Chapter 6

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The next morning when Charlotte went into the kitchen to do her usual chores she was in a very good mood. In fact she was as happy as a lark. Last night had just been so grand. Probably the grandest night of her life, the ball was so beautiful and the young man she had danced with was no doubt the best partner she ever had. She'd never forget that wonderfully romantic waltz she shared with him, the way he had held her would forever be in her memory. She replayed the whole scene from last night in her mind the entire time she swept the floor while humming to herself the melody of the song that they had waltzed to.

"Well you're awfully happy this morning Apple Cheek." Niffty said observantly. "Anything interesting happen last night?"

"Oh no." She answered. "I just had a very nice dream that's all. But what about you? Anything interesting happen last night at the ball?"

"Oh Apple Cheek you missed a real treat. Wonderful music and dancing all night long. So many dashing gentlemen. Dashing, sharply dressed, and single gentlemen!"

"Did you dance with any of them?"

"I danced with a few and I had a splendid time. But then they ran away from me."

"Oh no, why?"

"Because I asked if any of them were seeking a wife and apparently that's creepy. Or at least that's what Husk says but what does he know? He hasn't had a lady friend in the last twenty years."

Charlotte giggled.

"But aside from watching men flee from me due to commitment issues, the ball was a fantastic frolic and the best part about it was the mysterious guest who arrived."

"Oh?" Charlotte said feigning ignorance. "Tell me about this guest?"

"She was the most beautiful lady in all the world I'm sure. Her hair was like the sun and it sparkled in the light. She also had the most exquisite gown. I don't even think that the master's tailor could have created a more gorgeous garment. And she danced like she was walking on air, her feet barely touched the floor."

"That amazing huh?"

"Amazing and so much more. All the gentlemen desired her and all the ladies envied her. But I think it was the young master who was the most beguiled by her. He didn't take his eyes off of her the whole time she was there."

"Really?" Charlotte thought back to the ball and tried to remember anyone paying any special attention to her besides Alastor but no one came to mind.

"Funny thing though no one knew who she was and she never told anyone her name." Niffty continued. "She was probably the daughter of a rich land owner or something."

"She seemed rather pretentious to me." Katie said before she started carving up a chicken. "I mean if she really was a woman of wealth and class then why would she just leave so suddenly without even giving her name or thanking the host? Seems to me that she might be hiding something."

"If she is it's really none of our business is it?" Niffty said. "After all we don't know her."

"I'm just saying the rich and the wealthy have much more scandalous secrets than the poor and the help. For example I just recently learned the most juicy news about Lucifer Magne."

Charlotte went stiff at the mention of her father's name.

"The Lucifer Magne?" Niffty said. "As in the owner of the Magne Apple Orchard?"

"That's him. I heard it yesterday from the men who delivered the apples purchased from his orchard to make cider for the ball. Apparently he disowned his daughter."

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