Chapter 5

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"Hey y/n?"

"Hmmm?" Mark was at his computer, editing the Okami episode and I was sitting next to him, watching.

"How many episodes do you this will take?"

"Well, when Cry played it, his series was about 40 episodes."

"40? How long were his episodes?"

"Between 30 to 40 minutes."


"Well, do you want to play the whole way through?"

"Of course. I want to know this story."

"Yay. Oh and wait until you meet Waka."


"Waka. He's one of my favorite characters."

"One of?"

"You can't have just one. Issun is pretty cool too. His backstory and ark is very interesting." Mark gave a nod and went back to editing. After a while, Mark's stomach let out a growl.

"Want me to order pizza?" I asked as I slowly got out of my seat. His stomach responded with a louder growl.

"Please. Thank you y/n" I let out a small laugh and left the room. Once in the hallway, I dialed up the closest pizza place and placed our order. As I waited for the food to arrive, my mind began to wonder.

Why did Lauren seem so familar? Have I met her before? Hmmmmmm. I did travel a lot so maybe she's just a random face........No. She can't be a random face. I know that we met before but, where or when? I don't want to rake through my memories though. Then again, there isn't much to rake through. I always blocked everything out and just surrounded myself in my own world of music and stories. I need to stop doing that or else I will have no memories of my life, just the lives I created.  It's almost as if I never lived.

"Maybe I never did?"

"Never did what?" My shoulders jerked and I let out an 'eep'.

"Woah, woah, woah. I'm sorry y/n. Didn't mean to startle you." I let out a sigh and my shoulder relaxed. I gave Mark a smile.

"It's ok. So, did you finish?"

"Yeah. So what were you talking about earlier?" I suddenly felt as though I was under pressure but I didn't know why.

"Well......uh....... just random thoughts, that's all." Mark didn't look like he believed me but he decided not to push it. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get that." Mark gave my shoulder a pat and went to the door. I followed close behind, almost like a child would to a father.

Father?..........Stop it y/n. You already accepted it.

Mark handed me the two boxes of pizzas and I set them on down on the table while he payed the delivery man. Once payed for, Mark got out two plates and sat on the couch, eating his slices. I joined him after I got mine.

"Sheesh Mark. Eating three slices, you must be hungry"

"I'm a growing man."

"Yeah, a growing man-child."

"Hey, I'm a cute and lovable man-child." I let out a quiet sigh and wore a small smile.

"So, are you only going to eat one slice? You haven't eaten much all day."

"Nope. I'll be having more after this."



"Yeah. I've had friends who would almost starve themselves because they weren't 'thin' enough. A lot of them got sick and it hurt to see them in pain." I whipped my hands clean before giving Mark a hug.

"You're the same caring goofball off-screen as you are on-screen. Also, I understand the pain. I even lost a few friends because the world told them they weren't 'thin' enough or beautiful or they weren't what they were supposed to be. They were though. They were all fine just how they were because, they were themselves. It's hurts seeing someone fall and you can't do anything about it even if you tried. I know certain people who see the world as being so harsh and cruel that they are willing to blind themselves. Rather it be literally or in a figurative manner. It's scary sometimes." I pulled away from the hug and gave Mark a smile.

"The fact that you care so much, that you try so hard, that you do what you can to help, means so much and is just so amazing that I don't know how to express it. All I do know is that you are a good person. You believe in not just yourself but also your fans. You help us believe in themselves and the world. You help us through our own darkness that we believed no one else could, not even ourselves. Mark, I'm sorry about all of this rambling but, don't let anyone tell you that you don't do anything with your life because you have done so much, words can't even explain it. Only the smiles that you bring can. Thank you so much." Mark stared at me for a moment, processing what I said before smiling and even letting out a few tears. He then pulled me into a hug and gave my back a pat.

"I should also be thanking you. You and the rest of my fans helped me through my time of darkness. I can easily say that YouTube was one of the best thing to ever happen to me. How I effect you is the same way you effect me. You are a good person as well." This time, Mark pulled away from the hug and gave me a warm smile.

Who would have thought that pizza would bring up this whole speech? Wait, I'm a good person? That's a first. Maybe there is a happy ending to my tale after all.

For the next hour or so, Mark and I ate more pizza, told jokes and watched a movie.


Hey guys, just to make sure everything is clear, this is not the end of the story. Also, sorry if this got really weird. Also one last little thing. If you reread the two last giant paragraphs with the whole speech thing, rethink the reader as all of his fans.

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