The flower that hadn't blossomed yet

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.· '.the flower that hadn't blossomed yet ☆'¨¨)
(¸.·' (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* *¨)

"Atsumu! Hello, sorry I'm late I was helping my husband with something." Y/n stood there with her newborn baby who looks exactly like Ushijima.

Where am I, Ushijima? Husband? Newborn baby? What in the hell is going on.

"Husband?" I asked.

"Oh Atsumu, did you hit your head? Don't you remember I got married to Ushijima?" She showed me her hand that had a beautiful ring on it.

"I-I Y/n I'm so sorry." I kneeled on the ground, covering my face because of the shame.

I didn't get to tell her I still love her. I'm too late.

"You're sorry about what?" She kneeled as well, cupping her hand on my cheek. Her hand is so soft, please just keep them there forever, my beloved.

"I wasn't able to tell you I love you Y/n, I was too much of a coward, I ruined what we could've become." Tears started to spout from the brim of my eyes. I just wanted to disappear.

"Atsumu, what's going on with you? Look up and face me." I did as she asked, and it was and if the whole scenery had changed. "What happened, love?" Her expression looked worried.

The other baby she had in her hands was no longer there, this time the baby looked like me and her ring changed.

"Y/n? You're not married to Ushijima?" She furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

"Of course not, I'm married to the man I love, and that's you, Atsumu. I swear you say the most random things sometimes, now let's get going Hachi and Aito are waiting for us downstairs."

"And will you be a dear and take Yuina with you, shes been latched onto me all day today." She handed me the baby putting her head onto my shoulder.

Yuina felt very fragile, like a flower that hadn't blossomed yet; yet it still felt like she brought beauty into this world.

(I hope you guys understand what I mean by this^)

I followed after her down the hall into the kitchen and saw a now older version of Aito and Hachi, there probably already 8 years old.

"Daddy, look what I made in school!" Hachi ran up to me showing a coloring page in her hand.

"Wow that looks nice Hachi, let's hang it up on the refrigerator?" Hachi shook her head and went on to found a magnet.

I'm still very confused about what the heck is happening.

"Daddy, you wanna watch tv with me?" I heard Aito yell out from the living room area.

As I was walking to the living room I closed my eyes for a few seconds, then opened them again, only to find myself somewhere else from where I was.

There it showed Y/n on the ground crying, she looked much younger. She was in her high school uniform, her mascara ran down her face staining her uniform.

And there in her hand showed a pregnancy test in her hand.

"Y/n?" I tried talking to her but it's like she didn't hear me. "Y/n, it's me Atsumu, hello?" I went up to her to shake her shoulder but my hand went right through her.

"Y/n I told you to stop taking pregnancy tests, you're pregnant stop trying to convince yourself you're not." Suna walked into the bathroom with a wet rag in his hand, putting it on top of Y/n's head.

"You're stressing yourself too much, look you're burning up." He patted her forehead with the rag once more.

"I know I am Rin..I miss him, I miss Atsumu." Her soft cry's echoed through the bathroom.

"I know Y/n..I know."  He hugged her.

"M-maybe I should..abort it?"

"Is that what you want Y/n?"

"No, I don't. I can never bring myself to do that to my baby."

"Atsumu wake the fuck up." I felt a pillow hit my face making me flinch and sit up.

"What do you want Ava!" I groaned and tossed myself over.

"You were mumbling to your self again...something about Y/n." Turning back over to her I look at her with a serious face. "What did I say?" I asked.

"I-I don't know, something about being late." She said confused and shrugged her shoulders.

I ran my hand over my face and got out of the bed, I couldn't stay there in bed all night just thinking about Y/n and Ushijima being together.

She was probably getting ready by now, all pretty just for him.

He may have called her first, but that doesn't mean I can't get to her first.

"We're are you going?" I asked, She was looking at her self in the mirror putting on blush on her cheek bones.

"I'm going out to meet with someone...his name is ray." She responded as she looked at me trough the mirror.

"Oh, I guess I'll see you when you come back."

"I'm not coming back or the day after that. I'm leaving to the states with him." My head shot back up and looked at her with a confused face.

"You're leaving? What about your mother and your father?" I asked.

"If I stay here any longer then ima just live a miserable life if I keep obeying by there rules...I also don't want my baby to live the life I went trough because of an arranged marriage." Her hand went to her stomach and did a little circle around it.

"You're pregnant?" She nodded her head yes and smiled.

"Yes and it's probably the best thing that has ever happened to me." She pulled out a paper from the cabinet and handed it to me. "I think this is what we both want Atsumu, we don't love each other so why stay together."

And there on the paper with big black bold words said divorce agreement.

"I don't want any of your stuff Atsumu, if that's what you're wondering. I just want to get out of this hell hole."

"Alright I'll sign it for the sake of your baby." Her smile widened more than before, then brought me into a hug.

"Thank you Atsumu, thank you so much..." I heard her softly sniffle. " better treat Y/n right, treat her like a damn queen if you have too." She pulled out from the hug and wiped her tears that fell from her eyes.

I couldn't happen to smile hearing her talk about treating Y/n like a queen, of course I'm gonna do that, she's the love of my life.

"I will Ava, I will."



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There's a smut chapter coming up

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