- 43: Oh God, he knows -

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*Hands over an Oreo*

*Hands over an Oreo*

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Emily's P.O.V.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked for the nth time, looking at Perri with concern.

"I'm fine." She said, in a slightly nasal voice, making me grimace.

"I hear what you're saying, Per, but you're slowly turning green." Lex said, grabbing Perri's shoulder sympathetically.

"No, I'm not." Perri scoffed. "I'm fine, guys."

She said shoving a book in her locker and breaking into a coughing fit.

Mia, who was observing us for a while, now, narrowed her eyes at Perri.

"What?" Perri rolled her eyes.

Mia hummed before speaking in a distant tone. "Well, in your words, something's not adding up."

I frowned as I looked at their exchange. "What's wrong, Mia?"

"You were fine yesterday and the day before, when we hung out together." Mia mumbled.

"You're right." Lex joined Mia, posing like a fucking detective and scanning Perri.

I rolled my eyes at them before pulling out my phone.

It's Wednesday and everything has gone back to normal after the little incident from when we hung out at the twins' place on Monday.

Well, as normal as it can be. Ryder has become ten folds more flirty with me than he was before. I'm surprised at the fact that no one has caught on yet because Ryder is terrible at being subtle.

School was finally over and my bag was heavy due to my pending assignments that need to be submitted tomorrow.

I had enough things on my mind for having to over analyse the fact that Perri is somehow sick.


"Guys!" A voice called out making us turn to see Cole waving at us from the end of the hall.

A light switch went off in my head.

My eyes widened and I looked at Lex and Mia just to see a mirror of my expression. We looked at each other in disbelief.

"I knew it!" Mia exclaimed but I caught her hand in an iron grip.

"What?" Perri frowned.

"Nothing. She  hasn't taken her meds for the day." I chuckled, holding Mia's head to my chest.

"Hey guys- why is Asparagus holding Mia like an octopus." Dylan asked, reaching us.

In his pursuit of finding a nickname for me, he decided to 'stick to the original'. And I have no idea why that had to be 'Asparagus'.

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