|5| young | forever

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영원히 젊다

"What's happening to you?" Seoyeon walked back slowly

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"What's happening to you?" Seoyeon walked back slowly. Is the lack of sleep getting to her head, was she going crazy? His heart, it was this bright blinding light. It glowed brighter than any other thing.

"My heart, it has been activated again."

"Activated? What do you mean by that?" She gave him a concerned look.

"When the owner decides to move, I need to remove this bracelet from my wrist. Only when a new person moves in can I get it back. When the bracelet it removed, so does my heart's beating."

"So since you have become the new owner, you can finally let me become "human" again, without being human. It just means my heart is growing, without my physical appearance of course." Sunghoon explained to the dumbfounded girl in front of him.

"How old are you really? You look no older than I am." Seoyeon asked.

"I was 21 when my death occurred. 105 if I didn't pass. I've been here for decades. Gone through handfuls of different owners."

"Who was the last person here?"

"Ones before you was a young family. Had a 3 year old. They moved once I resurfaced, too scared I guess. Most people only last a few months here before leaving. The last 5 came and went in less than 6 years," he shrugged.

"So you're just a "ghost" in this apartment forever? Doesn't it get boring being by yourself for so long? Are you just young forever?"

"Not forever." Sunghoon corrected her.

"Well then how do you get to leave this place, when do you?"

"I don't know exactly when. I only know when to expect it once I've hit my three heart pulsations."

"Have you...felt any of them yet?"

Sunghoon shook his head. "Not yet. But don't get too excited for my departure, they tend to come a lot later, especially since I haven't gotten a good chunk of time awake in a while. So I guess I have a new houseguest for the time being."

Seoyeon rolled her eyes, "last time I checked Casper the ghost, my name was on the lease for this place. So YOU are a guest in my house."

"We'll be seeing about that. You've already put yourself at the bottom of the list for my favourite houseguests, miss bossy and I've been in this apartment for 84 years."

"84? How is that possible? This apartment building is like 15 years old only. Are you lying, are you really just an intruder that's messing with my head." Seoyeon squinted her eyes.

"Just because the actual building isn't that old doesn't mean I can't be roaming here. My death occurred where this building was built. This apartment number is my death anniversary."

Seoyeon turned around and looked at the apartment number. 1017, October 17th?

"You died October 17th?" Sunghoon nodded.

Seoyeon nodded, turning around to walk back into her room.

"Going to bed already?" Sunghoon followed her into the room. Without saying anything she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Who are you calling? Better not be the police again. Are you ordering food, cause I'm pretty hungry." Sunghoon rubbed his stomach.

"Hey Jun, I need you to come over, it's an emergency." Seoyeon hung the phone up after that.

"Jun? Who's Jun? And why are they coming over for an emergency?" Sunghoon questioned.

Seoyeon just ignored him, walking back outside into the main room waiting for Jun to get there. She knew he'd be there quick since she told him it was an emergency.

Sure enough, a couple minutes later she heard loud knocks and Jun's voice calling out from the other side of the door.

"What's wrong? You said there was an emergency, are you okay?" Jun rushed in once she had opened the door for him. He put her face in between his hands, checking for any signs of harm to her.

"I'm fine Jun." Seoyeon lowered his hands laughing. Turning her head towards a confused Sunghoon standing there.

"Then why did you say it was an emergency on the phone. You wouldn't say that at..." He checked the time on his phone, "3 in the morning if it wasn't."

"I know I know. You will never believe what is going on Jun." She whispered.

He looked around, turning back to look at Seoyeon, "what." He whispered back.

"Come on Sunghoon, show him." She turned towards the boy.

"Sunghoon? Who's Sunghoon?" Heojun looked around in confusion. "Did you get a pet?"

Seoyeon nodded towards him. Sunghoon sighed before he tapped at his bracelet. The first human besides Seoyeon to see him in years.

Heojun just turned to look at the girl, a unreadable look on his face. He turned back towards the boy.

"Jun?" Seoyeon swiped her hand in front of his face. Before she could get a word out of him, he fell back, fainting.

"I think he's freaked out." Sunghoon turned towards her. Seoyeon gave him a look.


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