple orchard.

They would walk out in the warm sunshine, then cool off in the shade of the trees, pick a few of the apples off the branches to much on, and little Charlotte would sometimes climb those trees or swing from them. Then sometimes when they would go out at dusk the tiny girl would end up falling asleep in her mother's arms as they would sit under one of the trees to watch the sun set. Happiness seemed eternal for the Mange family but alas nothing is meant to last forever. 

One tragic Autumn Lilith was struck down with yellow fever. Her husband spared no expense in regards to her health. He hired the best doctors and physicians to care for her, bought the most reliable medicine and antibody no matter how expensive but sometimes even when you can afford the best it still isn't enough. When Lilith felt that her end was drawing near, she called her child to her bedside and said,

"My dearest Charlotte, be sincere and good, and then our dear God will reward you for all you have suffered." With this she closed her eyes and died.

The entire Magne household was heartbroken by her death but it was Lucifer's heart that never healed. After his wife died all joy and light in him just faded away as if it was never there to begin with and it changed him very drastically. For that first year in which she passed, Lucifer and Charlotte visited her grave everyday and wept but eventually visiting her grave became too much to bear and so did living in the very house he had shared with her. So he completely immersed himself in his work and in society which led to him neglecting his daughter. But despite this Charlotte loved her father and would take any opportunity there was to comfort him.

One way of comforting him was through music. You see Charlotte had a very lovely singing voice and graceful way of dancing so when her father would return home from work, looking very unhappy she would ask one of the servants to play the grand piano near the fire place and she would dance and sing to cheer him up. It would make him smile sometimes but it was only for a short amount of time. Nevertheless Charlotte remained ever devoted and loving to him.

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