Chapter 5: Meeting Her

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Heyy guysss I'm back with another chapter. I just wanna say thank you so much for supporting my stories, hope ya'll stay safe!


10+ votess pleasee

I'll try updating more often for u guys ;)


y/n was sitting in her office, eyes scanning through the paper before signing them and shifting onto another one. Her days just couldn't be busier, many sleepless nights and only coffee to keep her up.

To say that she was exhausted is an understatement, she sighed before placing the paper down and massaging her temple. She closed her eyes and saw a blonde smiling at her, she couldn't deny that ever since they their first interaction she just couldn't get her mind of off the woman. I mean who wouldn't right? It IS the Roseanne Park, the woman was undeniably stunning

y/n could not contain the smile that broke out on her face, thinking about Rosé or even hearing her name brings butterflies to her stomach. 

But soon, her daydream about the girl was broke off when her office door swung open revealing her father with a smug grin on his face

she heaved a sigh knowing that a conversation with this man would not end well

"What do you want?" she asked with a flat tone

Her father raised an eyebrow at his daughter's tone

"Not even a hello? Last time I checked I didn't raise you to have that attitude"  her father said while crossing his arms

"Last time I checked you didn't raise me at all" Y/n shot back while leaning back on her chair, mirroring her father's action

This seemed to piss her father as he walked towards his daughter's desk and slammed his fist on the table. 

"You ungrateful child!" He said through gritted teeth while pointing a finger at y/n

y/n became pissed by her father's actions, she stood up "What's wrong did I hit a nerve? Everything that I said was nothing but the truth. If you think giving me money and all the luxurious things in the world is how you raise a child then you should probably get some advice from a real parent"  She spat at her father before walking away but before she could reach the door her father turned her around and grabbed her collar pinning her to the wall

Her father raised a fist ready to deliver a punch to his daughter's face but before he could do so y/n chuckled and spoke "go ahead and hit me, I already know that you're a sick man you don't have to prove it to me"

Instead of hitting her in the face her father landed a punch on her stomach hard enough to make y/n kneel to the ground due to the pain

"Don't test me y/n, just because you're my daughter doesn't mean I can't hit you when you use that attitude on me" He was about to walk towards the door but then he stopped in his tracks and turned around facing his daughter that's currently slowly getting up holding her stomach

"Oh and I almost forgot, you will be meeting your future wife later.  xxx restaurant, 7 pm sharp. And, don't be late. " Her father said before finally leaving the room

Y/n couldn't do anything but to heave a sigh


"You better wipe that frown off of your face before the Kim's arrive" my dad  said with a hush whisper hoping not to get too much attention

My mom looked at me and then to my dad before saying "Honey, why don't you enjoy this dinner, besides you'll be meeting your future wife. Jennie is such a lovely lady and you won't regret being married to her, oh and speaking of your future wife. Here they come" I averted my gaze to the left and saw my "future wife" hugging my parents

she's not that bad  I thought

"And you must be y/n, nice to finally meet you. I'm Jennie" She said with a sweet voice before flashing me smile. I couldn't help but to do the same as this girl was really radiant and very striking.

We shook hands and stared at each other for a while. "Jennie, my hand please" I told her which she immediately let go of . We took our seats and the I could feel Jennie's gaze on me while I was listening to what her dad is saying. Jennie was sitting in front of me so it was a bit hard not to get distracted by her beauty

"It's nice that the two of you finally met, I'm looking forward to my grandchildren" Jennie's dad said and winked at us. The action made me blush and looked down, I glanced at Jennie to see that she was also flushed red

The whole evening was better than I expected, dinner went well, our fathers were always exchanging jokes and laughing. It was a good atmosphere to be in. Jennie is exactly like what mom told me she was. Maybe I should give this marriage a change, it wouldn't hurt to try right?



I smiled to myself as I recalled the earlier events, her hands were so warm and soft. I want to hold them forever, her brown eyes that I could get lost in every time I stare at them. I finally met got the chance to meet her in person. 

We can finally be together forever 

No one can take her away from me

She's mine, and mine only. I laughed maniacally imagining us making sweet sweet love after our wedding

Just a little more and you'll finally be mine

my y/n............

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