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Hermione Pov:

I was sitting upstairs in my room reading my favourite book; Romeo and Juliet when I heard the downstairs front door open, and my parents started talking " Hermione!" My mom called " Please come down here!" I huffed a little, but got up and went downstairs. Sitting in the living room was a man and a woman. The woman had blonde wavy hair, and green eyes, and man with light brown hair and blue eyes

 The woman had blonde wavy hair, and green eyes, and man with light brown hair and blue eyes

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I looked at them,

" Um hi?" I said with a small smile, the lady looked at me and smiled widely

" Hi Hermione, I'm Caroline, and this is Klaus Mikaelson, my husband" she said softly. My parents looked really uneasy,

" Hey mom, what's wrong..?" I said gently she looked at me sadly,

" Well you see.. Hermione.." she started crying, and gave my dad a hug, signalling my dad to continue on,

" Hermione.. your adopted.." the 2 words that I never thought I would hear my parents say, they just said. I gaped in suprise,

" I'm.. what?" I asked I was scared. 16, almost 17 years I have lived with the Grangers, to find out that I'm not even one. I turned towards the Mikaelson's,

" I'm gonna take a guess and say that you are my biological parents?" I asked politely, Klaus smiled

" Yes Hermione, we are" he said softly,

" we've also heard that you go to Hogwarts?" Caroline asked, I looked at her quizzically

" Yes?" I answer feeling a little anxious

Klaus grinned " We are Pureblood's" he said proudly. My eyes widened in shock. I wasn't a Mudblood anymore!

" Hermione we must get going, we have to get home in time for the welcome home party!" Caroline said excitedly I grinned a welcome home party for me?! My parents are awesome! I excused myself from the seating area, and went to pack up my stuff. Over the summer I had gotten curves in all the right places and bigger breasts, which I'm happy about, I love my body now. My hair is no longer a tangled mess, but is in beach curls that reach below my shoulders, and my eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown. I had bought new outfits over the summer and decided to pack. Not long later I heard a peck on my window

Dear Ms Mikaelson

We are inviting you to return to Hogwarts to do your 6th year. Please see an attached sheet of things you will need. You have also been selected as Head girl for this year, upon your arrival I will show you and the Head boy to your dormitories, pleased find the Head girl badge in the envelope.

Hope to see you back!

Minerva McGonagall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I couldn't believe it! I got Head girl!! I was so excited! So I put my school supplies in my trunk as well. Then I changed into this outfit

 Then I changed into this outfit

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Hermione.. Mikaelson? ( Dramione & Blinny )Where stories live. Discover now