Chapter 38

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My heart was pounding as I clenched my teeth. My eyes darted quickly around the room, picking up every detail. The room was a mess, almost as if there was a struggle. Maybe there was. I took a deep breath in and let it out, calming my nerves so I could think.

Ok. I need to think. What happened here? Where did they go? Are they ok? These are the questions I need to answer. There was definitely a struggle here so that means that they were taken against their will. There also doesn't seem to be any blood here. That's good.

"Y/n, how can you be so calm?!" I turned to face Mark. He looked so frantic and just a wreck. His face was pale, his eyes were constricted, and he was pulling at his hair. My eyes soften as I let out a sigh.

"Mark, we need to be calm so we can think clearly, Ok? I know that they'll ok for a while. Jen and Lauren are strong and smart. We need to first figure out who took them and where before we can do anything else. We can't file a missing person either since we have to wait at least 24 hours and we don't have that kind of time." Mark stared at me while his breathing regulated. I let out a sigh and turned back to the room.

I'm freaking out too Mark. I wish I be calm but.....I don't know where to even begin to look. Fuck! I hate this! Why is it when someone needs me the most, I can't do anything? Fuck!.......Wait.......I swear if she.......


"What?" I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

"I'm calling Jes Mark. I have a hunch." She finally answered.

"Jes, I think Blair took Jen and Lauren."

"Come to the library. I'll help you look for them."

"You got it." I hung up the phone and grabbed Mark's arm.

"We're going to the library. Come on." We ran out of the apartment and quickly drove to the library. Jes was waiting for us outside. She hopped into the car and handed Mark an address.

"Look, I'm so sorry about all of this. It's just that, Blair can get very possessive and obsessive over certain things."

"Like Mark."

"Yes, like Mark. When she thinks that what ever she is obsessive over is threatened, she.....well.....lashes out."

"Where are we going anyway?"

"It's a warehouse. She often goes there to calm down."

"Jessica, can we call the cops on her?"

"I-I don't know. She my only child and she's all I have left since....." She became quiet.

I'm not liking where this is going. What are we going to do? Dammit.

The car came to a stop and I immediately jumped out. Mark and Jes followed after as I ran into the warehouse. Once in, I saw Lauren fighting Blair blade to blade. Jen was in the corner, wrapping a iece of torn cloth around her arm. I didn't want this fight to continue any longer so I chucked my switchblade at Blair's leg. She let out a scream as she fell to the ground. Lauren looked at me in shock before smiling.

"Mom!" Lauren ran up and hugged me. Jen then made her way towards us.

"Jen, how are you holding up?" I asked.

"I've been worse." She let out a laugh as Lauren hugged her.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FUCKING DYKES!!" Blair charged at us with both my switchblade and her knife raised.


My posture changed and I got ready to defend but Mark beat me to it. He came out of no where and punched Blair, knocking her out. I relaxed and let out a sigh. I then took my switchblade back.

"Mine." The two girls looked a little uneasy.

"Are you two ok?"

" um..."

"We're both gay mom." Lauren stated.

"Ok. So am I."


"Yep. I'm pansexual. Wait, Jen is that why you got kicked out?"

"Yes." Her voice was low.

"Well then, looks like I'm going to have a little chit-chat with your parents. Oh and Jen, if you want to date my daughter, treat her well."

"You got it."

"And Lauren, treat Jen well too."


Hey guys, real quick. Tomorrow's chapter may come out late and I'm sorry if it does. Anyway, incase you guys didn't know, I also wrote a GameGrumps reader insert and I was wondering something. If it's not asking too much, could you guys do a compare and contrast between the readers in each story? You don't have to. Again, thank you all so much for giving my story a read and may you all be smiled upon.

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