Come home ~ chap. 13

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It's been a few days since I got back and I'm already loving it.

We still have Katsuki but I'm not allowed to see him says Tenko. I really wanted to beat the shit out of him again.

That was fun.

I think we might give him back today. It all depends on how Tenkos feeling. He's the boss after all.

I was about to get up to brush my teeth when I hear a loud explosion and some yelling.

As fast as I could I run downstairs to see what happened.

Once the dust clears I see all of class 1-A along with All Might and Aizawa. "What the fuck! You blew up my fuckin wall! We have a front door!!!" Tenko yells.

"Give back young Bakugo and young Midoriya!" Bitch might yells.

"But my wall......" Tenko pouts. I pat him on the back and look at the hero's.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I glare. The rest of the LOV walk in and see the hero's. They almost immediately go into attack mode.

"Woah woah, we don't want to fight, just give back Bakugo and Midoriya and we will leave." Aizawa says.

"If you didn't want to fight why did you have to break my wall!" Tenko yells.

"Bro it's just a wall." Kirishima say confused to why he's so upset.

"But we have a doooooor." He wines and walks over to the couch. Then he falls onto it.

"Ok back to the reason we are here." Aizawa says and turns to me. "Midoriya go get Bakugo and let's go."

I stand there starring at him for a second. Then I burst out laughing. "O-oh my god that was the most stupid thing I have ever heard!"

The hero's just stand there in shock. The LOV starts laughing a little.

Then I get serious. "Uh, no." I say plainly.

Bitch might sighs and steps forward. "I didn't want to have to do this young Midoriya, but we're going back with the both of you. We believe the they brainwashed you."

I turn to Tenko who is now sitting on the couch with a confused look on his face. "Shig did you brainwashed me?"

"Yes." He says plainly. "Ever since you were 5."

"Good to know." I say. Then I turn back to the hero's. "Leave."

"But he just said he brainwashed you! Deku common!" Urabitch yells.

"Uhhhhhhhhg, leave." I say and take a step towards then.

Aizawa activities his quirk. "I don't have a quirk, that won't work on me~." I hum and walk closer to them.

A few of the students step back. I continue to walk forward and stop a few feet from All might.

But this time I'm not putting up that stupid fake smile. I show them my real feelings. All the pain.

"Young Midoriya, are you alright?" All might asks.

"That's a real shitty time to be ask this. I've been not alright since I was 5. Because you killed my mom." I say.

His eyes go wide. I use this opportunity to attack him. I quickly run behind him and stab him in the shoulder.

I feel Aizawas scarf coming so I move. I go infront of All might and punch him square in the face.

Then I dodge the scarf again and run to Dabi. I stop next to him and sigh. "Well that was fun."

"Ok can you please leave before you get blood all over my floor." Shiggy wines and walks over to us.

"Give us Bakubro!" Kiri yells. Shiggy sighs and looks at Toga.

She then huffs and leaves to get Katsuki.

A few seconds later Toga walks back in with a bruised Katsuki. "Here's the angry dog!" She sings and throws him at the hero's. "But we keep the Broccoli."

"No! Give Deku back! Or we'll take him!" Uraraka yells. I just laughed a little.

"So I don't have free will anymore. Fun." She looks at me like I'm insane, to be fair I kind of am.

"What have they done to you Deku. Your not acting like yourself." She cry's. The bitch actually shed a tear.

"Nah I've always been a villain. I was acting when I was at UA. See," I say. Then I burst out into tears and start shaking.

"Oh no! T-the villains! H-help m-m-me!!" I cry out. Then I stop shaking , wipe my tears and stand up straight. "See~."

She just nods. Woah, did she actually get the hint I don't like her?! Great!

"Anywaysss~, can you leave now." I say and clap my hands together.

"I'm sorry Midoriya. We can't."

Word count: 780

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