Cafe work

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.· 'cafe work ☆'¨) ¸.·*¨)
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After modeling for a few months now you decided to get a part time job in down town center we're a lot of people would go to get there coffees in the morning for work

You were still doing modeling but you decided to take a brake for while so you could feel a little bit more normal and have more time for your kids

To be honest it was a job you liked, you liked making coffees and saying good morning to people who would walk in the store in the mornings

But sometimes there were people who were bitches who were rude and would complain about everything

"My drink isn't right, it doesn't taste like the ones I get from other coffee shops" the old woman slammed her drink in front of you

"Uhh, we can remake it for you if that's what you want or I can just give you your money back mam!" You fiddled with your fingers nervous with her response

"Make me another one, and this time don't make it taste like shit?" She walked back to her seat

(This totally didn't happen😅^)

You rolled your eyes in frustration walking over to the back were Joey sat waiting for you to be over with your shift

"Looks like I gotta make another one since the first one tasted like shit" you sighed, walking to the blender to start putting the ingredients in

"Uh? I tasted it and it tasted good, it's probably the best thing I've drank today" Joey got up and walked over to you passing any ingredients you needed

"Yeah we'll miss Karen says other wise" you turned on the blender, the sound of the blender echoed through the room

After the ingredients blended together you poured it into too cups, one for Joey to try and the other one for the woman

Joey tried it and hummed while he danced moving his hips a bit "I see no problem with it" he took another sip and went to sit back we're he was, taking drive through orders for you since you were busy dealing with this woman

Joey would get 10-15 dollars in the tip jar because he would flirt with all the men and even the woman even though he hated flirting with woman he was still making bag

You went back to the front counter calling for her but it seemed like she was ignoring you, being the 'nice' person you are you went to take it to her

"Here you go mam, sorry for the last drink" you bowed and walked away, walking to the cash register to sort out the dollar bills

The woman walked got up from her seat and walked her ass on over the the front and slammed the cup on the table again

"The color isn't right! It's supposed to be a peachy pink NOT a dark pink" you were about to wip some ass if this woman didn't leave you in peace

"Mam you didn't even taste it, how are you gonna judge it by it's color" you tried convincing her to give it a try

"No! You probably poisoned it that's why it's this color" she argued back, you sighed and rubbed your temples

"Now why would I poison your drink?" You question her making her face go pale and dumb

"U-uh be-because you do witch craft and you want to kill me! Didn't your mother teach you any better?"she declared with her statement about witch craft

"Mam I'm a mother of 2 twins, why would I end it all because of you? I have so much ahead for me" you laughed at her statement making her face go red with flames

"How dare you disrespect me! Let me talk to your manager this instant" the woman tried looking behind you to find anyone who might look like a manager

"Sure thing" you walked to the back were Joey was talking to a random guy, making the car line bigger by the minute

"So can I get feet phot-" you dragged Joey away before the weird man would ask the question he was asking

"I need you to act like like the manager and kick that bitch out of here" you whispered to Joey while pointed to the woman

"Sure thing, and tell that guy I'm not interested" he walked away to the front

You went to the window and opened it up "that will be 12 dollars please" you smiled at the man to not make it weird

"H-hey there was a guy in there he said he would give me feet photos" you looked at him and cringed

"Uhm he said he wasn't interested" your smiled cracked trying to not laugh In front of him

"Oh, we'll give him this" he handed you the money with a paper that has is number on it

"Oh yeah sure" you grabbed the money and paper from his hand and handed him his drink

You have never ever been in a more awkward position before


Joey walked to the front counter eyeing down the woman you had told him about

"Hello there ms, how can I help you" he smiled making himself look like he had a manager smile

"T-that employee you have back there threatened to kill me and stab me! She also dose witch craft" Joey nodded his head sarcastically and hummed every time she would add something to the story

"Ms do you see what type of clothing I have on right now?" The woman looked at Joey confused before looking at his outfit


"This outfit I have on right now is a boss outfit and that means I don't have time for your bullshit because I have important things to do" he smiled a lot bigger this time "so if you don't like the drink you requested you can always leave and never come back"

The woman stomped her feat down on the ground "I'm putting a bad reviewing this store, then you'll regret ever saying that"

She walked out of the store with a red face looking like a tomato, Joey waved at her and politely and said goodbye to her


You were taking the last car in the drive through and then your shift would be over, finally.

The car pulled up, making a screeching sound before it stoped "that would be 14 dollars and 99 cents please" you looked over to see who was in the vehicle and saw a familiar golden yellow haired guy



Oh shit did I just do that? Yes, yes I did.

Im going to in person school now so my schedule is all fucked up now, so sorry for not posting sooner

Thank you for the reading and voting/ commenting 😛

Thank you for the reading and voting/ commenting 😛

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