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Little author's note quick: Draco and Hermione have called a truce, not really friends, but not mean to each other either, and time skip to the night before their birthday's

Hermione POV:

School has been fun the past couple of weeks, but I am a total wreck because Blaise and my birthday is tomorrow. We were both upstairs in Blaise's room talking about whether or not we should tell Draco about our situation

" I think we should tell Draco, so that if something happens, he can maybe help out?" Blaise suggested

I sighed  " Fine, but we're telling Ginny to then!" We walked down the hall and knocked on Dracos door, he opened it with a look of curiosity

" What?" He asked, Blaise took a deep breath

" Mate, do you mind if we come in, we need to tell you something" Blaise  said in a serious voice, Draco's eyes flashed with curiosity, but nonetheless he opened the door and motioned for us to come inside, but I stayed outside

" I have to go get Ginny" I said quickly, and walked into her room and found her sitting on her bed. Once I walked in her room she lifted her head to look at me

" Hey Mia, whats up?" She said is a concerning voice once she saw my face

" Gin come with me, Blaise and I need to tell you and Draco something very important" I said softly. She got up and followed me into Draco's room, once we got inside, we sat in a sort of circle on the ground, Blaise was on my left, and Ginny was on my right. It was a little quiet untill Ginny spoke up

" So what do you need to talk to us about?" Ginny asked quietly, I took a deep breath and started talking

" Ok so you know how Blaise and I are twins, along with son and daughter of the Mikaelson's?" They both nodded yes

" Well it turns out that Blaise and I are Hybrids, which means half vampire, half werewolf. On our 17th birthday the blood lust kicks in, as in whoever we are attracted to, will have an intoxicating smell, kind of like a drug that we can't stay away from. We will grow vampire teeth, and our eyes will go red around them. We will also have supernatural powers, we will have superspeed, strength, extended hearing, and we can compel people to do what we want, or erase their memories" I finished. I looked at Draco and Ginny, and their jaws were dropped and they looked scared

" Mione, your birthday's are tomorrow!" Ginny said with wide eyes, I sighed

" That's why we need to stay in and keep everyone safe, you and Draco need to watch out for us because who knows, we may attack you.." I looked down in sadness, I wouldn't get to celebrate my 16th birthday, but I would be keeping lots of people safe.

Blaise then sighed " Man, this is gonna be tough.." he whispered to himself.


The following evening Hermione was sitting in her room, reading everything she could find about vampires and werewolves;

Werewolves usually travel and stay in packs, because the more the wolves, the stronger the pack is. Vampires and werewolves have a long history together, and have been rivals for as long as anyone can remember. Untill one evening a female werewolf mated with a male vampire, and out came the first ever Hybrid. The hybrids name is Klaus Mikaelson, he is an Original, which means he and his line of family cannot be killed. The only way to kill and Original is to stake them in the heart, with a wooden stake made from the White Oak tree, which no longer exists. 2 things that a hybrid has to watch out for is Vervain, and Wolfsbane because it burns them, and can knock them unconscious. When you first get your fangs, they are excruciatingly painful, your gums with start tingling, but then it will feel like your gums are being ripped open. After they come out once, they won't hurt anymore. Now werewolves on a full moon are forced to turn. To turn, they break every bone in their body, and then make their broken bones take shape of a wolf. But hybrids don't have to, they can choose if they want to turn or not, and they can turn whenever they want to.

'Wow' I thought to myself ' this is gonna suck so much' I suddenly got really thirsty, so I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:55 pm ' I have enough time to slip downstairs and grab a glass of water. I walked down the stairs and saw Draco sitting on the couch reading a book, I had a small crush on him in like 3rd year, but I'm pretty sure that those feelings are long gone, but just to be sure I quietly tried to slip by him but unfortunately it didn't work

" Hey" he said quietly, I froze and mentally slapped myself

" Uh hey" I replied quickly while still trying to get to the kitchen, I looked at my watch 2 minutes

" How are you doing?" He asked me, looking up from his book, 1 minute

" I'm fine, just grabbing water" I replied hurriedly. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, as I walked out, an intoxicating smell hit my nose, and my gums started tingling

" Shit!" I yelped and tried to run through the common room, but dropped the glass when the most excruciating pain ripped through my gums, and I screamed. I heard footsteps run beside me, and the smell became suffocating

" Hermione!! Are you ok?!" Draco yelled as he knelt beside me.


Draco Pov:

I dropped down beside her as she started crying in pain, she lifted her head and I saw fangs in her mouth. She was blinking rapidly and everytime she did, she eyes would go from red to brown, red to brown

" You need to get out of here!" She choked and tried to push me away, but I stayed put

" No! I'm not leaving!" I said firmly, she whipped her head up and her eyes were blood red

" I have an attraction to you! So unless you want to die, I suggest you get going!! Really quickly!! Because I am about to sink these fangs into your.. beautiful.. IM LOSING MY MIND! GO!" she yelled, my eyes widened and I quickly ran up the stairs, but by the time I reached my room she was already there. She had tears in her eyes

" I'm so sorry" she whispered, and I yelled in pain as I felt 2 sharp teeth sink into my neck.

Hermione.. Mikaelson? ( Dramione & Blinny )Where stories live. Discover now