Fix the fucking wall~ Chap. 14

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"Sorry Young Midorya, I can't do that." Bitch might grunt in pain and activates his quirk.

"EVERYONE DOWN!" I yell. We all duck as soon as All Might punches a gust of wind at the villains.

There is a bunch of dust so we cant see. Apparently, the heroes take this to their advantage.

Before I can even process what is happening I hear Toga yelp. "TOGA!" Izuku shouts.

I stand up quickly. It's still hard to see so I can't make out what's happening.

"IZUKU WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yell and try and see through the dust.

"HERE!" I hear him yell. It's not that far from me. I try and make my way through the smoke.

I then see a figure that looks about Izuku's height and weight. I run up to him. "Izuku!"

He turns and sees me. He was about to walk forward when he grabbed and pulled away. "WHAT THE FUCK!" He screams.

"IZUKU!" I yell and try to grab him but im too late.

Once the dust clears I see Toga in a chokehold by Kirishima. His quirk is on and slowly piercing her skin.

Then I look at Izuku and see him pulled into a forceful hug by my own fucking brother!

The rest of the Villains seem to be alright.

"Let them go. Now." I hear Shiggy say darkly behind me. He walks past me and is now in front of the rest of the villains.

"GIVE US MIDOBRO OR THE GIRL DIES!" The fake redhead yells. Laughter erupts from Izuku. He pushes Shoto off him and stares at Kirishima. "What's so funny?!"

"Like you would have the guts to kill someone!" Izuku laughs. Shoto then grabs him by the wrist.

"HEY I COULD KILL SOMEON-" Kirishima was cut off by Toga.

"You can't. You, stupid heroes, have no idea what it means to kill. You think it's fun, or a game. It's not. The faces of people you kill haunt you in your dreams. You hear the screams at night, causing you to get no sleep. You have no idea what it means to kill. Don't take it so lightly..." Toga says.

Kirishima starts to get emotional and deactivates his quirk.

Immediately Toga takes his arm and flips him over and onto the floor, landing on his back. "Is what I would say if I gave a fuck! I got it from a movie. Cool huh?" She chirps.

Izuku laughs a beautiful laugh and gets serious in an instant. "Let go Shoto." He says coldly.

"NO! You belong here! You belong with me." Shoto says and I feel my blood boil.

"WHAT!" I yell and spout fire from my hands.

Izuku just chuckles. "Sorry, *cough*not really*cough* I have a boyfriend."

"YEAH, ME! SO BACK THE FUCK UP SHO!" I yell at him.

His head immediately snaps to me. "What did you call me?" He says questionably.

Then I realize I called him Sho. I called him Sho when we were kids, and 'Dabi' is not supposed to know who he is. Shit.

"I-I uh, Umm," Welp guess I'm tellin' him. "Hey Sho," I say and wave awkwardly.

His eyes widen with tears welling in them. "Touya.." He whispers. "But dad said you died?" He questioned.

"Wait you know each other?" Shiggy asked.

I nod. "Yeah. This is my little bro, Shoto." I say. It feels nice to finally be able to talk about him freely. I really miss my family, but I knew the consequences when I joined the league.

"Oh, I did not die. Dad was an abusive shit and I couldn't take it anymore. I wish I could have taken you, I'm sorry Shoto." I say looking at him.

I just noticed that Izuku had slowly backed away from Shoto. We make eye contact. He looks at me as if asking if it's ok to attack him. I just nod.

Shoto knew what he was doing when he signed up to be a hero, just because he's my little brother doesn't mean I'm going soft on him.

Izuku then punches Shoto in the back of the head, causing him to pass out. "Oops. Sorry." He says.

Then we all turn to the rest of the heroes. "Can yall go now?" Shiggy asks. "It's the least you could do for breaking my fucking wall when we have a perfectly good front door that you could've used!"

"Give us Todoroki and Kirishima and we will leave. It's now clear to me that Midorya wants, and is a villain. We will give up on him being a hero and treat him like a villain." Aizawa says.

"Thank you Sensei. Just so you know I respect you. You do the job to help people. Not for fame and money like some people." Izuku says and glares at All Might. Aizawa nods.

Toga lets Kirishima go and he runs to the heroes. Then Izuku picks up Shoto and brings him to the heroes. He drops him a few feet away from them for safe measures.

They take Shoto and leave. "Well that was eventful," I say.

"Yeah, no shit. Shoto knows your Touya now. How's that feel?" Isuku asks me and walks over.

I shrug and pull him into a hug.


Word count: 897

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