Chapter 10

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As usual Charlotte amazed everyone at the ball with her incredible beauty and as usual Alastor was the only gentleman she wanted to spend the evening with. This ball was especially wonderful because aside from dancing there was also going to be a concert of singers. In the middle of the event, all the guests became quiet and were seated as a group of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen sang before everyone.

As Charlotte listened to them she could not help but be reminded of how she used to sing for her father whenever he felt grieved. In fact it was a reminder that was so strong that she instinctively closed her eyes and joined in with the chorus, singing for the first time in such a long period. But she sang so much more harmoniously than any other that the performers became silent and all attention was shifted toward her. They couldn't help it, her voice was more beautiful than any that ever been heard. Alastor was immediately charmed by her vocals and was certain that not even the angels in heaven could sing better. He was in love, madly and beyond all reason.

So in love he was with her that as they danced together he could not resist pressing her fondly in his arms and kissing her lovely brow. She was surprised by his sudden gesture of affection but welcomed it by caressing his cheek with the palm of her hand. They were completely lost in each other and as the evening grew more late he led her out on to the balcony of the house where a view of the entire plantation could be seen. The cotton plants, the magnolia trees, the duck pond, the fields, but what Charlotte found to be the most lovely was the starry night sky. So many of them twinkling and shinning like diamonds.

"This place is so beautiful." She said. "Everywhere I look I can see so much beauty. Everything here is just lovely."

"All of it is nothing compared to you." Alastor said making her cheeks become even more rosy. She looked away from him shyly. "Does my flattery make you uncomfortable, my dear?"

"No." She answered. "Forgive me but it has been so long since someone has complimented me. Unfortunately I have become very used to being insulted and ignored."

"Who in their right mind would dare commit such a sin?" He took both of her hands into his own.

"It does not matter. I...I should not trouble you with my own petty woes."

"Oh trouble me please. I could not bear the thought of you ever being treated poorly." He took her into his arms again. "You should be cherished always."

Charlotte felt her heart flutter because of how gentle his words and his touch was.

"You are so kind to me." She told him. "You have made me feel so happy. I never thought that I would ever know such joy as this."

"Neither did I. To be perfectly honest you are the most wonderful person I have ever met."

"Do you really mean that?"

"With all my heart."

She moved her hand to his cheek again and brought his face closer to hers. For a moment they just stood there under the stars in the silent night, holding each other and sharing gazes of adoration. The two leaned in and at long last their lips met. They kissed. Kissed their mouths, their eyes, their cheeks, and then their mouths again. Their love was so deep and true that they could no longer keep it contained.

"Please tell me your name." Alastor pleaded when their lips parted. "Tell me so that I may engrave it in my heart forever."

"I beg you, do not jest." She said breathlessly.

"I would never play a jest with you. Not in regards to this."

"I want to tell you who I am but I am afraid of what you will think of me once you learn who I truly am."

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