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Hey everyone! Yayy I am alive. But sadly no, it's not an update. And yeah! I still haven't given my exams. Reason?
Well my country, that is India is hit by another shock wave of our dear covid-19. The lovable virus decided to show it's presence once again. *sarcasm noted*.

And my all prepration, that I have been doing for my final board exams of my 12th class, has been wasted due to the postponement of my exams.
The first schedule as per last year during the times of November and December, i.e. the time where I first announced my break, was March. But due to the hardships faced by us in 2020, the government decided to reschedule our exam in May, that is one month further. I got another month to prepare and have been doing so, and suddenly we are announced that our exams has been postponed once again and the new dates will be revealed in June. Now that means, the elastic is now more stretched and we have to wait more for finally giving our Life's major exam before preparing for our rest of the future.

Well enough of my ranting. It was just that I wanted to tell you all why I didn't update since so long. And why I will still update slowly even after I promised I will be free by April. Guess what, I am not. *Duh*

Now moving to next part. I actually re-read my this story, and I was actually looking at it like what? Oh comeon. The plot was nice, no doubt, I am having many new things in my mind which I can add in the story. But the grammar? I can't imagine it was my writing. Oh gosh I was embarassed like hell. Actually english is not my first language. In fact it is my third one. So I never realised what in the world I was writing. And you know what? I was so thankful to all the gods sitting up in the heaven that you all gave me so much love even if my grammar was like total... Ummm...
Fill in the blank?

So now I have decided I will be improving it and adding few new things. Yes.... Even if the overall plot was good, I still want to change few things. So I am gonna update every chapter, if they need to be updated. But I even know it will be too much to ask you all to re-read all the previous 17 chapters. So when the next new chapter will be published, on the top of it will be a note, which will tell the major changes the plot underwent.
But there won't be any problem if you would like to re-read the story.
And I can promise you will obviously notice my improvement, both in story as well as grammar.

At last, I want to apologize. For showing such kind of unprofessionalism. A writer should be sure before he or she publish, his or her work. But I? I am a totally stupid writer. But I am now gonna improve it. I will try my best. That is a promise.
Finally sorry again. And yeah thanks to you all who are still there on this journey with me.

Loads of love to all those who still liked my story when I myself am mused at what all I wrote. Thankyou so much everyone. You all are truly kind and totally best.

We will meet soon!

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