- 10: No victory without pain -

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*Hands over an Oreo*

The picture on top is Emily beating the crap outta all the negativity in your life. Also, it's reference to the chapter.

I hope you enjoy :)

I hope you enjoy :)

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Emily's P.O.V.

Greed bows to me. It is my servent and my lever.

Kaz Brekker once said, but there aren't many who stand by this. People follow greed, bow to it, even. And do things that they wouldn't do otherwise.

I, on the other hand, believe in Kaz supremacy. The only thing I'm greedy for, is the adrenaline and the feeling of content.

It was Friday and well it took every ounce of control in me to not snap at Lexi, because of how fidgety she's been all day.

The following days after my match on Tuesday, were pretty eventless, thankfully. Lexi and I trained everyday after school at my place. Most of the people were now used to the 'new' students and the stares had reduced quite a bit.

It could have something to do with the, not so subtle, glares that Ryder and Alec threw at anyone, who was stupid enough to try and check me out when I was with either of them.

The final bell went off and I swear I heard like half of the class sigh in relief.

This generation is going through some serious shit.

I sighed at that thought myself before getting up from my seat, heading to my locker.

I hadn't gotten back at Ryder yet and well, I was enjoying, having the upper hand. Everytime he was around and I looked at him with a smirk, he would go on high alert, as if I had planted a bomb and won't tell him where it is.

It's almost concerning how normal things are between all of us. I, somewhat expected them to bombard me with questions or accusations, but no one had mentioned anything about my disappearance yet and I don't know if I should be relieved or not.

It's too soon to know anything for sure.

After putting away my books, I closed the locker only to be startled by Lexi standing there, looking at me with a scowl.

"Lex... What is wrong with you?" I said with clenched teeth and a blank look.

She sighed before shutting her eyes for a moment before speaking.

"I know I've said this before but are you sure this is a good idea?" She said lowering her voice to a hushed tone. "You are an amazing fighter, but that Brody guy is like twice your size. You could get badly hurt." She continued, now grabbing my hands, looking at me in desperation.

"I know and totally understand your concern Lex but I can't back out from a fight I got myself into, on purpose." I said smugly, making her roll her eyes.

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