Chapter 8: Fixing the Problem

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"Girl" POV

I know I'm not pretty, I know I'm not talented either. I'm just a normal average person that you would find. A person that's like a background character if you put on a story.

I know that I don't have friends despite the large social circle around me. It was probably because I have a bad personality. Whenever someone approaches me it wouldn't take a minute for them to hate me, I don't know why because all I did was just tell the truth and describe them. I mean, isn't telling the truth a good thing? My classmates hated me, my friends and the people who I helped back then hated me too. I tried my very best to be kind to them and this is how they repay me? All I did was just tell them what I think of them and this is what they do? Selfish right?

However, there was one person that didn't hate me. (L/n) (Y/n), an honored student at our school. He was smart and had good looks. Whenever he talked to someone he smiles at them, he also had a good personality that's why many girls had a crush on him. But despite all of that, I hated him. That smiling face that he makes all the time disgusted me. That stupid kindness of his annoyed me so much I wanted to hit him on the face. I absolutely hate him.

Why, you ask? That's obviously because..... he was lying to himself. That fake smile he's making all the time, I hate it. That happy sounding voice that he keeps forcing himself to make, I hate it. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!

But.... I don't understand one thing, why was he lying to himself?


Hayasaka POV

While I was eating with my friends, a boy with a (H/c) hair color approached us.

"Excuse me."

After hearing that recognizable voice I immediately turned around to see who it was.


My friends started grinning while looking at the two of us.

"O-oh it's the transfer student, do you need something from Hayasaka-san?" One of my friends said.

"Yeah, I have something important to tell her. Can I borrow her for a second?"

Their grin started getting larger while some of them were already laughing.

Stop giving them the wrong idea! You're making it sound like you're going to confess to me or something!

"O-of course you can." They said while their eyes was fixated on me.

Just kill me already!

He extended his arm towards me and asked me to stand up.

You're making it worse you fool!

"I-it's okay, I can do it myself." I said while I stood up.

"You can come with me then."


After minutes of walking he finally stopped when we were behind the school building.

"We're here."

Looking around, it looks like he took me to a place where there are no other people around. It looked like a perfect place to be confessed to. Maybe I should take Kaguya-sama here sometimes.

Wait a second.... a perfect place to be confessed to? Don't tell me that he's going to confess to me right now!

"So... why did you bring me here?" I asked with a cold tone on my voice.

"That attitude of yours seem to have gotten a little cold just now. Are you on your period?"

"Do you want to die?"

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