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Hermione Pov:

This was it, all the Deatheater's were lined up in the courtyard, no one has died yet, they were just getting impatient. Blaise, Ginny, Draco, and I destroyed the last Horcruxes, now Blaise and I are just waiting for the perfect timing. Suddenly Voldemort emerged from the crowd of Deatheater's

" Anyone who wishes to change sides, I suggest you do now!" As he said that, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy both walked over and stood beside their son. To say Voldemort was outraged was an understatement

" How dare you Lucius?!" He hissed at Lucius, he then whipped out his wand and pointed it at Lucius

" Avada Kedavra" he yelled, but before it could hit Lucius, I jumped in front of it.

The spell hit me directly in the chest, and disappeared, it did nothing

" HOW DARE YOU TRY TO KILL MY BOYFRIENDS FATHER?!?!!!" I screamed at him, he looked shocked but then it disappeared

" You foolish girl" he snarled, and that was it. I grabbed Blaise's hand as my eyes started glowing ocean blue and the same blue started rippling across my body in lightning patterns. The same thing was happening to Blaise, but his colour was golden yellow. We pointed out fingers at Voldemort and all the Deatheaters, and the lightning shot out towards them and within seconds, they turned to dust. A thunderous applause was heard throughout the courtyard, and fireworks were exploding in the sky. We did it!! We won the second wizarding war!!

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Lucius smiling at me

" Thank you for blocking that curse Hermione, I owe you my life" he gave me a big hug, to which I hugged back

" Your welcome Lucius" I said smiling, then Narcissa gave me a hug next

" Thank you my dear! You saved my husband" looking at me with watery eyes, I nodded  

" Of course Narcissa, I know how you feel! I couldn't imagine living without Draco" I said with a blush on my cheeks as I glanced at him. He must've heard what I said because he came up behind me and stole me from Narcissa. He picked me up and swung me around

" We won!" He exclaimed " You did amazing, love" he added, and gave me a sweet kiss

" I love you Draco Malfoy" I said with a happy smile on my face

" I love you more Hermione Mikaelson"


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I DID IT!! I FINISHED THE STORY!!!! Its a short story with not much details, but I'm going to make a sequel called: The light in darkness. Basically it will be 1 year after the war, the students get a letter from McGonagall saying that they can redo their 7th year as '8th' year. But Hermione suddenly goes missing, and it's up to the crew to find her. Read more once it's out!!

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