- 40: Stubborn bitch -

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*Hands over an Oreo*

*Hands over an Oreo*

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Emily's P.O.V.

"Don't you think that's just bizarre?! Why would they do that to us?" Mia said, agitation clear in her tone. "Call me Aleksandar. My butt!"

She almost yelled, saying the dialogue in a weird voice.

"Yeah mm hm, I completely understand what you're going through Mia." I said, absentmindedly.

"It was supposed to be a significant moment. She was supposed to know that she's someone special to the darkling, but noooo!" Mia blabbered while I continued to vigorously look through my bag. "They just had to ruin the one thing he had."

I nodded, and suddenly I was shoved to the side. "What the-"

I shut my mouth as I saw Mia glaring at me. "You are not agitated enough for this conversation." Mia shook her head.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry but I can't seem to find the assignment I was supposed to submit today."

"The assignment for Mr. Jones?" Lex said, slinging her arm over my shoulder.

I nodded.

"You're so dead." She chuckled, while I swat her arm away.

"Thanks." I reply dryly.

"She's right, you know." Mia said, making me groan. "Aw that's okay. Don't... attend, I guess." She shrugged.

"I've already missed too many of his classes." I replied, giving up and walking with my shoulders sagging.

"You'll be fine. He probably won't yell at you, that much." Mia said, in a not very convincing tone. "I need to stop by my locker, you guys go ahead."

I shook my head. "Nah, we're early anyway, we'll come with."

It was almost lunch and we were all let out of my classes a little early by our teachers.

We made our way towards Mia's locker which was close to the cafeteria.

"You know what I don't get?" Lex started, popping another m&m in her mouth. "The fact that you found out that Em here, is a streetfighter and is being chased by a gang, but all you can talk about is a toxic dark haired dude who plays with shadows and gifts her crush a fucking collar made of bones? What the fuck?"

Mia looked at her dead in the eye. "Your point?"

A chuckle escaped my lips at that, while Lex shook her head. "Nevermind."

"I was pretty shocked, you know? I'm a human after all." Mia said, digging stuff out of her bag. "But Em told us what we needed to know and that had nothing to do with my love interests."

"Love interests?" Lex said, disbelief in her tone. "They don't even exist?"

Mia and I turned to look at each other before we sighed in unison.

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