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Draco Pov:

The next few days of training were.. entertaining to say the least. Ginny and I would sit around, and watch while Blaise and Hermione tried to get the blood lust under control. It was the final day of the training, and we were going back to Hogwarts, and I honestly was kind of exited.


( Time skip to back at Hogwarts )

We walked into the Great Hall, and the girls sat down at the Slytherin table. After a little bit of eating, Dumbledore stood up with an announcement

" Good evening children! I hope your meals taste good. The professors and I have decided that, with Hogwarts being a huge school, we needed 2 sets of Heads. The first heads you already know, Ms Mikaelson and Mr Malfoy, but we are adding another set! Ms Weasley and Mr Mikaelson please stand!!" He said with a twinkle in his eye. Ginny and Blaise stood up with wide eyes, as the hall erupted into applause, and then they sat down.

A few minutes later, the owls brought in the mail, I had a letter drop in front of me, with the Malfoy label on it. I opened it and read the letter;

Dear Draco,

Draco we apologize for not telling you sooner, but you have a sister. When she was born, HE wanted all females.to be killed, thinking they were useless, so we hid the pregnancy from everyone. We gave her to another wizarding home when she was born, and they promised to give her back to us when HE was gone.

Second is that we are not actually Death Eaters! We are spies for the Order, yes we have the mark, but that is apart of the operation. Once Harry Potter defeats the dark lord, we will tell you who your sister is. She is one year younger than you though, oh and tell Ms Mikaelson that she and her brother can defeat the dark lord, because of the breed that they are, they can do wand less magic ~

Love mother and father

I couldn't believe it, I have a sister!! I've always wanted one too! I always wanted to be that brother who is overly protective of their younger sisters. Hermione, Blaise and Ginny all looked at me curiously, so I showed them the letter one by one. They read the letter, and their eyes widened

" Well mate, looks like we both have little sister's" Blaise said while laughing a little bit while Hermione put on her thinking face

" I wonder who it could be" she said thoughtfully, but then shrugged and went back to eating.

( Time skip a few weeks )

Hermione Pov: 

He's gone. Dumbledore is dead. He fell out of a window on the Astronomy tower. I feel so bad for Harry, because everyone he had like his parents, Sirius, and now Dumbledore are gone. We looked up in the sky and saw the dark mark appear in the sky, so we all put our wands up, and a bright white light shot into the sky and destroyed it.

( A few days later )

We left Hogwarts, Draco, Harry, Ginny, Blaise, Pansy and I are out hunting Voldemort's  Horcruxes. We already destroyed 5, 2 remain and we believe they are at Hogwarts. We learned that Snape has become new Headmaster, so we needed a secret way in.

We all apparated to Hogsmeade, and sirens went off. They saw a familiar older man walk over to them cautiously

" Psst" he whispered " Follow me!" And he hurried off towards a small house. All the teenagers followed him inside

" I should introduce myself, I'm Aberforth Dumbledore, your Harry Potter!" He said and pointed to Harry. Harry nodded

" Sir we are looking for a secret entrance to Hogwarts, do you know of one?" Harry asked while looking around, they watched as Aberforth nodded to a portrait of a young woman and she walked further into the meadow she was standing in and disappeared. After about 5 minutes of talking, the woman appeared again, and the portrait opened to reveal Neville and Luna

" Luna!" Ginny yelped and ran to give Luna a hug to which Luna hugged back gratefully, and then I gave her a big hug

" Things at Hogwarts are really bad" Neville said sadly " Deatheater's have basically taken over the school now that Snape is Headmaster, if you do the tiniest thing wrong, they torture you" he said with pain filled eyes. We climbed into the tunnel and made out way to Hogwarts, all the 7th years were put into a separate common room while all the others were put in a bigger room together. Once Harry went in rushed talking was heard

" The rumours about Hogsmeade are true"

" Glad he can defeat Voldemort"

" Do you think he'll survive?"

Dean Thomas then went on the speaker

" And here's your weather report for the day; Lightning has struck! I repeat, lighting has struck!!"

As soon as a group was around Harry, he started talking

" Hello everyone! I am in need of some help! Everyone in Ravenclaw especially. Do you know of something that is special, and hasn't been seen in a while? I can't really give anymore information cause well we don't have any-" he got cut off by Luna

" Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem! It is lost but rumour has it, that it was placed in the Room of Requirements!!" She said excitedly, and Harry started creating a plan.

All of the students were called down to the Great Hall for an assembly. I grabbed Draco by his tie, pulled him towards me and kissed him

" Showtime" I whispered, and he kissed me again

" I-I- I love you Hermione, I always have" he said quietly as he hugged me

" I love you too Draco, be careful!" I said softly, he flashed me his famous Malfoy smirk

" Always" he replied.


No ones Pov:

" How dare you stand where he stood!!" Harry bellowed, Snape whipped out his wand and pointed it at Harry, but Harry was pushed out of the way by McGonagall who pointed her wand at Snape, just as she did that the doors burst open and in walked Kingsley Shackelbot, some Order members, Arthur and Molly Weasley, Bill and Fleur Weasley, Fred and George, Percy, Tonks, Remus, Hermione, Blaise, Ginny, Draco, Pansy, and all of Dumbledore's Army walked in. Snape shot a spell at McGonagall but she easily deflected it. She shot a whole bunch of spell's at him, and he tried to deflect all of them, but gave up and apparated out. McGonagall waved her wand and all the candles stars burning again, and everyone cheered until Voldemort's cold raspy voice rang throughout the hall

" Give me Harry Potter and the Mikaelson twins, and you should all be spared! Fail to do so, and I will unleash my Death Eaters to wreak havoc among the castle and kill every one of you! GIVE ME HARRY POTTER AND THE MIKAELSON TWINS!!" We all stood their until someone from Slytherin yelled

" Well what are you waiting for?! Grab them!!"

Blaise grabbed my hand, and I put a hand on Harry's shoulder. Ginny walked in front of Blaise and Harry, while Draco stood in front of me, followed by the rest of the DA and the Order. McGonagall smiled at this

" Mr Filch, please escort the students out of the hall, and take the Slytherin's to the dungeons" she said quite happily, I pulled Blaise aside

" Blaise, I did a bunch of research and talked to mom and dad, we can beat Voldemort ourselves so that Harry doesn't have to die!" I said hurriedly, his mouth dropped open

" How?!"

I got exited

" We can shoot magic from out bodies if we get mad enough. Basically wandless magic! Our magic crackles across our body kind of like lighting, and it's a unique colour to match our personalities. Our eyes go that colour and we start levitating in the air, we just point at who we want to hit, and all of the magic crackling across our bodies hits them, and its instant death. We are the most powerful witch and wizard to exist! If we grab hands while out magic is crackling, it is ten times stronger. That's why the dark lord wants us so badly, we are more powerful than Harry. My plan is we let them come to us, and then you and I attack him once his final horcrux is gone" he nodded and smirked

" I can't wait"


Sorry for a really long chapter again, word count is 1426 and I left you on a sort of cliffhanger hehehe 😈 the next chapter will be better, I promise~


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