- 5: I enjoy hurting myself -

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*Author's note*

I've never written from a guy's point of view before so yeah, this is me giving it a try.

Surprise!I've never written from a guy's point of view before so yeah, this is me giving it a try

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Ryder's P.O.V.

My mind was playing tricks on me again, making me see things that I want to see, but are practically impossible. This isn't the first time I'm dreaming or imagining her but how real it feels, is kind of concerning.

I saw her turn, and my heart literally skipped a beat. When her eyes landed on me, I was sure, this isn't just my imagination. She was, in fact, real and standing right in front of me. She plastered a sickly sweet smile and that's when I snapped out of my trance.

"Miles..." The word slipped out on it's own accord and at that moment, I swear I saw almost a thousand emotions flash through her eyes.

At that moment, I realised the gravity of the situation. The cafeteria was silent, while people looked at us, wide eyed, which included my friends, and I think I heard Cole mutter an 'I knew it' under his breath.

Her eyes widened in shock as she froze and her smile fell, looking at me in disbelief.

'What? She wasn't expecting to be recognised?'

Everyone looked shocked as if they just learnt her identity.

My eyes widened at the thought.

No one knew who she was. I wouldn't have recognised her if I was in their place either. But I'm not. I know her. Her eyes.

I could recognise those eyes in the crowd of a million.

The nagging voice that came from somewhere close to me stopped, as everyone switched between looking at me and her.

It was the most cliche moment of my life, as I felt the time stop. As if, it was just the two of us in the cafeteria and I looked at her, really looked at her.

No wonder no one, even from our friends, could recognise her. Who stood before me was a lot different from the Emily we remember and I can't stress this fact enough that she looked gorgeous.

Her hair framed her face in soft waves as they shone in the many shades of brown, that I did not know even existed, making her look like a goddess. All those years of torture, due to the braces clearly blessed us both, as her pearly whites hid behind her plump lips. She ditched her glasses, and I almost wanted to bend down to thank her for that, because her eyes now had no barrier and they sparkled like an ocean during a sunset.

My eyes travelled south on their own accord and I almost gasp. She definitely worked out for being so toned. Her white shorts left her long legs on display while the pink top stuck to her highlighting her curves, making me feel all kinds of things.

Her eyes shifted emotions from shocked to anger as she snapped out of her trance, clearly irritated.

'What did you even expect? Her, to run into your arms? Yeah, leave that for the dreams buddy.'

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