Chapter 10: Eye see you

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Y/n arrived at the company eyes searching for any sign of emergency or turmoil, but to her surprise the workers seemed to be working as usual. It seemed like a normal day a typical day at the office with tedious work to do as always. She made her way to the elevator, she was about to press the button when it opened revealing her assistant Minnie. The shorter woman sighed and stepped out of the lift "you father wants to talk to you, it seems that he wants to discuss urgent matters with you" With that she left leaving y/n thinking about what her father wanted to talk about.

However, considering their past conversations she thought that it would be about Jennie and the marriage yet again. She didn't know how to tell Jennie that she just wanted a professional relationship with her, the woman was kind and sweet, despite opposing the marriage y/n still couldn't bring herself to tell the brunette the heartbreaking news. She stepped into the lift fiddling with her fingers as it ascended, each step towards her father's office made her grow nervous. Opening the door she saw her father looking out the window gazing at the bustling city, something he did whenever something troubled him. "How many times am I going to tell you? " He said slowly walking to his desk and retrieving several photos, he slid them across the table and y/n took them with shaky hands. It was her and Roseanne when they went on their second date, she went through the other photos and all of them were about their dates and hang outs. Each picture contained events of the past few weeks, the thought of this angered her so much. Her father dictated her like a machine and now he's keeping his eyes on her like a prying hawk, how absurd was this going to get?
"Where the hell did you get these?! Why were you spying on me? On us!? " She grabbed his collar and backed him up against the wall her face red with rage. But the man was not fazed, instead he chuckled lowly looking his daughter dead in the eyes "I thought we had an agreement y/n? I thought I told you to stay away from her because your getting married? But you clearly didn't understand that, you ungrateful child! " He yelled right at her face. "First of all, we didn't have an agreement, we never did. I didn't even agree to any of this, you just went ahead and decided to arrange our marriage without even caring if I actually like her! Second, why the fuck do I even have to be grateful to you? You fed me, gave me education and provided my needs but that's just the bare minimum, you've barely been a father to me. So don't talk like you are one, because you're not, and I doubt you ever will."
The old man smiled a wicked one breaking out of his face, "Go on child, have fun with her, have your fun, grasp it while you can. You'll realize very soon that you've been wasting your time and spending it all with a slut!" She began to slowly untangle her fists on her father's collar, the man saw this as an opportunity to strike. His fist flew right at y/n's left rib, only to be dodged at the last second. She pushed his father and looked at him with the same rage, "I'm not falling for that anymore old man" She was panting heavily her heart beating with anger and veins coursed with frustration.

"Don't speak of her like that, if I hear you talk shit about my girlfriend I'm gonna call this fucking marriage off. We both know you need me for your business, talk shit about her and I'll turn your business into the shittiest one in the industry. "

She looked at the man one last time before leaving him there on the ground, disappointment and frustration etched on his features as he screamed "you're going to regret this!". She walked as a fast as she could to leave the company, driving aimlessly eventually running three traffic lights. Y/n felt anger and frustration, she felt as if she was just a tool that her father used. A tool to complete what he couldn't to achieve things that he wished but didn't. She so badly wanted to run away with Roseanne, away from all of the chaos and mishaps. Oh if only it were that easy.

She stopped the car and surprisingly found a breathtaking spot by the cliff, the view was spectacular, the sun was just about to set and it gave its last farewell to the clouds. She watched as its golden rays slowly descended out of sight while spreading her arms out screaming at the top of her lungs. Screaming the pain all away, balling up her fists as if her life depended on it. She closed her eyes remembering all the suffering she felt, for all those years of following her father like a slave, for all those foolish times that she thought that he would at least listen to her feelings. For all the false hope she put herself through, thinking about it now she felt like a total imbecile.

"Oh my, you're not going to jump are you? " Stunned by the sudden voice she turned around only to see a certain brunette who was basically her bride to be. She was standing there leaning on a tree the fading golden rays reflected on her cat like eyes. She stepped further away from the edge and made her way to the woman, "what are you doing here? " She said wiping away her tears with her thumb. Jennie sighed and looked at her with a pitiful expression "I saw you leaving the company in a hurry, I knew something was wrong so I decided to follow you here"

"I'm fine Jennie, I just....... " Y/n halted her words and took a step back "I want to be alone right now, thanks for checking up on me" She said not bothering to look at the shorter woman she uttered a "have a nice day" to Jennie as she walked to her car and drove away. Meanwhile, Jennie just watched as y/n's car became out of sight. Her fists were balled up, her nails digging into her palm as her arms shook. The brunette truly thought that she had y/n wrapped around her finger and that she would eventually let down her walls and open up to her. But she thought wrong, the girl was harder to obtain than what she expected. "It's probably because of that bitch Roseanne, I'll have to get rid of her as soon as possible. Slow and quiet just like I always do. " She smirked to herself, staring down at the cliff


"Hello? You better have good news for me, or else I'm ending this useless conversation" The old man said having a pinched expression, talking to someone that he obviously paid, and possibly blackmailed to keep an eye on a particular woman. The person over the phone said something to make the man suddenly shift his mood and smile, his eyes twinkling in delight. "Good, now she'll know just who she messed with. I knew I could trust you Johnson"

A/N: I'm planning to make it more thrilling in the next chapter, oh and prepare yourselves cuz there's gonna be a lot of torturing soon.


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