Part 4: A heart meant to be broken

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(Reds' FoV)
I frowned at that sound. Something was odd, and I grew a little worried. So I stood up.
Jura wanted to take my hand to get me to sit down again, but I didn't let him. Instead, I went to the door and opened it, going inside.
It was a rather empty room. A bed, a dresser and a mirror were inside. Nothing else. I frowned a little and looked around. The man was sitting on the floor, (luckily dressed -_-) gripping his hair, curled up and sobbing. The thing that hit the wall was a glass of water he threw against it in rage.
Very carefully I went over to him and sat down in front of him. He didn't notice me until I touched my shoulder. Then he flinched away, with a screech, staring at me with widened, dark grey eyes. I held my hands in the air, worried. "I'm not gonna harm you, buddy. Really.", I explained calmly. He was trembling, but then sighed and relaxed, curling up again. "Who even are you...?", he mumbled, his voice not too deep or too high. "My name is Redrare. I'm here because of an prophecy.", I explained. He looked at me before looking away, his voice empty.
"Then you found the wrong person.", he mumbled. I hesitated. "Well... I don't care. Right now, you seem to be sad, anyway. So I wanna help you. What's your name?" He frowned and looked at the floor.
"The name's Herobrine. Tho most people call me Hero."
I went silent in shock.
Without even fully wanting to, I just found Destruction.
Tho, I couldn't hide a little snort. Of course, a god that's a frigging stripper. He frowned confused. "What are you laughing at?", he asked. I immediately went quiet, shaking my head. He noticed and glared. "Ah, so you're laughing about me, eh?" I shook my head in shock. But he didn't care as he stood up and went to a window. He was just barely taller than me, and extremely thin in comparison.
I watched him worriedly. "Is this really where you live? That's... Not really a too nice place...", I asked, trying to stay nice.
"This is the only place I have. I can barely get enough food for myself, something to drink, have to do this fucked up job to keep myself over water, and it's at least warm here. It's better than the streets, tho.", he replied, his voice empty. I got worried and decided to do something I should regret later on.
"Wanna live with us? There you have everything you need. And you don't need to take this job.", I asked. He frowned and turned to me. "I mean... Sure...?", he mumbled. I smiled and left the room, waiting until he had packed everything.
"He's coming with us home!", I giggled. Jay and Jura both stared at me, but they hesitantly let him come with us. They seemed suspicious, tho didn't try to stop me.
I got confused, but simply shrugged it off.
Hero came back after only three minutes with a backpack. Nothing else. I tilted my head. "Is that everything you want to take with you?", I asked.
"It's everything I have."
"Oh.... Sorry, I didn't know..."
"It's alright, don't worry."
I felt really sorry for him now. Tho, before we could leave, Rico stepped in.
"Before you're leaving, you still have a job to finish, freak.", he said. Hero growled loudly. "Fuck that job."
"Well, it's more like the job will fuck you."
I grew pale as I noticed what that meant. Even Jura and Jay were shocked.
Hero growled some more, slowly losing his temper. "I'm sick of it. I won't do this. Oh, and my name isn't freak." He turned away from him, leaving. "My name is Herobrine. You can tell that your "boss"."
We hesitated, but followed him. Rico stayed behind, very confused.
Hero lead us out of the club and to the closest portal. We followed silently, very worried.
Now that we were out if that club, I noticed that everything was just acted. Hero wasn't as confident as before, he seemed like he was very uncomfortable. Yet he tried to hide it.
I went to him and walked next to him.
"How did they treat you?", I asked. He stayed silent for so long, I started asking myself if it was the wrong question.
"Not too nicely."
I flinched as he ripped me out of my thoughts. "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that...", I stuttered. He sighed. "Are you literally saying sorry to everything?", he grumbled. I hesitated, but nodded. "It's called being nice to others.", I explained, acting a bit sassy. He gave a reaction I didn't expect.
He snorted. "Geez, I like you already. You have sass and everything!", he said. I didn't know if he was joking, but giggled nonetheless. He seemed to have been joking since he chuckled as well. His chuckle wasn't too bad. It was very nice.
We walked next to each other. He was really not tall compared to me. Maybe a few millimeters taller, but not more. Then I found myself asking something.
"Do you have parents?"
And that was the question I shouldn't have asked.
He went silent and stopped, emptily staring at the ground.
"... None of your business.", he then just mumbled, continuing on the way. I hesitated as I noticed I made a mistake, but I didn't dare talk to him again. So I stayed with the others.
The fun times were obviously over since I asked that question. If I wouldn't have asked, he'd still be nice. But no, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
I huffed, saddened. Jura put his arm over my shoulder, keeping me close and rubbing my other shoulder. I relaxed a little, leaning against his warm body and letting him soothe me.
Jura sighed softly. "I'm sure he just doesn't want to be remembered.", he said softly. I only mumbled back: "And I stepped right into that one question."
"There are probably plenty questions he doesn't like."
And yet, one of them was one of my first questions.
Is it really fate that keeps us, or is that just some stupid little thing?

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