Chapter 16- final chapter!!!

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it has been a week and a half since I brought rainbow to the hospital. no pony knows when she will get out. the probability is in 2 more weeks. I visit her every day but each day she can't see me. today when I went, she said her vision was blurry. I sat alone on a cloud in cloudsdale, watching the sun set. I was almost half asleep when a pair of hooves wrapped around my neck. they nearly choked me to death. what spitfire doing this? She should be in jail! And why would she choke me?" I looked down to see who it was. a cyan blue arm was wrapped tightly around my neck. I jumped in the air and looked down.
"Rainbow???? Can you see now? How are you out of the hospital?????" I Asked.
She smiled "yup! I can see! Well... Kinda... I have to wear glasses." She told me.
"Why aren't you wearing 'em?"
"Because, if I wore glasses then I would look like a nerd, and I was a nerd then I'd be an egghead, and if I was an egghead then I would be like twilight, and if I was like twilight then I wouldn't be cool. so, long story short, I settled with contacts." she explained.
I laughed. "You're starting to sound like pinkie pie with your run on sentence"
She shrugged.
Her eyes where a bit bloodshot and she had a couple scars on her body. especially on her eyebrow and wing. her back hoof was in a brace- she broke it and just got out of a cast. she was still looking a little rough but at least I could see that rainbow was starting to recover.
"C'mon, you're probably dying to be able to walk again. lets go for a fly." I told her.
She smiled and nodded. "Sure!"

My wing and hoof hurt a little bit, so I don't know how I'm going to walk a lot. I agreed to go though. anything is better than laying on a hospital bed with an eyepatch over both eyes all day. I got up and started walking. we walked ten minutes before a few of the wonderbolts walked up to us.
"Soarin, we know now why you left. wanna give this place another chance now that spits is gone? Or are you too chicken?" Fleetfoot (who was now the captain) said to soarin.
"Chicken? Phhhh! Of course I'll join again!" He said.
Fleetfoot nodded and turned to me. she opened her mouth to speak. before she did, she turned to the rest of the group standing behind her. They all gave her a reassuring smile or nod. fleetfoot turned back to me.
"You went through some tough times in the past week rainbow. It just proves your strong enough to be a wonderbolt. plus, we need a new co-captain since I'm that captain now. are you willing to be that pony? Or... are you still scared from what happened last the time you where in this building?" She asked me.
I jumped up in the air.
"Wait... 'lemme get this strait" I said. "you want ME, to be the assistant captain here?"
Fleet Foot nodded.
"Why are you even asking me?? Of course I would!"
"Great." she said.
"Uh.. we promise we won't keep you hostage and try to murder you while your blind because you got punched in the face too much." Misty fly joked.
Surprised elbowed her and fire streak glared.
"Shut it. she's been traumatized enough, misty." blaze mumbled.
I smiled. this has been the best day ever!

I couldn't wait. It's been a year since the spitfire incident and a year and a half since we started dating. today i was bringing her to the top of a really pretty mountain with a beautiful view. It was in rainbow falls so the mountain was stained with rainbows. there where also waterfalls. it was the nicest mountain in equestria.
"Wow. I've never been here." dash stated. "it really nice.
"Y-yeah. heh." I said.
"You sound nervous, why?" She asked.
Shoot. She could tell.
"N-no re-reason."
"Oh. ok."
We sat in silence. I finally stood up.
She looked up at me.
"Uh..." I began to say.
"N-neverm-mind." I sat back down.
"Umm." she gave me a concerned glance.
I took a deep breath. your ruining this date soarin!
I stood up again and knelt back down.
"Ra-rainbow dash, you are the prettiest pony I know and Im aware we've only been dating a year and a half, but I know for a fact that this relationship will never end. I feel we are meant for each other, I mean, we've been through so much." I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out a box that contained a ring. "w-will you.. marry me?"
I instantly felt her arms wrap around me.
"Yes! Yes I will, soarin."
I smiled. life can't get any better than this.

A/N well. that was a cheesy ending. whatever! Dashie can see! Even though she needs contacts. I didn't want her to have glasses, that would just ruin her character, but it would only make sense that she would need them. After all, it's probably not possible to go from being blind, back to 20/20 vision. anyway, pinkie promise- cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye, that there will be a sequel! So make sure you read it! I'll tell you when it's out on this story, and my status too so yeah! I'm gonna take a break from writing so it should be out in tops, a month. till then, bai!

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