Chapter 14: "Idiot"

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Older sister POV

I have a brother. He's always so annoying and bad mannered. He's cold and blunt, but I kinda understand that since he always watches anime with edgy main characters.

Sometimes, you could even mistake him as a clone of that handy Manny with 500 IQ guy, or the loner kid who got a cute girlfriend in the end.

I guess I could say that, "At first, you thought it was Hachiman. Then you thought it was Ayanokoji. But it was him, the edgy fanboy."

He's kinda funny sometimes. I remembered that time when he fell down the stairs. I know it was rude, but I can't help but laugh at him.

But despite that, I could tell that he's always giving his best. Whenever night came, I could always see light coming out of his room. Because of that, he rarely gets some sleep. I know he's doing it for his studies, but this is going to far. I'm worried about him.

Days past by, he began to care for his looks, which he did not care about before. He was changing and changing as days passed by.



"Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?"

It was currently 3:30 am. If he won't rest right now, there's a chance that he might collapse tomorrow.

"I'll sleep later. I'm doing something important right now."

He was holding his pencil and his phone in his other hand. He seemed to be texting someone.

"Fine. Just sleep earlier than usual, okay."

He nodded as I closed the door of his room.

There's something wrong...

And so, the next day came. (Y/n) told me that a classmate is going to be visiting today. Before I left for school, I cleaned the house so that this "classmate" of his wouldn't think that he's not a decent person for having messy home.

After school was done, I immediately left so I could prepare dinner at home. When I arrived at he entrance, I heard voices coming from inside.

"You're so smart (L/n)-san!"

I heard a feminine voice complimenting my little brother.

His girlfriend?

That thought started to make me feel excited to open the door. When I opened it, I went inside and greeted the girl with a smile.

"You must be (Y/n)'s friend. I hope you'll treat him in a good way."

"Sure," she answered with a smile plastered on her face.

I turned my head to look at my brother.

"You seem to have good friends (Y/n)."


The expression he made just now looked disturbing. I couldn't think of a word to describe it. All I can say is that he looked hesitant.

"Anyway, I'll be cooking dinner right now, so behave okay."

He nodded.

A few hours have passed, and the female visitor left seconds ago. Because of the kindness she gave to (Y/n), I decided to invite her for dinner if she wanted to.

I left the house and started looking for her.

She shouldn't be that far yet.

As I continued walking, I saw a familiar back on the streets.

Hayasaka Ai x Loner Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now