Part 34: The next life

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We were all sitting in the kitchen as soon enough the girls and Red appeared with both Notch and Herobrine with them. 
I got a bit surprised and got up, going over to them. Hero seemed a bit dazed while Notch was confused on where he was. Jerry immediately went to change, her pants and boots full of blood. Both Xalphire and Libi were calm, but Reddie seemed confused and kinda sad. 
"What ha-" 
I didn't even get 2 words over my lips before I froze at Jay's loud screech of shock. A quiet groan escaped my throat as he jumped up and ran to Reddie, hugging him tightly. Said man only hesitantly hugged back. But then Jay noticed something on him that made him immediately suspicious: He had a bloody knife with him, and it wasn't normal blood. It was black. There were only 2 beings that had fully black blood, and Jay immediately took the impossible one. 
"Did a Seraphim harm you?!" 
Red rolled his eyes. "No, he helped me." 
Both me and Jay froze before asking at the same time: "He?" 
"Absentia.", was the answer. A very short answer, honestly. 
We tried understanding that answer as Reddie just broke the hug, grabbed Hero's hand and went to his room with the demon. 
Jay was really confused now, trying to wrap his head around that. "Who the hell is Absentia?", he asked confusedly. "Hero's Seraphim, who else.", Nightmare replied calmly, just sipping his energy drink. We both turned to him. "So he's not even a fucking demon?!", Jay screeched, now getting really, really protective. Nightmare rolled his eyes and put his book down, glaring at him. "First of all, don't ever call my kind "Fucking demons", or else I'll fuck you up. Secondly, we all have Seraphims, even I. Third, go suck a sandpaper dick, the you at least won't screech like a damn banshee.", he growled before picking his book up again and reading it. I got a short glance at the cover of it. 
Deal with the devil
It seemed oddly familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger onto why this was the case. Have I seen this book before or was this just my imagination again? 
Doesn't matter... 
What mattered tho was the fact that Zephyr was really, really close to Nightmare now. So close that he was literally resting his head on the demons' shoulder, reading with him. 
I was kinda shocked honestly. At first they were fighting and now they were the best of pals? Jesus, that's a twist of events. 
And still, I had no D up until now. 
I was a bit pissy about that, but I couldn't change that now. 
What confused me more tho was the fact that Jay kept looking at Notch, kinda blushing. I frowned more as Notch looked at him too, first very confused and then a bit shy. 
Jesus Christ so he'll get dick as well?! 
I groaned quietly. Of fucking course. 
With a quiet huff I left the kitchen and went to my room, pissed. Me, the neediest one, doesn't get what I need. It's always the same. 
I silently went upstairs and sat down on my bed after closing and locking the door. Then I silently stared at the ground, kinda sad. 
That is, until I heard a silent bark. 
I frowned and looked around. Nothing was anywhere around, so I got even more confused. 
Until I heard another quiet bark, coming from under my blanket. It wasn't tidily folded like Jay always does, so it had a bunch of bumps and folded places. 
And a particularly big one, around the middle. It was moving a bit, searching for the end of the blanket. I frowned slightly and carefully gripped the end of the blanket, very carefully lifting it up. With a slight peak under it I was greeted by a small, white and grey muzzle and cute, big golden eyes. 
Out of shock I immediately put the blanket back down, staring at the door for a few moments and asking myself if I should yell out for someone to come or if I should just check it out. Curiosity soon got the best of me tho and I removed the blanket completely, getting greeted by an adorable little wolf cub with white and grey fur and big eyes. It sat up kinda surprised and panted happily, watching me as I just stared at it in a shit ton of surprise. 
The puppy just tilted its head before coming closer, being very clumsy. I slightly backed up out of reflex and it stopped, lying down and pressing its small body onto the ground, whimpering. 
I really had no clue what to do,  so I just forced myself to calm down and carefully reached out, petting it very carefully. It calmed down too and happily cuddled up to my hand, panting. I just kinda petted it, really, really confused and out of words. What also confused me that the puppy had a purple collar with its name, as well as the name of the owner, which was me. The name of the puppy was... 
I scratched the back of my head, trying to figure this out. I never had a dog and now I suddenly did? How? 
The puppy eventually started to whimper and looked at me with pleading eyes. I raised my eyebrows, but got up and went to the door, unlocking it. It immediately ran outside and stopped at the front door, scratching it a bit. 
Great, now it has to take a shit. 
With a quiet sigh I opened the door for it and it ran outside to do its duty. I on the other hand headed to the kitchen. 
"Why the fuck was there a wolf puppy in my room?", I asked them sharply. Jay looked at me, then at Nightmare. "Jay told me you were into wolves and a friend has wolves as pets. The female one gave birth a while ago, but he can't keep track of 7 additional puppies to his already 4 big wolves. So he gave me one for you. You better take care of him.", he said calmly, not even removing his look from his book. 
Now I was fully silent. Sure, I like wolves and dogs in particular, but still, I never had one, neither do I have the experience to keep one happy and healthy. 
I just kinda stared at them before noticing that the puppy was back. Centi whimperd, now hungry I guess. 
"In the fridge is some meat for him.", Nightmare said calmly. I frowned slightly and went there, finding a plate with a some raw steak, as well as some milk in a bowl. With a sigh I took it out and warmed both up using the microwave. 
Centi on the other hand ran to Nightmare and stood up on his hind legs, the front paws on his leg. Nightmare smiled softly and rubbed a spot behind his ear, and the wolf started panting happily. Zephyr awwed quietly and watched as the puppy absolutely loved this. Jay smiled as well. 
As soon as I was done I put the stuff on the ground for him. Centi didn't notice at all, so I called him over. 
At least that dog is trained already, because he immediately ran over and ate. 
I sighed and watched. Just great... I am kinda happy, but I still wonder why they had to give me a dog without asking me first. 
Well... I guess I'm stuck with a dog now. 
But that wouldn't be the case at all. 

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