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A/N: trigger warning ahead, there's a really sad part

Hermione Pov:

As I buried my head info his neck, I took a deep breath of the alluring scent and sank my fangs into his neck, and I drank his blood until I heard a door open, and I was thrown off of his body. I whipped around and saw Ginny and Blaise standing there wands in there hands, fuming. After seeing their fuming faces, I looked at Draco's crumpled form on the ground and went back to normal. My eyes went from blood red back to brown, and my fangs went back into my gums. I looked at Draco again and tears started falling down my face

" What have I done..?" I sobbed, I ran into my room and locked it shut with multiple spells that only I can break.


Draco Pov:

After Hermione attacked me, I woke up to Blaise and Ginny's concerned faces looking at me, but I didn't care. My mind was fully on Hermione, was she ok? Did something happen? Blaise's voice interrupted my train of thought

" Mate are you ok? You've been unconscious for 3 days!" He said worriedly, I nodded

" I'm fine Blaise, hows Hermione?" I asked, Blaise and Ginny both shared a look

" Mate.. she hasn't come out of her room since the incident.." he said sadly, Ginny grabbed his hand and held it while he silently cried into her shoulder. I carefully got up and ran up to Hermione's room and I banged on the door

" Hermione it's me! I'm awake! Please let me in!" I pleaded and waited a little bit until he heard shuffling, and the door unlocked and opened.

She opened the door and looked like she hadn't slept in months. She had dark, almost black rings under her eyes, her hair was a mess, and you could tell she hadn't eaten for days. She had visibly lost weight, and was weak from lack of blood consumption. Tears started running down my cheeks, and I tried to pull her into a hug but she refused

" No" she whispered and pushed me away " I'll just hurt you again.. so just.. stay away from me" she said choked with tears in her eyes. She backed into her room and waved her wand, I tried to go in, but was stopped by some sort of invisible barrier. She looked at me again

" Now, I'm the only one that can undo that spell, but I am going to slide my wand out of this room, that way I can't undo it. I will slowly start to.. die from lack of blood, that way I won't hurt anyone ever again.." she finished with tears streaming down her face and threw her wand outside her room. Seconds later I heard Blaise run up the stairs

" Mia NO! You can't!!" He sobbed and fell to the floor, Ginny was next to come upstairs, and immediately started crying

" Mione.. WHY?!" She cried she and Blaise both sat and cried together, while I stood there

" I'm owling your parents" I said sadly, and walked away leaving her, Ginny and Blaise alone.


Still Hermione Pov:

I had started falling asleep, until I heard a pop and 2 voices in my room. I felt a pair of strong arms pick me up, and that's the last thing I remember before slipping into unconsciousness.


When I regained consciousness I looked around and realised that I was in my room in Mikaelson Manor. I tried to stand up, but hit the floor with a loud thump. I mentally cursed myself when I heard 2 pairs of footsteps running up the stairs. Seconds later, my mom and dad burst into the room, and my mom pulled me into a bone crushing hug

Hermione.. Mikaelson? ( Dramione & Blinny )Where stories live. Discover now