Chapter 3

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Down into the kitchen Charlotte went, following after the maid called Niffty who then introduced her to the cook called Katie. Now Katie was as mean and ill tempered as she was ugly. She would always bellow and screech at the other staff members in her terrible voice while also insulting them to no end. However when the master of the house or anyone high in rank was around she was careful to always act humble and sweet. One look at Charlotte and the old cook automatically decided that she despised her.

"Who are you?" Bellowed the repulsive woman.

"I am called Apple Cheek." Charlotte answered. "They said that I could work in the kitchen."

"That idiot Husk expects me to share my wages with the likes of you?" She replied with a scowl.

"No ma'am. I am to be given no wages. All I ask is that I be given a little food and a place to sleep."

"You can eat whatever you find and you'll sleep in the cellar." Katie said. "And you're never to leave the kitchen. Upstairs won't see you nor hear you."

Charlotte performed each task given to her diligently without complaint and she was grateful to be given work however she never smiled or sang or laughed or joked. She only cleaned dishes, pots, and pans and swept and scrubbed the kitchen floors, all while dreaming of returning home. How she wished she might have another chance to tell her father how much she loved him. But eventually she came to the sad realization that such a chance would most likely never arise and accepted that she would spend the rest of her life in this household.

The cook was very cruel to her and always gave her the hardest chores to do. The other staff weren't too friendly toward either, they didn't deliberately act mean to the girl like Katie did but they either just ignored her or looked upon her with disgust. Only the household maid Niffty treated her with decency and respect, she always spoke kindly to the apple cheeked woman in the moss dress and often tried to engage her kitchen conversations. Sometimes she would even be kind enough to share her wages with her. Charlotte was pleased that she had at least one friend.

One day there was great excitement in the kitchen.

"The young master has finally returned from his hunting trip." Niffty announced. "He's killed enough fine bucks to feed everyone in the house and sell what's leftover to the butcher. He wants to celebrate his victorious killings by holding a festival. A week long festival with picnics and balls and so much more."

"What's that to be happy about?" Katie snarled. "That only means I'll be cooking to feed hundreds all night long, everyday this week and no amount of wages will be worth that."

"But it's to be a frolic Katie." Niffty explained. "Everyone is invited to attend even us lowly kitchen staff."

Charlotte was surprised by these news. Her father nor any other master or mistress she knew would even consider allowing their staff to attend parties and other festive gatherings. 

"Is everyone in the house hold invited?" She asked the maid.

"Everyone who has a ballgown or a suit." Niffty answered. "This will probably be the grandest event this plantation ever knew, Apple Cheek. Maybe even grander than the parties our old master would host. God rest his soul."

"How much I should like to go." The moss dressed woman said as she recalled how much she used to love to sing and dance at celebrations that were her held in her former home.

"What! You dirty impudent slut!" Said Katie. "You among all the fine gentleman and ladies with your filthy, mossy frock? A fine figure you'd cut!"

"I know I have no right to show my face to such an occasion. It was only wishful thinking."

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