Crying ~ chap. 11

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I woke up to an empty bed. I quickly sit up and look for Izu.

I see a note on the alarm clock. It said 'don't worry I'm not dead. I just went out. -Izuku'

Oh no. He went to see the Katsuki kid. I hope the kids not dead yet.

I rush out of bed, not bothering to put I my clothes. I'm just in shorts.

I run as fast as my legs will thanks me downstairs. "Where is Izuku!?" I yell to no one imparticular.

"He's with that kid, why?" Toga asks confused.

"Oh shit!" Shiggy yells and me and him run to the cell where Katsuki was being held.

We break down the door to see Izuku punching the shit out of an already bloody Katsuki.

"IZU!" Shiggy screams but he didn't stop or acknowledge us at all. Almost like he was in a trance.

"Damnit!" I say and force Izuku off the boy. He starts to squirm in my arms and I take him to the corner of the room.

I sit down and pull him in my lap. He hugged and snuggled his head into my chest.

He's calmed down a little but is still holding me tight.

I feel wet spots drip on my skin. I look down at Izuku and see he's crying. I've never seen him cry. I don't think anyone in the league has. Well, maybe Shiggy.

Bakuhoe: (sorry I had to)
I was slipping in and out of consciousness. Izuku was so mad because I started yelling at him. Then I brought up his mom and he snapped.

He started hitting me over and over. It hurts. A lot. Then it all stops and I'm being pulled to the other side of the room.

I look up and see a villain! I yell and back away from him. Or at least I tried. I only moved about 2 inches.

The man looks like a mix of mad and concerned. Then I hear yelling.

I look to the other side of the room and see a different villain pulling Deku to the side.

They sit and cuddle. I wish I could comfort him! I'm his best friend Damnit!

I keep looking at the couple and see the man look down at Deku. Then I look at Deku too. He's crying. He always cries. What a baby! NO! DONT SAY THAT! YOU LOVE HIM, IDIOT!

I feel myself start to faint. I was about to close my eyes but I mumble out "Deku..." then all I see is black.

Time skip: Izuku and Dabi are cuddling in the bedroom.

"Wanna talk about it?" Dabi asks me. I sigh and sit up.

"I guess so." I say. He sits up too. "Umm, so I don't have a dad, and when I was about 5 my mom died...."

Word count: 479

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