Chapter 9: The Strong and the Wicked

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A/N: So a lot of you have been confused by the surname. I just wanna clear it up, it's supposed to be 'Park'.Just like what was written in the description, I accidentally mixed it up with the other surnames. I truly apologize for the confusion I've caused, I'll be more mindful abt surnames next time. And this has been my first update in awhile. School has kept me busy and I got occupied during Christmas break. But fortunately, I had more time to write, brainstrom and improve my writinggg. Soo that's enough of me. Here's chapter 9, hope y'all voteee! <3

I've been really busy the past few days and to say that I'm stressed would be an understatement; measurements here, decision making there, planning and stuff.

It's all stressful that I just want to relax, fortunately Roseanne was there. She was my escape and lately, I've been feeling weird things whenever we hung out. It was different compared to before, it was more intense? It made me feel things that were hard to elucidate

Even when I had bad days, just one call from her makes it all go away. It baffles me that she could easily make brighten up my mood, she's like the only person keeping me sane besides my mom and best friend

I've been thinking that  she should be the one I'm marrying and not Jennie. Don't get me wrong, she's a wonderful woman however no matter how much she has to offer my heart still beats for another; unfortunate as it is, that's just how I feel and I refuse to force myself to love her even when I know that I really can't

I took a deep breath and looked at Roseanne, even if people keep telling me how perfect Jennie is, in my eyes Roseanne is the one whose perfect. She's just so gorgeous that it should be a crime, as silly as it sounds but I've been practicing my confession speech in front of the mirror just for this moment. I want her to know how I truly feel, that I am willing to fight for her and give her my all. Nothing would stop me from loving her not even my father

"Rosie" I started and took a hold of both of her hands

"Before this day ends, I want to tell you what I should've told you days ago. I'm falling for you, I'm crazy for you and I'm willing to do everything to fight for you. I know that I'm gonna be married to someone that's not you but believe me when I say that even if I'm not by your side my heart will always be with you. I don't know how it happened but I just woke up one day and realized that you were the one all this time. Rosie, I don't think that I'm capable of loving someone that's not you. I am well aware that you're one pretty woman so I want to ask you this question before anyone else beats me to it. Park Chaeyoung, will you be my girlfriend? " I stared into her glassy eyes and grew nervous because she was just crying. Did she not feel the same way? Did she not like my confession? Did she-

My thoughts were came to a halt when she suddenly kissed me and shouted "YES! YES! I'll be more than happy to be your girlfriend! " I held her tightly in my arms and for once in my life I felt the need to protect her because for the first time she was my choice, my first and last choice and the best choice I've ever made. I love her, so I won't let my father and the marriage come between us


It's been a week since I confessed my love for Roseanne, we've been on several dates and I made sure to make  each one more romantic than the last. It's a simple way of showing my love to her, she literally rocked my world so doing those things are just a bonus. 

Within that one week of officially being together, I've come to learn that she actually has a big appetite. She gets grumpy whenever there's no food left, annd she gets upset whenever I order the wrong dish. She looked adorable sitting on the couch pouting and refusing to talk to me just because I ordered a dish with avocados in it. "How could you y/n? You of all people should know that I hate no I absolutely abhor avocados." She said crossing her arms gently pushing away the plate with avocados away. 

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