Chapter 15

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One bright and lovely Autumn morning Alastor and Charlotte decided to take a walk together and they brought little Caroline with them. She sat up in her pram, wearing the Sunday bonnet her great Aunt Rosie had knitted for her, and playing with her silver bell rattle. Completely oblivious to the conversation her parents were having about her.

"She'll only be attending the best schools in this entire state." Her father said. "Her education will be the finest that money can buy. She'll be taught reading, writing, arithmetic. My daughter won't just be the prettiest girl in this county, she'll be the smartest as well."

"Our daughter." Charlotte corrected with a teasing smile. "Don't forget that I'm the one who actually had the baby, and for fourteen hours no less."

"Yes and I'll be forever grateful to you for going through all that to bring Caroline into our world."

He leaned over and kissed the baby on top of her head.

"Do you suppose we could teach her music and dance?" Charlotte suggested.

"Of course and when she reaches the proper age I'll teach her how to use a rifle."

"A rifle? But Alastor she's a young lady."


"So, a young lady doesn't use a firearm."

"Who says? Both my mother and my aunt knew how to use a rifle and a musket. That's how they kept gophers and crows out of the crops."

"Is that so? Then I guess I have no objection to it. But how old would she be when you would start teaching her?"

"Well I was eight when my father put a rifle in my hands for the first time."

"Absolutely not. She will at least be at an age with two digit numbers before she even lays a finger on a weapon."

"Fair enough."

They continued on down a dirt road and all was peaceful until suddenly Caroline started to become fussy.

"Oh what's the matter sweetie?" Charlotte picked up Caroline and lightly bounced her to soothe her cries. That was when she noticed that Caroline had dropped her rattle and that is what caused her to cry. "Dear, it would seem that Caroline has dropped her rattle during the walk."

"I'll look for it."

Alastor began scanning the dirt road for his daughter's toy but did not see it.

"Is this what you're looking for?" A voice asked.

Alastor looked up from the road and saw that the voice belonged to an older man who was lingering on the road, seemingly confused and lost. But in his weak hand he held the little sliver bell rattle.

"Oh yes thank you my good man." Alastor said taking the toy from him. "Thank you very much."

Alastor returned the rattle to his daughter which brought a smile back the babe's face. As Alastor was putting Caroline back into her pram, Charlotte glanced over at the man who had retrieved her child's toy and she was instantly shocked.

Had he been just an old friend or neighbor she probably would not have recognized him. For the last time she had seen him, he stood proud and strong but now he hobbled all frail and feeble. Yet despite the drastic change, Charlotte would know him anywhere. This poor pitiful man was her father Lucifer Magne.

She rushed to his side and said.

"Good sir, do you know who I am?"

The man squinted his eyes and stared at her but he did not recognize his daughter.

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