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Draco Pov:

I was laying in my room sulking untill I heard my mom yell

" Draco! Blaise just flooed here!"

Seconds later Blaise flew through my door

" Drake I've got BIG news!!"
He threw the Daily Prophet at me, there was a picture of Hermione Granger with a man and a woman, the article read;

The world's golden girl, and smartest which of our generation Hermione Granger was spotted with the famous Mikaelson's. After an interview, we found out that Hermione Granger is actually the Mikaelson's long lost daughter, Hermione Elizabeth Mikaelson. Hermione is muggleborn no more, and is the daughter of the second richest wizarding family in the world, after the Potter's of course ~ Rita Skeeter

My eyes widened, I couldn't believe it

" Mate this is good! You said so yourself that you have always liked her, but couldn't because of your dad" I rolled my eyes

" Wow Blaise I didn't know that" I replied sarcastically, then I heard the peck of an owl on my window. I got up and opened the window, the owl flew in and dropped off two letters. Mine read;

We are inviting you to return to Hogwarts to do your 6th year. Please see an attached sheet of things you will need. You have also been selected as Head boy for this year, upon your arrival I will show you and the Head boy to your dormitories, pleased find the Head boy badge in the envelope.

Hope to see you back!

Minerva McGonagall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

My eyes widened in shock, I had gotten Head boy. I showed Blaise my letter and he read it

" Wow good job mate! I got Slytherin Prefect" he said in a exited tone " We should go tell your mom!!" He said and we ran down the stairs to the sitting room where my mom was sitting in from of the fireplace

" Mom! Guess what?!" I yelled as I ran into the room, she turned to look at my quickly

" What is is?!" She said worriedly, I smiled

" Blaise and I got Slytherin Prefect and Head boy!!" I said proudly. Her eyes lit up so much they were shining

" That's amazing boys! I'm so proud of both of you!" My mom was basically the mom of Blaise as well. Blaise's mom and dad wanted him to be a Deatheater, but Blaise refused so they threw him out of the house. Luckily, my mom took him in. Blaise has always been like a brother to me, so it was nice for him to live with us.

" You guys leave the day after tomorrow right?" My mom asked, Blaise looked at the letter

" Yes aunt Cissy" he replied happily, my mom frowned

" You two better get on with packing then, off you go" she shooed us upstairs and we started packing.


The next morning we woke up and double checked that we had everything, and apparated to platform 9 3/4. Blaise and I walked onto the train and found the Slytherin compartment, and found that Pansy was already sitting there waiting for us

" Hey guys" she said happily we sat down and started talking

" So how is everyone doing?" Pansy asked, Blaise and I looked at eachother

" Well we heard that Granger is no longer a Granger, but a Mikaelson!" Blaise said, and Pansy's eyes went wide

" The Mikaelson's are the MOST powerful wizards in the world, and the second richest!!" She said quietly, then added " And they're Pureblood's!" Blaise and I nodded excitedly, but then Blaise frowned " Honestly mate, I hate being the bad guy! I walk through the halls at school, and everyone thinks I'm gonna use an unforgivable curse on them, I hate it!" Pansy nodded in agreement

" I know Blaise, take me for example, I've always wanted to be friends with Hermione I mean, who wouldn't? Shes beautiful, intelligent, kind, caring, brave, and so many other things. But my parents threatened me because we thought she was Muggleborn, which I hated them for. I had to pick on her, or my parents would use the Cruciatus curse on me!" She was almost in tears, so I grabbed her hand and held it. She was silent for a couple minutes, but then her face brightened

" I think we should start over with the Golden Trio! Just think, Draco likes Hermione, so he can stop being an ass to her, and we can be kind to the others!" My eyes widened how did Pansy know I like Hermione? Pansy looked at me and laughed

" Draco, I know Legilimency, I read your thoughts" she started laughing and Blaise joined in a second later, I scowled at Pansy

" You're not supposed to do that" I whined " it's not fairrrrrr" but that just made them laugh more. A couple minutes later, Pansy got up and said " I'm gonna go apologize to Hermione" and she slipped out of the compartment.


Pansy Pov

I made my way through the carts, down to the  Gryffindor compartments and found Hermione, Ginny, Harry, and Ron in a compartment. Hermione and Ginny were sitting beside eachother, and Harry was sitting with Ron. I knocked on the sliding door and Ginny opened it with a look of suprise on her face " Hello Ginny" I said softly " Could I talk to Hermione please?" She looked at me confused for a second, but then told Hermione.

We walked down to an empty compartment and I started talking

" Hermione, I just wanted to apologize for how I have treated you over the years, it was never by choice. I told my parents about you, and how I always wanted to be friends with you, and they said they would use the Cruciatus curse on my if I was friends with a Muggleborn. But the truth is, I have always wanted to be friends with you, so I was wondering if maybe we could start over" I said hopefully, with tears in my eyes. She looked and me, and pulled me into a hug

" Of course I forgive you" she whispered, she pulled away and gave me a sad smile

" Thank you so much Hermione" she nodded and I started to walk back to the Slytherin's compartment but stopped for a second

" Oh and Hermione? Blaise and Draco are planning on apologizing too, if they do, please forgive them. The three of us are going through a really tough time" I said quietly, Hermione thought about it for a second and nodded

" I will, thank you Pansy" she added, I smiled

" Your welcome"


Sorry it took so long for a second update, I had a huge part saved, and then went back in to finish and update, and it was gone, so I had to redo the entire thing 😤 but I have it done now, hope you like it :)

Hermione.. Mikaelson? ( Dramione & Blinny )Where stories live. Discover now