Chapter 2- soarindashhhhhh!

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As I flew back to my cloud house after a long chat with soarin, it was already dark. I guess I was talking longer then I thought. ooooh! I'm just so happy he came to talk to me! he's just so... cute! Wait... what!? I didn't just call soarin cute? did I? I got so surprised by my own thoughts that I stumbled off my cloud home. normally I would be able to flap my wings and stop myself before I fell, but I was just so stunned, not from falling, but from realizing that I had feelings for soarin. I closed my eyes, so I wouldn't see the distance from me and the ground. I waited to feel the harsh impact of the dirt road for 1 second, 5 seconds, 15 seconds. I wasn't falling though. it wasn't until I started to distract myself from falling by counting in my head when I noticed the warmth of another pony's arms wrapped around me.



I really like rainbow dash, which is why I went to fly up to her house to ask if she wanted to go get some lunch with me tomorrow instead of risk the fact that I might never see her again 'cause hey, you never know! when I got to her house, I couldn't believe what I saw, it look almost like she slipped off her house's porch or something. I couldn't help myself, I flew as fast as I can to her and wrapped my arms around her. It was all I could do, she did save me, and my pie multiple times before. I guess I just wanted to return the favour. She's still breathing. good. She isn't dead. but she wasn't opening her eyes. did she faint or something?



I opened my eyes to see soarin staring down at me.

I was so mesmerized by his emerald green eyes that I didn't notice him trying to talk to me. "D-dash!!! are you ok? did you faint? Are you diabetic or somethin'? how much sugar did you eat??? maybe your diabetic. do you have insulin? wait... ARE you diabetic? I know ponies can faint from eating too much sugar when their diabetic... at least I THINK they can." He said to me in a panic. "it's fine. I'm fine. I'm not diabetic, soarin. I didn't faint. I just, realized something that was quite... unsettling. it made me panic a bit, so I slipped and fell. I couldn't get ahold of myself so I just fell, with no intention to do anything at all. so yeah" I explained to him.



After she told me what happened, I felt so stupid. for some reason I'm curious if she IS diabetic now. I honestly don't know why, but I just want to know because if she doesn't turn me down on the next question, then I can buy her Apple pie! actually, no. i'd be buying myself Apple pie but saying it was for her and eating it anyways. well, here goes nothing. "Oh. it's good to know your ok. well, the reason why I was flying by your house was.. I... I saw you turtle fly into the window! Heh" I say. wait what? dang it. I got nervous. she probably hates me more then ever now. of course I had to chicken out though. UGH! I'm so stupid!!! "haha" rainbow dash giggled. Thanks for telling me soarin. I guess I need to work on the steering for his helicopter a bit mo-". i interrupted her. "actually, no. that never happened. the real reason is because... Your really pretty and I'm in love with you and I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me tomorrow? I understand if you wouldn't want to have lunch with a colt like me." My words where all jumbled together but at least I got that off my chest. I took a deep breath and bowed my head down slightly.



OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!!!! SOARIN OUT OF ALL PONIES ASKED ME OUT! I cleared my throat awkwardly and said "I'd love to soarin." I'd love to? that sounded dumb. Couldn't I have thought of a better way to say yes to him? whatever! this has truly been the best day of my life!

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