Part 24: The Killer in the Mirror

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(Hehe let's do the old switcheroo! >:3) 

Everything was dark to me. Everything. 
I took a deep breath, but no oxygen filled my lungs. I felt... Lifeless. Weightless. And extremely heavy at the same time. 
What has happened? 
I... Honestly don't know. 
My name? 
I opened my eyes, staring into the dark abyss. Nothing was around me. I felt... blind. And helpless. 
"You're a failure, Zephyr." 
I lowered my head, having heard that way too often since a few days. Eversince we all arrived here. I had no clue who that voice belonged to. And honestly, I was too scared to find out. 
I started trying to wake up, aware that I was asleep. 
And soon, I finally managed doing just that.
I took a deep breath and looked around, finding myself near a huge, yet fully destroyed city. I frowned slightly and walked down the destroyed streets, jumping over some rubble from time to time or stepping over a corpse. The more I went on, the louder I heard loud screams from far away. Eventually I stopped when a piece of rubble flew past me. I watched it a bit before sighing and readjusting my jacket a bit and continuing on my way. 
Where am I going? 
To the HQ. To the one person that I had a massive problem with. 
That little asshole. 
Soon enough I arrived at the HQ, noticing it was a fully destroyed building now. A few workers continued evacuating as many people as humanly possible, really worried. I scanned the area a bit and soon found who I was searching for. 
A male. 1,86 meters tall, a bit chubby and yet very strong. Light brown and rather short hair, and a black goatee. Brown eyes with golden specks and dark pupils, that had a bit of a dark gold inside.

(Usually I would use the other model for Notch but... I can work much more with this!)

Ironic, that they'd let an old man lead such an important place. It's almost like they wanna mock him since he sometimes collapses under the sheer pressure of leading this whole complex thing. 
Why did I have something against him? 
Let's just say that him and I had quite the interaction with him and he betrayed me many times, hurt my wifes' feelings and is the reason for my sons' death, and he's the main culprit for this new problem. You'll see why quite soon. 
I went over to him and he spotted me when I was just a few meters away. At first he looked like he wanted to call out to me, warn me to get out of this area. 
Until he recognized me. His jaw dropped a bit before he growled and grabbed his sword, that was, per usual, secured on his sword belt. 
"What are you doing here? We parted ways long ago, Zephyr." 
I grinned slightly. "Oh, we did. But not in a way I would've wanted, or enjoyed. You did way too much to let you go now.", I teased, grinning a bit and circling him. He growled, which is mostly a sign of "Back up or I'll be the reason you're a head shorter very soon." I wasn't intimidated by that, just gripping my bow a bit harder. 

(Fun fact, there's a dwarven bow in Skyrim called Zephyr. Not the best one, but it's still good. Hold up, I'll plop a pic-)

(I just imagine him having a bow due to that-)

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(I just imagine him having a bow due to that-)

He frowned slightly. "What...? You do realize there's a Witherstorm that just ran through here!" He was in shock. I chuckled. "Even better, that means you couldn't have time to prepare~", I cooed. He huffed slightly. "We can do that any other time, but not now!", he said sharply.
He was serious. He wasn't ready. He was terrified.
He wanted to leave when I gave no reply, but I pulled out an arrow and put it on my bowstring, pointing at him.
"Move another step and I'll shoot you."
He stopped mid-step, his grip tightening around his sword handle. "We're not gonna play this game, Zephyr. Especially now. You'll just lose again."
I growled lowly and shot, expecting something he always did when I shot.
He turned around, sword in hand, and just cut the arrow in half before it could hit. Both halves went past him and fell to the ground.
Oh, old Notchy. Never changes his attitude, or his ways.
Which was his biggest weakness.
And so our fight begun.
Notch was pissed, so he came over to attack me. I didn't care too much, backing up and shooting arrows at him at a high speed. Having shot a bow for multiple years is always something good.
He blocked most of them, ignoring those that hit, and jumped at me. I quickly stepped to the side, getting out my dagger and plopping my bow into the side of my belt where it automatically got fastened.
Now it was a close combat, something I absolutely hated, despite not being bad at it. It's just scary as heck.
I yanked the blade down, just barely missing his spine as he suddeny disappeared, appearing behind me, sword raised in the air. I froze a bit before turning around asap and-
I stood there, one hand on his shoulder, the other one gripping the bloody dagger that was now stuck in his stomach. None of us did anything for a few seconds until I felt his sword fall down right next to me, hitting the ground with that usual sound of metal hitting stone.
I very gently pulled the dagger up high towards his ribcage before pushing it deeper, letting him quietly cry out in pain and grab the blade with his hand to prevent that. I went higher and higher, past his ribs and to his throat, when I stabbed it through so it exited through his neck. He gasped weakly in pain before collapsing when I pulled the blade out.
There he lied, in front of my feet, silently and lifelessly staring into an empty space, his golden-brown eyes going dull and empty, his expression filled with fear and pain. A pool of blood slowly started growing around him, dripping down the debris.
I grinned slightly and continued on my way, leaving him there on the way, having paid for his crimes.
One down, a few more to go. 
He destroys my family? I'll do the same to his. 
I didn't know I was being watched tho. Their brown eyes glared at me, flipping their white hair out of them and readjusting their leaf crown. 
"You're dead to us now, Zephyr."

(Plot- >:3)

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