Chapter 8- soarindash!

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I flew frantically to find spitfire. Dash may be mad now, but I am going to make her happy. She'll be able to forgive me. I know it. Although, I probably should've waited until our date was over instead of just running away. I do feel bad about that.
Really bad.
My eyes zoned out and my wings started flapping slower. I was so deep in thought that I didn't see the bright orange pegasus flying right in front of me.
"Penny for your thoughts?" She asked sarcastically.
"Oh uh... hey spitfire! We need to talk."
spitfire cocked her head sideways.
"Uh... is something wrong? What happened? Is it important? I didn't see anything bad happen. Do- Uh oh. do you want to quite the wonderbolts???" Spitfire asked without taking a break to breath.
"Quite the wonderbolts? No! Not at all. it is kind of important since my love life is on the line here." I told her.
"Love life?" She questioned
"Yup. see, I want rainbow dash to like me, but with me being the idiot I am around mares, I messed things up and I need you to let rainbow on the team. please." I explained
"I'm not going to let rainbow on the wondebolts, soar. She is not good enough." spitfire mumbled.
What the heck does spitfire have against dash anyways??? Rainbow is definitely good enough!
There is no way I'm letting rainbow on the team. Every time we compete with something, she always steals my spotlight. and now she is stealing Soarin. The one pony I secretly love. I'm going to get soarin for my own. The fight is on, dash.
"She isn't going on the team. period."
Soarin sighed. "Spitfire, I'll do anything! I swear, I need to get dash to like me again."
"No." I stamped my hoof. I changed my stern tone to a softer tone. "but if you want somepony to date, you'll find somepony easily. trust me." I winked at him and flew away. soarin gave me a look and flew back down to ponyville. I watched him fly away.
Damn. he is cute. He may not like me now, but that ain't gonna last long.
I look up at the sky to see soarin flying down to where I'm standing.
"Rainbow! Please forgive me." he said
"I flew away because I attempted to get you into the wonderbolts. I didn't get you in though. but I'm gon-"
I cut him off with a kiss.
"its ok soarin." I said.
"I didn't get you in though." He repeated.
"I know. I heard you the first time. I was mad at first, but no pony tried to do such a nice thing for me before. Thank you. even if you did fail." I smiled.
That smile. it made me feel warm inside. I don't know what it was about that smile. it made me feel relieved though. It made me happy.

A/N soarindash is backkkkk! I'll get some action going in the next few stories. spitfire is gonna make sure that there is action in the story :) I have awesome things planned for in the story! This is gonna be for exiting than it has been. its not gonna be boring anymore!!

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