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Hermione Pov:

I was sitting chatting with Ginny, when a Hufflepuff prefect came into out compartment and said

" Hermione, Professor McGonagall is expecting you in the deputy compartment" I thanked her and got up and left to the compartment. Once I got there I knocked on the door and waited a couple seconds

" Come in" I heard from he other side, and I went in and saw Draco freaking Malfoy sitting in one of the two chairs, I have a small nod in his direction, and sat down.

( Small time skip, I didn't feel like writing it all)

Still Hermione Pov:

I couldn't believe it, Malfoy got Head boy. I never thought he would get it, I always thought it would be Harry because he has done so much, but Professor McGonagall said that it is the 2 students who have the highest grades who get the positions.


I was walking back to my compartment when I saw my parents pure white owl, Snowball fly in an open window, I placed her on my shoulder and read the letter

Dear Mione,

We are sorry for not telling you sooner, but you have a twin brother!! We recently tracked him down, he goes by the name of Blaise Zabini, I think you know him. He is older than you by 7 minutes and is under a Glamour Charm. His full name is Blaise Nick Mikaelson. If you could please show him this letter, that would be very nice.. and also, we found out that you 2 are hybrids, half vampire, half werewolf, which means on your 17th birthday you will start to feel very thirsty and hungry all the time. Being hybrids also means you will find that the person you have an attraction to  has an intoxicating smell that will be like a drug to you and you will constantly want to drink their blood, I know it's hard to grasp. Oh and your glamour charms wear off on your birthday as well. Lots of love to both of you!

Mom and Dad

I couldn't believe the Blaise Zabini was my older brother! I immediately set off towards the Slytherin compartments and looked for him.
I found him Draco, and Pansy in a compartment and opened the door

" Hey Blaise? I need to talk to you please" I said politely, he have me a confused look but got up and followed me into another empty compartment. I took a deep breath " Blaise.. your my brother.."

Blaise Pov:

My eyes widened, I have always felt the urge to strangle someone when they made her cry, and I just couldn't figure out why.. I gave her a hug

" Mione I'm so sorry for everything!"

She nodded " it's ok Blaise, I forgive you! You didn't know" I hugged her for a little longer and then something popped into my head and I pulled away with a smirk

" We're twins right?" I asked slyly she nodded slowly

" Which one of us is older" I continued, she rolled she eyes

" You" she said with a sigh, I gave her another bear hug

" I've always wanted a little sister!!" I squealed she laughed but then her eyes went serious again

" We also have another issue to regard" my brows furrowed, what now? " We're Hybrids" she said softly my mouth dropped open into an O

" what?" I said astonished, she took another deep breath

" We are hybrids which means that we are half vampire half werewolf. Mom and dad told me in the letter that they sent me that we will start being constantly thirsty and hungry all the time. They also said that whoever we have an attraction to, will give off an intoxicating smell, kind of like a drug, and you'll always crave their blood"

Hermione.. Mikaelson? ( Dramione & Blinny )Where stories live. Discover now