Chapter 5: more than friends?

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Sorry it's been taking so long to get the story posted. I promise you that it won't take this long anymore ;)
I sat back down, tensing up a little while I waited for a response from her. It never occurred to me that maybe she didn't think of me that way. Maybe she thought we where
Just friends
I swallowed from the horror of that thought. and if it is true, the most embarrassing moment of my life was just waiting to come. I glanced up at her. the eerie light from the bakery was shining down on her like a spotlight. she sat there staring past me, at the white wall. her magenta eyes had shock in them, but it almost looked like they where excited. The warm feeling of relief went through me as she shook her head, back into reality. a slight smile spread across her face. The cyan pegasus's cheeks where fading into a pinkish red. She glanced around, it was obvious that she was making sure nopony saw what just happened. especially pinkie pie. Everypony knew that pinkie would make in into a giant deal and get her party canon or something. it felt like I was sitting in that same chair for half an hour, waiting for a response from her, although it was only about 10 seconds. finally, her warm colored eyes met mine. "wow..." she mumbled, her voice was softer and less raspy than normal, but it what still obvious she was not sure of what else to say. She was speechless, which I suppose it a good sign.
I kick my shin slightly with my other leg to make sure I'm not dreaming. I can't feel anything, so does that mean I am dreaming? No. my leg fell asleep. I can feel lots right now, like the pounding of my heart, and the butterflies in my stomach. I snap myself out of my thoughts and look up at soarin, only to see that he's waiting for more of a response other than 'wow'. we've been sitting in complete silence for the past 10 seconds. the only noise I can hear is pinkie pie crashing around in the kitchen and the quiet murmuring of the two ponies, Bonbon and lyra, who just walked in and ordered some food. "this is the best day... Ever!" I finally said. I could've thought of something better to say, but in my defence, my mind was blank. Soarin smiled at my comment. his slight smile turned into a snug, mischievous smile, like he got an idea, or remembered something "I gotta get goin'. I have to talk to spitfire about... " He suspiciously paused while thinking for a word to use.
"S-something" he finally said. I nodded my head and he flew out of the building.
That was weird. suspicious. why would he- I gasped. what if... he was
Cheating on me with spitfire?
It made so much sense. Even if that wasn't true, he could be up to something. up to no good, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of all this nonsense. One way, or another.

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