Chapter 17

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It was now 8 at night when I remembered something. Mark and I had just finished editing the videos that we recorded.

"Hey Mark, tomorrow is Sunday, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I just remembered I have work. Since you're Lauren's dad now, can she stay here while I'm at work?"

"Of course! There is no way I would say 'no'."

"Ok. I wont be off until 3."

"Got it. Maybe it would be best if she stays the night here as well."

"Sounds good. That way, I can have more time to get ready for work and she can get some more sleep."

"Yep. Let's ask what Lauren thinks about it though." I gave a nod and got up from the chair and made my way to the guest room that Lauren was in. She on sitting on the bed, playing her 3DS.

"Hey Lauren?"

"Huh? Yeah, what is it mom?"

"Mark and I were wondering if it would be ok if you stay here while I'm at work?"

"Yeah. I'm fine with that."

"Cool. I wont get off until 3 though."

"That's ok Mom. Just be safe."

"I will. Thank you Lauren." Lauren let out a small yawn.

"If you're tired, you can go to bed. Also, Mark's room should be down the hall." Lauren gave a nod as she was turning off her game and setting it on the nightstand.

"Good night Lauren." I left the room and found Mark in the kitchen.

"Lauren should be asleep soon."

"Ok. I'll  make sure to be quiet."

"Oh, that reminds me. Lauren had a nightmare last night. If she has another one, just stay up with her until she falls back asleep. That's what I did."

"Of course. Do you know what the nightmare was about?"

"No. It's none of my business. If she wanted me to know, she would have told me."

"..............I have an idea what it could have been about."

"Really? What?"

"Yeah. Maybe her nightmare was about being sent back to the orphanage." I thought for a moment.

"Hmmmmmm, that would make sense. She was only adopted the other day and I remember having a few nightmares like that when I was young. Dammit, I wish I noticed sooner." Mark placed his hand on my sohulder.

"It's ok. You care and that's what matters. Anyway, I'll make that she feels loved while she is here."

"That shouldn't be too hard for you to do."

"Why is that?"

"Simple. You're a giant, lovable, loving, caring goofball."

"You forgot handsome." Mark said jokingly.

"You're more cute than handsome."

"You're the cute one." I felt my cheeks heat up a little.

"Th-thank you." Mark let out a small chuckle.

"You know, the fans ship us. The fan art is rather cute." I began to feel a little flustered.

"Wh-what about Markimash?"

"Oh yeah! Markimash is awesome!" Mark seemed to be remembering all the fun times he had with Yami. I checked my watch and saw that it was 8:30.

"I better get going. I'll be back at about 3."

"Ok, have a safe trip." Mark pulled me into a hug and I felt something touch my forehead for a few seconds.

Did-did he just kiss my forehead? Omg omg omg omg omg. Calm down. It was probably just a friendly gesture.

Mark pulled away and gave me a sweet smile. I returned it before leaving. I made it to my car and began to drive home.

So, Lauren made it into the background of one of the Okami episodes....... Sine it wont be up for a few days I can give Lauren a heads up about it. Ok. What about Mark though? Is he just being a goofball again? I don't know............... I'll think about it later.

I made it home and I made sure that my uniform was ready for tomorrow. A white blouse, black vest, black dress pants, and black shoes. I set my alarm for 6 and climbed into bed.

It's only 9 and yet, I'm so tired. Oh well. I hope Lauren doesn't have another nightmare. If she does though, mark is there. Good night Lauren. May you be smiled upon.

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